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1651089183  Zitierlink
The Paleogene and Neogene of Western Iberia (Portugal) : A Cenozoic record in the European Atlantic domain / by João Pais
Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012
Online-Ressource (VI, 158p. 37 illus., 21 illus. in color, digital)
Includes bibliographical references and index
Mehr zum Titel:
The Paleogene and Neogene of Western Iberia (Portugal); Contents; 1 The Paleogene and Neogene of Western Iberia (Portugal): A Cenozoic Record in the European Atlantic Domain; 1…Introduction; 2…Tectonic Evolution of Western Iberia During the Cenozoic; 2.1 The Regional Context; 2.2 Cenozoic Inversion in Western Iberia; 2.2.1 The Late Variscan to Mesozoic Heritage; 2.2.2 The Cenozoic Compression; Cenozoic Compression; 3…Douro Basin (Western Proximal Sector); 3.1 General Aspects; 3.2 Paleogene; 3.3 Upper Miocene to Lower Pliocene; 3.4 Upper Pliocene; 3.5 Lower Pleistocene; 4…Mondego Basin
4.1 General Aspects4.2 Upper Campanian to Lower Eocene; 4.3 Middle Eocene to Oligocene; 4.4 Middle Miocene; 4.5 Upper Miocene to Lower Pleistocene; 5…Lower Tejo Basin; 5.1 General Aspects; 5.2 Distal Sector of the Lower Tejo Basin (Lisboa and Setúbal Peninsula); 5.3 Paleogene; 5.4 Neogene; 5.4.1 Miocene; 5.4.2 Depositional Sequence A1 (Aquitanian); Div. I (Part)-Prazeres Clays; 5.4.3 Depositional Sequence A2 (Aquitanian-Lower Burdigalian); Div. I (Part)-Prazeres Clays; 5.4.4 Depositional Sequence B0 (Burdigalian); Div. II-Estefânia Avenue Sands With Chlamys pseudo-pandorae
5.4.5 Depositional Sequence B1 (Burdigalian)Div. III-Banco Real; Div. IVa-Forno do Tijolo Blue Clays; Div. IVb-Quinta do Bacalhau Sands; 5.4.6 Depositional Sequence B2 (Upper Burdigalian); Div. Va1-Casal Vistoso Limestones with Chlamys scabrella; Div. Va2-Placuna miocaenica Sands; 5.4.7 Depositional Sequence L1 (Upper Burdigalian, Langhian and Lower Serravallian); Div. Va3-Musgueira Limestones with Chlamys scabriuscula; 5.4.8 Divs. Vb e Vc (part)-Vale de Chelas Sands (Vb) and Quinta das Conchas Limestones with Spathic Fossils and Anomia choffati (Part Vc)
5.4.9 Depositional Sequence S1 (Langhian-Lower Serravallian)Divs. Vc (Part), VIa e VIb (part)-Quinta das Conchas Limestones with Spathic Fossils and Anomia choffati (Part, Vc), Xabregas Blue Clays (VIa) and Grilos Sandstones with Schizaster scillae (Part, VIb); 5.4.10 Depositional Sequence S2 (Serravallian); Divs. VIb e VIc (Part)-Grilos Sandstones with Schizaster Scillae (VIb) and Marvila Limestones with Pycnodonta squarrosa (Part, VIc); 5.4.11 Depositional Sequences T1 and T2 (Tortonian)
Divs. VIc (Part), VIIa e VIIb-Marvila Limestones with Pycnodonta Squarrosa (Part, VIc), Braço de Prata Sands with Flabellipecten Tenuisulcatus (Div. VIIa) and Cabo Ruivo Sands with Chlamys Macrotis From (VIIb)5.4.12 Península de Setúbal Region; 5.4.13 Aquitanian; Palhavã Marly Limestones; 5.4.14 Burdigalian; Azeitão Mudstones and Marls; Foz da Fonte and Penedo South Calcarenites and Marls; 5.4.15 Langhian-Serravallian; Penedo Glauconitic Deposits; 5.4.16 Langhian-Serravallian; Quinta da Torre Sands; Pinhal and Castelo de Palmela Arenites and Calcarenites; 5.4.17 Tortonian
Ribeira das Lages Deposits
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang:
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-3-642-22400-3 (Printausgabe)
Library of Congress Classification: QE1-996.5 | QE755.I24
Dewey Decimal Classification: 551
Basisklassifikation: 38.16 | 38.55
bicssc: RBG
bisacsh: SCI031000
The book includes a general description of the Portuguese Cenozoic basins in the Iberian tectonic context. The main stratigraphic units, including sedimentological, stratigraphical and palaeontological data, are characterized. Correlations between different sectors are presented as well as general paleogeographical evolution maps. The volume includes a general bibliography concerning the Cenozoic of Portugal
Links zum Titel:
ZDB-2-EES 2012
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