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I am not starfire / written by Mariko Tamaki ; art by Yoshi Yoshitani ; letters by Aditya Bidikar ; starefire created by Marv Wolfman & George Pérez

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MedienartBuch [Buch]
VerfasserTamaki, Mariko
Yoshitani, Yoshi [Künstler/in]
Titel I am not starfire / written by Mariko Tamaki ; art by Yoshi Yoshitani ; letters by Aditya Bidikar ; starefire created by Marv Wolfman & George Pérez
PersonBidikar, Aditya
VeröffentlichungNew York, NY : DC Comics, 2021
Umfang / Format 166 Seiten
Genre Lgbtqia, queer
Superhelden und Superheldinnen
Inhalt Seventeen-year-old Mandy, daughter of Starfire, is NOT like her mother. Starfire is gorgeous, tall, sparkly, and a hero. Mandy is NOT a sparkly superhero. Mandy has no powers, is a kid who dyes her hair black and hates everyone but her best friend Lincoln. To Starfire, who is from another planet, Mandy seems like an alien, like some distant angry light years away moon. And it's possible Mandy is even more distant lately, ever since she walked out on her S.A.T.s. Which, yeah, her mom doesn't know. Everyone thinks Mandy needs to go to college and become whoever you become at college, but Mandy has other plans. Mandy's big plan is that she's going to move to France whatever people do in France. But then everything changes when she gets partnered with Claire for a school project. Mandy likes Claire (even if she denies it, heartily and intensely). A lot. How do you become the person you're supposed to be when you don't know what that is? How do you become the person you're supposed to be when the only thing you're sure of is what you're not? (Publisher)
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