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745039715  Zitierlink
Antibiotics : targets, mechanisms and resistance / edited by Gualerzi, Claudio O.; Brandi, Letizia; Fabbretti, Attilio; Pon, Cynthia L.
Weinheim : Wiley-VCH-Verl., [2014]
Art des Inhalts:
XXIV, 549 Seiten : Illustrationen
Archivierung/Langzeitarchivierung gewährleistet (Rechtsgrundlage Pflichtexemplar Baden-Württemberg). BLB Karlsruhe
Mehr zum Titel:
A chemist's survey of different antibiotic classes -- Antibacterial discovery: problems and possibilities -- Impact of microbial natural products on antibacterial drug discovery -- Antibiotics and resistance: a fatal attraction -- Fitness costs of antibiotic resistance -- Inhibitors of cell-wall synthesis -- Inhibitors of bacetrial cell partitioning -- The membrane as a novel target site for antibiotics to kill persisting bacterial pathogens -- Bacterial membrane, a key for controlling drug influx and efflux -- Interference with bacterial cell-to-cell chemical signaling in development of new anti-infectives -- Recent developments in inhibitors of bacterial type IIA topoisomerases -- Antibiotics targeting bacterial RNA polymerase -- Inhibitors targeting riboswitches and ribozymes -- Targeting ribonuclease P -- Involvement of ribosome biogenesis in antibiotic functions, acquired resistance, and future opportunities in drug discovery -- Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase inhibitors -- Antibiotics targeting translation initiation in prokaryotes -- Inhibitors of bacterial elongation factor EF-Tu -- Aminoglycoside antibiotics: structural decoding of inhibitors targeting the ribosomal decoding A site -- Reptidyltransferase inhibitors of the bacterial ribosome -- Antibiotics inhibiting the translocation step of protein elongation on the ribosome -- Antibiotics at the ribosomal exit tunnel -- selected structual aspects -- Targeting HSP70 to fight cancer and bad bugs: one and the same battle?
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang:
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-3-527-65971-5, 978-3-527-65970-8, 978-3-527-65969-2, 978-3-527-65968-5
Dewey Decimal Classification: [DDC22ger] 615.329
Basisklassifikation: 44.38 (Pharmakologie) Subject
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