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No One Goes Alone : A Novel / Erik Larson ; Julian Rhind-Tutt [Erzähler/in] ; Erik Larson [Erzähler/in]

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MedienartE-Audio [E-Audio]
Titel No One Goes Alone : A Novel / Erik Larson ; Julian Rhind-Tutt [Erzähler/in] ; Erik Larson [Erzähler/in]
PersonLarson, Erik [Verfasser/in]
Rhind-Tutt, Julian [Erzähler/in]
Larson, Erik [Erzähler/in]
VeröffentlichungPenguin Random House Audio Publishing Group, 2021
Random House Audio
Gesamtwerk (A Random House Audiobook Original)
Zusammenfassung " From New York Times bestselling author Erik Larson comes his first venture into fiction, an otherworldly tale of intrigue and the impossible that marshals his trademark approach to nonfiction to create something new: a ghost story thoroughly grounded in history. Pioneering psychologist William James leads an expedition to a remote isle in search of answers after a family inexplicably vanishes. Was the cause rooted in the physical world . . . or were there forces more paranormal and sinister at work? Available only on audio, because as Larson says, ghost stories are best told aloud. A group of researchers sets sail for the Isle of Dorn in the North Atlantic in 1905 to explore the cause of several mysterious disappearances, most notably a family of four who vanished without a trace after a week-long holiday on the island. Led by Professor James, a prominent member of the Society for Psychical Research, they begin to explore the island&rsquo, sole cottage and surrounding landscape in search of a logical explanation. The idyllic setting belies an undercurrent of danger and treachery, with raging storms and unnerving discoveries adding to the sense of menace. As increasingly unexplainable events unfold, the now-stranded investigators are unsure whether they can trust their own eyes, their instincts, one another&mdash,r even themselves. Erik Larson has written a terrifying tale of suspense, underpinned with actual people and events. Created specifically to entertain audio listeners, this eerie blend of the ghostly and the real will keep listeners captivated till the blood-chilling end. Featuring Erik Larson reading his Notes for a Narrator . "
Sammelrezension Biographisches: " Erik Larson is the author of six national bestsellers: The Splendid and the Vile , Dead Wake , In the Garden of Beasts , Thunderstruck , The Devil in the White City , and Isaac&rsquo, Storm , which have collectively sold more than ten million copies. His books have been published in nearly twenty countries."
Biographisches: " Erik Larson is the author of six national bestsellers: The Splendid and the Vile , Dead Wake , In the Garden of Beasts , Thunderstruck , The Devil in the White City , and Isaac&rsquo, Storm , which have collectively sold more than ten million copies. His books have been published in nearly twenty countries."
Rezension(3): "AudioFile:Julian Rhind-Tutt performs this ghost story in a style that suits this audio-only production. Set in 1905 on the desolate island of Dorn, off the Cornwall coast, the novel features mostly British characters. The sole exception is American professor William James. The choice to portray James in a flat tone seems inaccurate for the upper-crust man he was. That said, Rhind-Tutt narrates all the Brits well and gives atmosphere to the ghost story. Writer Erik Larson clearly has fun with his first foray into fiction and pays attention to the science of the day, particularly with respect to a character who is an engineer with expertise in radio waves. This suspenseful, engrossing audiobook is packed with surprises, even a romantic twist. A.D.M. � AudioFile 2021, Portland, Maine"
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