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Foreign Investment and Socio-Economic Development in China

The Case of Dongguan'

Verfasser: Yeung, Godfrey ¬[Verfasser]    
Verlagsort, Verlag, Jahr: London, Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2001
Umfangsangabe: 1 Online-Ressource (XVIII, 273 Seiten)
ISBN: 978-0-333-97811-5


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Titel: Foreign Investment and Socio-Economic Development in China
Zusatz zum Titel: The Case of Dongguan
Verfasser: Yeung, Godfrey ¬[Verfasser]
Volltext: hier klicken
Volltext: hier klicken
DOI: 10.1057/9780333978115
Verfasserangabe: by Godfrey Yeung
Verlagsort: London
Verlag: Palgrave Macmillan UK
ISBN: 978-0-333-97811-5
Jahr: 2001
Umfangsangabe: 1 Online-Ressource (XVIII, 273 Seiten)
Abstract: Godfrey Yeung investigates the causes and socio-economic effects of foreign direct investment in the Dongguan municipality of southern China during the 1990s. As the first comprehensive research based on primary quantitative and qualitative data undertaken in Dongguan, it illustrates that the inflow of foreign capital has both 'desirable' and undesirable' socio-economic effects. Yeung proposes a new 'dynamic symbiosis' paradigm of foreign direct investment in order the illuminate the complex political and socio-economic relationships of the area