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A student's introduction to English grammar / Rodney Huddleston, Geoffrey K. Pullum and Brett Reynolds

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MedienartBuch [Buch]
VerfasserHuddleston, Rodney D.
Pullum, Geoffrey K.
Reynolds, Brett
Titel A student's introduction to English grammar / Rodney Huddleston, Geoffrey K. Pullum and Brett Reynolds
VeröffentlichungCambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2022
Umfang / Format 400 Seiten : Grafiken ; 24,6 cm
Ausgabesecond edition
Anmerkungen Anmerkung zur Sprache und Schrift der Expression: Englisch
Schlagwortkette Englisch ; Grammatik
Zusammenfassung A new edition of a successful undergraduate textbook on contemporary international Standard English grammar, based on Huddleston and Pullum's earlier award-winning work, The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language (2002). The analyses defended there are outlined here more briefly, in an engagingly accessible and informal style. Errors of the older tradition of English grammar are noted and corrected, and the excesses of prescriptive usage manuals are firmly rebutted in specially highlighted notes that explain what older authorities have called 'incorrect' and show why those authorities are mistaken. Intended for students in colleges or universities who have little or no background in grammar or linguistics, this teaching resource contains numerous exercises and online resources suitable for any course on the structure of English in either linguistics or English departments. A thoroughly modern undergraduate textbook, rewritten in an easy-to-read conversational style with a minimum of technical and theoretical terminology.
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