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    In: Blood, American Society of Hematology, Vol. 136, No. Supplement 1 ( 2020-11-5), p. 30-31
    Abstract: BACKGROUND: In 2014 we identified a new subset of DLBCL, defined as "IgM-secreting" (Cox MC & Di Napoli A , PLOS One 2014). This was characterised by poor prognostic features and outcome as well as frequent central nervous (CNS) system localizations. Furthermore, IgM-secretion, was an independent prognostic factor in multivariate analysis. Here we report on the largest series of IgM-secreting-DLBCL, from a multicentre Italian study. METHODS: The observational and biological study was approved by the Ethical Committee of the AUO Sant'Andrea, Italy. Enrolment criteria were: DLBCL with an associated IgM paraprotein diagnosed between 1st January 2010 and 31st December 2018 (IgM-secreting). Data were collected both prospectively and retrospectively from 17 Centres participating in the study. In addition, histopathology samples were centrally revised for immunohistochemistry (IHC) and FISH analyses. The control group (CTRL) consisted in a series of consecutive DLBCL, without an associated IgM-paraprotein (diagnosed between 01/01/2013 and 30/06/2016, enrolled in the Lymphoma Registry of the Lazio region (ReLLi Network). Last follow-up was carried out on 31st December 2019. RESULTS: 569 DLBCL cases were enrolled: 102 (17.9%) were IgM-secreting; 48 (8.4%) had a non-IgM paraprotein (IgA, IgG, or other), and 414 (72.7%) had no associated paraprotein (CTRL). IgM-secreting cases within the consecutive DLBCL patients enrolled in the ReLLi Registry were 41/466 (8.8%, 95CI 6.4-11.7%) while non IgM-paraprotein DLBCL cases were 11/466 (2.4%, 95CI 1.2-4.2%). The median level of IgM paraprotein was 17gr/L (range: & lt;1-84gr/L); 83/102 (81.3%) were IgMk and 23/102 (22.5%) IgML respectively. The IgM-secreting group differed from the CTRL because the following characteristics were significantly more frequent: 1] age & gt;60 (p=.001); 2] advanced stage (p & lt;.001); 3] PS≥2 (p=.001); 4] LDH & gt;UNL (p=.008) ; 5] ≥2 Extra-nodal sites involved (p & lt;.001) ; 6] IPI 3-5 (p & lt;.001); 7] central nervous system (CNS) involvement at diagnosis or relapse (p & lt;.001); 8] lower rate of complete remission(CR) at the end of induction immunochemotherapy (p & lt;.001). Conversely, no differences were observed for: sex, B-symptoms, HCV and HBV status, bulky disease, age≥80 years, and for transformation from low-grade lymphoma. PATHOLOGICAL AND MOLECULAR FEATURES: Paraffin tissue from 74 CTRL and 69 IgM-secreting was suitable for immunohistochemistry (IHC). The non-GCB subtype, based on Hans algorithm, was prevalent in the IgM-secreting (p=.005). No difference in BCL2 expression alone or in MYC and BCL2 double expression was observed within groups. In 48/63(76%; 95CI: 64-86%) IgM-secreting cases, both the IgM heavy and the corresponding kappa or lambda light chain protein expression were detected in the cytoplasm of the neoplastic clone. FISH analyses for MYC, BCL2 and BCL6 genes rearrangements performed in 25 IgM-secreting cases with either expression of MYC protein or a GC-phenotype showed no evidence of double or triple hits (DH/TH). TREATMENT: in the IgM-secreting group more patients were treated with RCOMP and with less intensive approach than the CTRL (p & lt;.001). SURVIVAL: The median follow-up time was 46 months (95CI= 44-49; range 18-101) with 130 events and an incidence rate x100 person/year of 7.22 (95%CI 6.08-8.58) and a 5-yr OS of 76% (95CI 72-79%). The 5-PFS was 61% (95CI 57-65%). In univariable analysis age & gt;60, B-symptoms, bulky disease, IPI & gt;low risk and IgM-secreting IgM showed a worse survival (all with p & lt;0.001). Also, the IgM-secreting group, showed a worse survival compared to the DLBCL with an associated IgG/IgA paraprotein (p & lt;0.001). Adjusting in multiple Cox regression, IgM-secreting with IPI, gender, bulky and B-symptoms, maintain a higher risk of death either in the all cohort (HR 1.93, 95CI 1.34-2.78, p & lt;0.001) or in patients with age & lt;80 (HR 1.71, 95CI 1.16-2.54, p=0.007). Noteworthy, a survival sub-analysis showed that the 12/69 (17.4%) IgM-secreting with a GC-type had a better OS (9=0.008) and PFS (p=0.002) compared to the 57/69 (82.6%) IgM-secreting with a non-GC-type. CONCLUSION: Our data confirm that IgM-secreting DLBCL: 1) represents a sizable proportion of non-DH DLBCL; 2) have poor prognostic features and 3) have mostly a non-GC phenotype. Furthermore, IgM secretion appears to be an independent prognostic factor for both PFS and OS. Studies to define the biological features of this new subset are ongoing. Disclosures Cantonetti: Mundipharma: Consultancy; Takeda: Consultancy; Vifor: Consultancy; Roche: Consultancy. Re:BerGenBio ASA: Research Funding. Abruzzese:Incyte: Consultancy, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees; Novartis: Consultancy, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees; Pfizer: Consultancy, Membership on an entity's Board of Directors or advisory committees; Bms: Honoraria.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 0006-4971 , 1528-0020
