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* Ihre Aktion  Suchen ([PPN] Pica-Produktionsnummer) 523916531
Sonst. Personen: 
West Lafayette, Ind. : Purdue Univ. Press, 2008
XXI, 413 S
Art des Inhalts: 
Includes bibliographical references and index
1-55753-460-8 alk. paper (pbk)
978-1-55753-460-6 : alk. paper (pbk)
Mehr zum Titel: 
Why did Yugoslavia disintegrate? an overview of contending explanations -- The historical legacy-- National ideologies and Yugoslavia's viability as a state -- The historical legacy: the evolution of interwar Yugoslav politics, 1918-1941-- The legacy of two world wars -- The socialist legacy-- Nation/people/republic: self-determination in socialist Yugoslavia -- The reopening of the "national question" in the 1960s-- The Croatian spring and the dissolution of Yugoslavia-- Return engagement: intellectuals and nationalism in Tito's Yugoslavia -- The breakdown: the 1980s-- A last attempt at educational integration: the failure of the "common educational cores" in Yugoslavia in the early 1980s-- The inter-regional struggle for resources and the fall of Yugoslavia-- The Slovenian-Croatian confederal proposal: a tactical move or an ultimate solution?-- Destruction of the Yugoslav Federation: policy or confluence of tactics?-- The role of the Yugoslav people's army in the dissolution of Yugoslavia: the army without a state?--The disintegration of Yugoslavia and western foreign policy in the 1980s-- Disintegrative synergies and the dissolution of socialist federations: Yugoslavia in comparative perspective
Global Trade Item Number: 
Mehr zum Thema: 
Klassifikation der Library of Congress: DR1298
Dewey Dezimal-Klassifikation: 949.702;
Why did Yugoslavia disintegrate? an overview of contending explanations -- The historical legacy-- National ideologies and Yugoslavia's viability as a state -- The historical legacy: the evolution of interwar Yugoslav politics, 1918-1941-- The legacy of two world wars -- The socialist legacy-- Nation/people/republic: self-determination in socialist Yugoslavia -- The reopening of the "national question" in the 1960s-- The Croatian spring and the dissolution of Yugoslavia-- Return engagement: intellectuals and nationalism in Tito's Yugoslavia -- The breakdown: the 1980s-- A last attempt at educational integration: the failure of the "common educational cores" in Yugoslavia in the early 1980s-- The inter-regional struggle for resources and the fall of Yugoslavia-- The Slovenian-Croatian confederal proposal: a tactical move or an ultimate solution?-- Destruction of the Yugoslav Federation: policy or confluence of tactics?-- The role of the Yugoslav people's army in the dissolution of Yugoslavia: the army without a state?--The disintegration of Yugoslavia and western foreign policy in the 1980s-- Disintegrative synergies and the dissolution of socialist federations: Yugoslavia in comparative perspective
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Lokale Schlagwörter: 
ZZF 23799
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