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¬The Multifunctional Digital Centre

A Concept for Developing Countries in the Electronic Age

Verfasser: Altbach, Philip G...    
Ersch.-Ort, Verlag, Ersch.-Jahr: Paris, OECD Publishing, 2001
Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (3 Seiten)


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Verfasser: Altbach, Philip G...
Titel: ¬The Multifunctional Digital Centre
Titelzusatz: A Concept for Developing Countries in the Electronic Age
Verantwortlich: Philip G. Altbach
Ersch.-Ort: Paris
Verlag: OECD Publishing
Ersch.-Jahr: 2001
Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (3 Seiten)
Serie: PEB Exchange, Programme on Educational Building
Abstract: Higher education faces multiple problems in the new millennium, and these are especially acute in developing countries, where expansion is taking place at the same time that state financing is declining and the challenges of technology, access and the maintenance of quality loom ever larger. The idea of the multifunctional digital centre (MDC) provides an important solution to some of the problems faced by higher education in developing countries and has lessons for industrialised nations as well
Sprache: eng