    Language: English
    Publisher: American Society of Hematology
    Publication Date: 2020
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 1468538-3
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 80069-7
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  • 2
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    Hematology Section, Dept. of Radiological Science and Hematology, Catholic University, Rome, Italy ; 2012
    In:  Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases Vol. 4, No. 1 ( 2012-01-18), p. e2012005-
    In: Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases, Hematology Section, Dept. of Radiological Science and Hematology, Catholic University, Rome, Italy, Vol. 4, No. 1 ( 2012-01-18), p. e2012005-
    Abstract: Primary pancreatic lymphoma (PPL) is an extremely rare disease which occurs in pancreas, accounts for less than 1% of extra-nodal malignant lymphomas and 0,5% of cases of pancreatic masses. We report the case of PPL in a 15 year-old boy suffering from Maturity onset Diabetes of the young type 3 (MODY3) diagnosed at the age of 1 year
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 2035-3006
    Language: Unknown
    Publisher: Hematology Section, Dept. of Radiological Science and Hematology, Catholic University, Rome, Italy
    Publication Date: 2012
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2674750-9
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  • 3
    In: Clinical Cancer Research, American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), Vol. 14, No. 24 ( 2008-12-15), p. 8205-8212
    Abstract: Purpose: Cancer stem cells (CSC) are thought to represent the population of tumorigenic cells responsible for tumor development. The stem cell antigen CD133 identifies such a tumorigenic population in a subset of glioblastoma patients. We conducted a prospective study to explore the prognostic potential of CSC analysis in glioblastoma patients. Experimental Design: We investigated the relationship between the in vitro growth potential of glioblastoma CSCs and patient death or disease progression in tumors of 44 consecutive glioblastoma patients treated with complete or partial tumorectomy followed by radiotherapy combined with temozolomide treatment. Moreover, we evaluated by immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence the prognostic value of the relative presence of CD133+ and CD133+/Ki67+ cells in patient tumors. Results: In vitro CSC generation and the presence of ≥2% CD133+ cells in tumor lesions negatively correlated with overall (P = 0.0001 and 0.02, respectively) and progression-free (P = 0.0002 and 0.01, respectively) survival of patients. A very poor overall (P = 0.007) and progression-free (P = 0.001) survival was observed among patients whose tumors contained CD133+ cells expressing Ki67. Taking into account symptom duration, surgery type, age, O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase promoter methylation, and p53 status, generation of CSCs and CD133/Ki67 coexpression emerged as highly significant independent prognostic factors, with an adjusted hazard ratio of 2.92 (95% confidence interval, 1.37-6.2; P = 0.005) and 4.48 (95% confidence interval, 1.68-11.9; P = 0.003), respectively. Conclusions: The analysis of CSCs may predict the survival of glioblastoma patients. In vitro CSC generation and presence of CD133+/Ki67+ cells are two considerable prognostic factors of disease progression and poor clinical outcome.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 1078-0432 , 1557-3265
    Language: English
    Publisher: American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
    Publication Date: 2008
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 1225457-5
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2036787-9
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  • 4
    In: Journal of Clinical Oncology, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Vol. 30, No. 15_suppl ( 2012-05-20), p. e14042-e14042
