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The Cambridge handbook of cognitive linguistics / edited by Barbara Dancygier

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Titel The Cambridge handbook of cognitive linguistics / edited by Barbara Dancygier
PersonDancygier, Barbara [Herausgeber/in]
VeröffentlichungCambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2021
Umfang / Format 823 Seiten : Illustrationen, Grafiken ; 24,4 cm
Anmerkungen Anmerkung zur Sprache und Schrift der Expression: Englisch
Gesamtwerk (Cambridge handbooks in language and linguistics)
Schlagwortkette Kognitive Linguistik
Zusammenfassung The best survey of cognitive linguistics available, this Handbook provides a thorough explanation of its rich methodology, key results, and interdisciplinary context. With in-depth coverage of the research questions, basic concepts, and various theoretical approaches, the Handbook addresses newly emerging subfields and shows their contribution to the discipline. The Handbook introduces fields of study that have become central to cognitive linguistics, such as conceptual mappings and construction grammar. It explains all the main areas of linguistic analysis traditionally expected in a full linguistics framework, and includes fields of study such as language acquisition, sociolinguistics, diachronic studies, and corpus linguistics. Setting linguistic facts within the context of many other disciplines, the Handbook will be welcomed by researchers and students in a broad range of disciplines, including linguistics, cognitive science, neuroscience, gesture studies, computational linguistics, and multimodal studies.
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