AGROFOR, National and University Library of the Republic of Srpska, Vol. 6, No. 2 ( 2021-06-10)
This study pointed to the state of the community in terms of their socio-economic and agroforestry readiness in the OR Tambo District, which receives a median annual rainfall ranging between 800 and 〉 1000 mm. In addition to favourable climatic conditions, the district has two plantations, namely the Mkambathi and Gqukunqa Forestry Enterprises, offering fertile ground to revive existing plantations, meaning that the community could immediately reap the benefits from the clear felling of the existing timber and agroforestry practices. Furthermore, the Agricultural Research Council conducted an assessment in collaboration with the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development aimed at identifying the community’s socio-economic status. Fifty-six community members from five local municipalities were selected, using a purposive sampling technique, and assessed. Quantitative and qualitative research designs were employed, as a structured questionnaire in English was developed, focus group and stakeholder discussions were held, as well as field observations to elicit information for the study. Data were coded, captured, and analysed using the Software Package for Social Sciences. The decantal 1km X 1km approach was followed to determine the climatic conditions of the two plantations. Currently, profitable and suitable crops like dry beans, sugar beans and groundnuts were recommended to the stakeholders for agroforestry integration. The study recommended the establishment of agroforestry in the OR Tambo District as it satisfied the basic requirements for agroforestry readiness, i.e. good climatic conditions, land availability, availability of production inputs and the community’s socio-economic status and involvement, towards food security.
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Online Resource
National and University Library of the Republic of Srpska
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