    Abstract: e14042 Background: The KRAS aKtive program was started on March 2009, promoted by the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM) and the Italian Society of Surgical Pathology and Cytopathologyy (SIAPEC) to support the activity of oncologists and pathologists involved in the management of metastatic colorectal cancer patients who need the assessment of the mutational status of the KRAS gene. Methods: The program was specifically devised to facilitate the exchange of biologic material, clinicopathological data and diagnostic reports within a network of oncologist, pathologists and pathology/molecular biology reference laboratories throughout Italy, connected through the site KRAS mutation analysis was performed by Sanger sequencing (SS), real time PCR or other techniques, including pyrosequencing and hybridization strip assays. Data were collected in a common database. Results: The KRAS aKtive program has involved 478 oncologists, 144 pathologists, and 24 reference laboratories. A total of 7,432 KRAS mutations analyses were performed. The tests were informative in 7,265 cases (98%). The vast majority of tests (5,626 cases, 77.4%) were conducted by SS. In 529 (7.3%) cases a real-time PCR assay was used, other detection techniques were used in 1,110 (15.3%) cases. KRAS mutations at codons 12-13 were detected in 2,874 cases (39,6%). The frequency of mutations detected by real-time PCR or other techniques (45%, and 43%, respectively) was significantly higher (p=0.002, and p=0.008%, respectively) than that observed by SS (38%). The percentage of cases evaluated by non-SS-based methods has increased during the first three years of the program. Conclusions: The results of this large survey allow an accurate estimation of the actual prevalence of KRAS mutations and their types in caucasian colorectal cancer patients. Our data indicate that the frequency of mutations detected by non-SS-based methods is higher than that obtained by SS.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 0732-183X , 1527-7755
    Language: English
    Publisher: American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
    Publication Date: 2012
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2005181-5
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  • 5
    In: Blood, American Society of Hematology, Vol. 119, No. 10 ( 2012-03-08), p. 2219-2227
    Abstract: Sixty-four patients 〈 20 years of age, investigated for a suspicion of Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative disease (MPD), were retrospectively evaluated to characterize the different forms and to examine the treatments used and long-term outcome. JAK2 mutations, endogenous erythroid colony growth, and clonality were investigated in 51 children. Mutations of thrombopoietin, the thrombopoietin receptor (MPL), and the erythropoietin receptor and mutations of other genes involved in the pathogenesis of MPD were investigated in JAK2 wild-type patients. Based on our criteria for childhood MPD, we identified 34 patients with sporadic thrombocythemia (ST), 16 with hereditary thrombocytosis (HT), 11 with sporadic polycythemia (SP), and 3 with hereditary polycythemia (HP). JAK2V617F mutations were present in 47.5% of ST and in no HT. The MPLS505A mutation was detected in 15/16 HT patients and in no ST (P 〈 .00001). The JAK2V617F mutation occurred in 27% of SP patients diagnosed according to the Polycythemia Vera Study Group or World Health Organization 2001 criteria. Children with ST received more cytoreductive drugs than those with HT (P = .0006). After a median follow-up of 124 months, no patient had developed leukemia or myelofibrosis and 5% had thrombosis; the miscarriage rate in thrombocythemic patients was 14%. The low complication rate in our population suggests that children with MPD may be managed by tailored approaches.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 0006-4971 , 1528-0020
    Language: English
    Publisher: American Society of Hematology
    Publication Date: 2012
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 1468538-3
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 80069-7
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  • 6
    In: Thrombosis Research, Elsevier BV, Vol. 131, No. 3 ( 2013-03), p. 238-243
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 0049-3848
    Language: English
    Publisher: Elsevier BV
    Publication Date: 2013
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 1500780-7
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  • 7
    In: Leukemia & Lymphoma, Informa UK Limited, Vol. 55, No. 2 ( 2014-02), p. 270-275
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 1042-8194 , 1029-2403
    Language: English
    Publisher: Informa UK Limited
    Publication Date: 2014
