
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin

Ihre Suchanfrage Verbund-ISN = BV035413787

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Thinking about feeling

contemporary philosophers on emotions

Verlagsort, Verlag, Jahr: Oxford ; New York, Oxford University Press, 2004
Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (x, 297 Seiten)
ISBN / ISSN: 0-19-530334-2


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Titel: Thinking about feeling
Sonst. Personen: Solomon, Robert C.
HSTZusatz: contemporary philosophers on emotions
Verf.Vorlag: edited by Robert C. Solomon
Verlagsort: Oxford ; New York
Verlag: Oxford University Press
Jahr (Ansetzg): 2004
Jahr: 2004
Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (x, 297 Seiten)
Format: 24 cm
Serie/Reihe: Series in affective science
Allg. Fussnoten: Includes bibliographical references (p. 279-292) and index
Allg. Fussnoten: Emotions, physiology, and intentionality.Primitive emotions /John Deigh --Emotion: biological fact or social construction /Jenefer Robinson --Embodied emotions /Jesse Prinz --Emotion, appraisal, and cognition.Emotions : what I know, what I'd like to think I know, and what I'd like to think /Ronald de Sousa --Emotions, thoughts, and feelings : emotions as engagements with the world /Robert C. Solomon --Emotions and feelings.Emotion, feeling, and knowledge of the world /Peter Goldie --Subjectivity and emotion /Cheshire Calhoun --Emotions and rationality.Emotions, rationality, and mind/body /Patricia Greenspan --Some considerations about intellectual desire and emotions /Michael Stocker --Emotions, action, and freedom.Emotion and action /Jon Elster --Emotions and freedom /Jerome Neu --Emotion and value.Emotions as judgments of value and importance /Martha Nussbaum --Feelings that matter /Annette Baier --Perturbations of desire : emotions disarming morality in the "Great song" of The M
ISBN / ISSN: 0-19-530334-2
Preis/Einband: electronic bk.
DDC: 128.37
LC-Notation: B815
Schlagwort: Gefühl / Philosophie
Verbundkatalog: BVB
Verbund-ISN: BV035413787
Sprache: eng
Ersch. Form: m
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