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Ihre Aktion suchen [und] ([PPN] Pica-Produktionsnummer) 799462829 | 1 Treffer
Online Ressourcen (ohne Zeitschr.)
799462829  Zitierlink
Sonst. Personen:
Charlottesville, Va : University of Virginia Press, c2005
Online Ressource (x, 308 p.)
Includes bibliographical references (p. 241-284) and index. - Description based on print version record
Mehr zum Titel:
International financial crisisNationalizing the economy -- Dollar devaluation and the monetary group -- Monetary policy and the Hoover-Strawn Group -- Fiscal policy and regional diversity -- The myth of a corporate state -- The limits of planning -- Trade reciprocity or the land used as concealed dole -- Relief, public works, and social insurance -- The new economics -- The national resources planning board -- Mature capitalism and developmental economics -- The economics of recovery.
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang:
Print version: Roosevelt, the Great Depression, and the economics of recovery
Weitere Ausgaben: 0-8139-2368-9 (Printausgabe), 0-8139-2696-3 (Printausgabe), 978-0-8139-2368-0 (Printausgabe), 978-0-8139-2696-4 (Printausgabe)
Falsche ISBN:
*0813923689 - ISBN *9780813923680 - ISBN *9780813926964 - ISBN *0813926963
*Roosevelt, Franklin D. 1882-1945 ; Roosevelt, Franklin D. 1882-1945 -- Roosevelt, Franklin D. ; Depressions -- 1929 -- United States ; New Deal ; Crises économiques -- 1929 -- États-Unis ; United States -- Economic conditions -- 1918-1945 ; United States -- Economic policy -- To 1933 ; United States -- Economic policy -- 1933-1945 -- Verenigde Staten ; États-Unis -- Conditions économiques -- 1918-1945 ; États-Unis -- Politique économique -- Jusqu'à 1933 ; États-Unis -- Politique économique -- 1933-1945 -- USA ; Roosevelt, Franklin D -- (Franklin Delano) -- 1882-1945 ; New Deal, 1933-1939 ; Depressions -- 1929 -- United States ; United States -- Economic conditions -- 1918-1945 ; United States -- Economic policy -- To 1933 ; United States -- Economic policy -- 1933-1945 ; New Deal, 1933-1939 ; Roosevelt, Franklin D -- (Franklin Delano) -- 1882-1945 ; Depressions -- 1929 -- United States ; United States -- Economic conditions -- 1918-1945 ; United States -- Economic policy -- To 1933 ; United States -- Economic policy -- 1933-1945 ; Electronic books
Library of Congress Classification: HC106.3
Dewey Decimal Classification: 330.9730917
bcl: 15.85
bisacsh: BUS022000
bisacsh: BUS023000
bisacsh: BUS069010
bisacsh: POL023000
bisacsh: BUS 069010
bisacsh: POL 023000
bisacsh: BUS 023000
bisacsh: BUS 022000
bisacsh: HIS036060
bisacsh: POL 023000
bisacsh: BUS 069010
bisacsh: BUS 023000
bisacsh: BUS 022000
"Historians have often speculated on the alternative paths the United States might have taken during the Great Depression: What if Franklin D. Roosevelt had been killed by one of Giuseppe Zangara's bullets in Miami on February 15, 1933? Would there have been a New Deal under an administration led by Herbert Hoover had he been reelected in 1932? To what degree were Roosevelt's own ideas and inclinations, as opposed to those of his contemporaries, essential to the formulation of New Deal policies?
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