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2030637-4
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  • 8
    In: Blood, American Society of Hematology, Vol. 114, No. 22 ( 2009-11-20), p. 1889-1889
    Abstract: Abstract 1889 Poster Board I-912 Introduction: MPD rarely occur in children and published data of pediatric patients (pts) are limited. In adults, current diagnostic criteria are those of the WHO2008 and the therapeutic options are supported by controlled studies. From our experience, we suggested that the biological markers show a clinical relevance in Ph- MPD children and may influence their management. Patients and methods: We retrospectively analyzed 65 pts aged ≤20 years (yrs) at diagnosis (dx) with Ph-negative MPD, observed between December 1981 and March 2009. Dx was performed according to the PVSG or WHO criteria. Since 2002, 52/65 pts were studied for JAK2 mutations, polycytemia rubra vera-1 (PRV-1) RNA expression, thrombopoietin (TPO) and its receptor (c-MPL) mutations, erythropoietin receptor (EPO-r) gene mutations, spontaneous endogenous erythroid colony (EECs) growth, clonality on female pts. Results: Thirty-nine females and 26 males with a median age at dx of 14 yrs were classified as follow: 34 (52%) essential thrombocythemia (ET), 16 (24.5%) familial thrombocythemia (FT), 11 (17%) polycythemia vera (PV), 3 (4.5%) familial polycythemia (FP) and 1 idiopathic myelofibrosis (IM). Clinical and biological data, treatment and outcome are reported. Pts with familial disease were younger than those with the sporadic form (p 〈 .05). Hematocrit (Hct) values were higher in ET than in FT pts (p .0047). Fifty pts underwent a bone marrow aspirate and biopsy (15 FT and FP children were excluded). No chromosome abnormalities were found. Overt fibrosis was present in 1 pt. Symptoms at dx were recorded in 21/64 pts (33%) and splenomegaly was present in 13/64 (20%), more frequently in sporadic disease pts. The JAK2V617F mutation was found in 47.5% of ET and 27% of PV. Clonal myelopoiesis was present in 7/11 (63.5%) ET and 2/3 PV females. None of the FT and FP pts showed JAK2V617F mutations or clonality. EECs grew in 58% of ET, in 42% of FT and in 40% of PV. PRV-1 RNA overexpression was found in 29/44 pts (66%). No EECs growth or EPO-r gene mutation was found in FP pts. The median EPO level was 5 mU/ml (1.1–16.4) in polycythemic pts. MPLS505A mutations were detected in15/16 FT pts and a novel HIF2A mutation in 1 FP pt. Treatment was modified during follow-up (f-up): 15 children did not undergo any treatment and 16 pts received more than one cytoreductive drugs. Phlebothomies were carried out in 9 polycythemic pts. Overall, 26 pts were treated with different cytoreductive drugs (hydroxyurea, interferone-alpha, anagrelide and pipobroman). Because of the persistently higher platelet (PLT) count, ET children needed more cytoreductive drugs than FT pts (p .0006). Anti-platelet agents were used in 40 pts and stopped in 30. No hemorrhagic events were recorded; 3 pts (5%) developed thromboses. Eight pts had 11 pregnancies (4 abortions: 2 spontaneous). Five pts showed progressive splenomegaly, 2 (1 PV and 1 ET, untreated) of them developed IM. Two pts developed a cancer. All pts are alive after a median f-up of 10 yrs. Conclusions: This represents the largest reported series of pediatric MPD. A broad familial work-up combined to molecular analyses allowed us to characterize the MPD disorders in our pediatric population, to plan suitable treatments and to better manage their disease. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 0006-4971 , 1528-0020
    Language: English
    Publisher: American Society of Hematology
    Publication Date: 2009
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 1468538-3
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 80069-7
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  • 9
    In: Journal of Clinical Oncology, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Vol. 30, No. 15_suppl ( 2012-05-20), p. e18021-e18021
