Alzheimer's & Dementia, Wiley, Vol. 16, No. S7 ( 2020-12)
The RECage Project, funded by the European Commission, in the framework of the H2020 RIA projects, has a threefold objective: a) to validate a clinical intervention (the Special Care Unit for Behavioural and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia: acronym SCU‐B); b) to adapt it and produce a consensus document on a model SCU‐B c) to promote the implementation and scaling up of the intervention. The first objective is pursued through a clinical trial comparing two cohorts of persons with dementia of any etiology and important BPSD, the first one followed by clinical centres endowed with a SCU‐B and the second by centres lacking this facility. The study involves 520 patients and the follow‐up will last three years. Presently the recruitment phase has just ended and the results are foreseen in 2023. The clinical centres are located in six countries: Italy, France, Germany, Greece, Switzerland and Norway. Method In order to provide useful data for the second and third phase of the Recage project the Consortium decided to conduct a qualitative analysis in two Italian centres, the one with SCU‐B (Gazzaniga) and the other without SCU‐B (Mantova). The aims of this qualitative study were: to provide context and needs analysis for each case, underlying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis); to identify the (social) innovations promoted by SCU‐B experiences; to identify the replicability characteristics of the SCU‐Bs, to support its implementation in different context. Seven expert interviews and four focus groups have been conducted, with 40 experts and stakeholders involved by specific invitation. The focus groups have been carried out both with the professionals (physicians, physiotherapists, psychologists, occupational therapists, nursing assistants, nurses, educational workers) and with the local stakeholders (local institutions, social services, volunteers, GPs, informal caregivers). Result The qualitative analysis shows that: the SCU‐B promotes social innovation; there are opportunities to promote SI and to build a SCU‐B in context in which it is lacking; currently, the complete system seems less replicable than some specific part of it. Conclusion We hope that these preliminary results can be confirmed by future analysis and help the development of new SCU‐B.
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