    Abstract: e18021 Background: Gefitinib was approved in Italy for treatment of pts with advanced NSCLC carrying mutant EGFR in May 2010. Methods: The EGFR FASTnet program was designed to facilitate the exchange of biological material, clinico-pathological data and reports between medical oncologists, primary pathologists and referral laboratories. EGFR mutational analysis was carried by Sanger sequencing, Real Time PCR, Pyrosequencing, Fragment Analysis and High resolution melting. The Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM) and the Italian Society of Surgical Pathology and Cytopathology (SIAPEC-IAP) have full access to the anonymous EGFR FASTnet database. Results: As of December 31, 2011, 503 oncologists, 135 pathologists and 38 referral laboratories joined the EGFR FASTnet program. The enrolled cohort of 3819 pts with advanced NSCLC was significantly enriched for adenocarcinoma histology (3172 [83%]), female sex (1361 [36%] ) and smoking history (never smoker 911 [24%], former smoker 〉 15 yrs 880 [23%], light smoker 194 [5%] ). Mutational analysis was feasible in 3567 pts (93%). At registration, 72% of the pts had not received yet treatment for advanced disease. Mutational analysis was carried by Sanger sequencing in 2021 cases (57%), Real Time PCR in 174 (5%), Pyrosequencing in 636 (18%) and other techniques in 736 (21%). EGFR mutations were found in 520 cases (14.6%): 334 in exon 19 (9.4%), 163 in exon 21 (4.6%), 7 in exon 18 (0.2%) and 16 in exon 20 (0.4%). Proportion of mutated cases was slightly higher with Real time PCR compared to other techniques: Sanger 14.8%, Real time PCR 21.3%, Pyrosequencing 13.5%, other 13.3% (p = 0.049). A higher mutation rate was found in never smokers (32.0%), light smokers (18.7%) and former smokers 〉 15 yrs (12.4%), as well as in adenocarcinoma (15.7%) and females (25.2%). Conclusions: The pts for EGFR mutational screening are spontaneously selected by medical oncologists according to known predictive factors. The results of the mutational analysis from clinical practice in Italy are consistent with data from literature.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 0732-183X , 1527-7755
    Language: English
    Publisher: American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
    Publication Date: 2012
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2005181-5
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  • 10
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    American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) ; 2016
    In:  Journal of Clinical Oncology Vol. 34, No. 2_suppl ( 2016-01-10), p. 216-216
    In: Journal of Clinical Oncology, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Vol. 34, No. 2_suppl ( 2016-01-10), p. 216-216
    Abstract: 216 Background: In the 2005 International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) Consensus Conference, a modified Gleason grading system for prostate cancer was proposed. (Epstein JI et al. Am J Surg Pathol 2005; 29:1228-1242) Afterwards an interobserver study among experts in genitourinary pathology proposed some modifications and refinements to the 2005 ISUP modified grading system concerning the cribriform pattern carcinoma that it should never be diagnosed as Gleason pattern 3, assigning Gleason pattern 4 to cribriform glands (Latour M et al. Am J Surg Pathol 2008; 32: 1532-1539; Epstein J I Journal of Urology 2010: 183:433-440). Methods: The study population consisted of 80 patients undergoing biopsies at the Institute of Urology of our hospital, between February 2012 and January 2013 stratified into 3 different categories on the basis of histologic pattern: 1) 20 patients with classical and modified Gleason score 3+3 = 6; 2) 30 patients with classical Gleason score 3+3 = 6 upgraded to Gleason score 7 according to the ISUP modified grading system; and 3) 30 patients with classical and modified Gleason score 3+4 = 7. We evaluate the immunohistochemical protein expression of the suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) proteins 3 (SOCS3) in these three different group of prostatic cancer biopsies. Results: We found that the SOCS3 pattern staining negative (-) or with SOCS3 negative staining with weak intensity staining in less than 50% of neoplastic glands (+/-) increases progressively in concomitance with the rise of Gleason score and SOCS3 positivity (+), correlates with classical or modified Gleason score 6 (P = 0,0004 Fisher’s exact tests) and with classical Gleason score 3+3 = 6 upgraded to Gleason score 7 (P = 0,0010 Fisher’s exact tests). Conclusions: In conclusion our data seem to support from a molecular point of view the modified criteria by 2005 International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) Consensus Conference as well as the hypothesis that the diagnosis of Gleason cribriform pattern 3 virtually does not exist and cribriform glands-regardless of their size-are nearly always considered pattern 4.
    Type of Medium: Online Resource
    ISSN: 0732-183X , 1527-7755
    Language: English
    Publisher: American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
    Publication Date: 2016
    detail.hit.zdb_id: 2005181-5
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