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  • 1
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (293 p.)
    ISBN: 9786050707342 , 9786050707298
    Content: Uzun yıllardır uygulanan liberal-kapitalist yönetişim modeli, bireyselleşmeyi ve piyasayı egemen kılıp, özel sektörü büyüterek, devleti ve hizmetlerini sınırlandırarak varlığını bugüne kadar sürdürdü. Ancak COVID-19 krizi ile birlikte bu ekonomik sistemin nasıl bir sonuç doğurduğuna hep birlikte şahit olduk. Dünyanın en büyük ekonomilerine sahip ülkelerin salgınla mücadelede ihtiyaç duyulan en temel koruma malzemelerini sağlamakta aciz duruma düşmesi, hastaları seçerek tedaviye almaları ve diğerlerini ölüme terk etmeleri, ölen insanlarını taşıyacak tabutları ve gömecek yerlerinin olmaması mevcut sistemlerin ne kadar insani olduğu sorununu somut bir şekilde ortaya çıkardı. Uluslararası rekabette en başarılı ülkeler, üstünlük sağlayan sektörlere ve üretime odaklanarak ekonomik gelişme stratejilerini bugüne kadar sürdürdüler. Ancak uzun tedarik zincirlerine ve küreselleşmeye dayalı bu yapı çökerken, katı sınırlar ve ulusal üretimlerle bu boşluğu doldurma arayışı ön plana çıktı. Ekonomiyle birlikte fonksiyonları zayıflayan, hizmet alan ve kapasitesi kısıtlanan devlet aygıtı ve yapısı, yaşanan salgınla birlikte büyük bir krizle karşı karşıya kaldı. COVID-19 salgınıyla birlikte ekonomik gelişmelere rağmen, sağlık hizmetlerinin ve tarımsal üretimin acil hallerde yarattığı etkilerinin insanlığı tehdit edecek boyutlara nasıl ulaştığını yaşayarak tecrübe ettik. Salgın ile birlikte tarımsal üretim başta olmak üzere temel ihtiyaçları karşılayacak üretimi yapabilmenin önemini bir kez daha anladık. Maske, solunum cihazı, ilaç ve aşı gibi halk sağlığı alanlarında üretim ve hizmetleri sunmanın ne kadar önemli olduğunun bilincine vardık. Üretimlerin stratejik öneminin dönemsel ve ihtiyaçlara göre değişebildiği gerçeğini bir kez daha yaşadık ve paramız olsa da bazı ürünleri ve hizmetleri satın alamayacağımızı gördük. Salgın, küresel düzeyde neredeyse hepimizi ruhsal, fiziksel ve sosyal açıdan eşitleyerek; sağlık, eğitim, gelir eşitsizliği, yoksulluk, işsizlik, göç, iklim krizi, temel insan ihtiyaçlarına erişim dahil her alanda yeni farkındalıklar oluşturdu. Salgın, bir yönüyle bencilliği besledi, dayanışmayı azalttı, yalnızlığa, biyolojik olduğu kadar psikolojik sorunlara ve bilgi kirliliğine yol açtı, ölüm korkusunu bireysel olmaktan çıkarıp, toplumsallaştırdı. Diğer yönüyle de dayanışma ihtiyacını artırdı ve ortak kader duygusunu güçlendirdi. Bu nedenle sosyal uyumu esas alan bir anlayışa olan ihtiyacımız daha fazla önem kazandı. Bundan dolayı toplumsal savrulmayı önleyecek ve panik yaşanmasına fırsat vermeyecek yapılanmaya ihtiyacımız arttı. 1980 sonrasında neoliberal rüzgârların etkisiyle yapılan özelleştirmelerle Türkiye'de de devlet nispeten küçültüldü, ekonomik ve sosyal sorunların yaşandığı bir dönemde küresel salgınla karşılaşıldı. Ancak genel sağlık sigortası, hastane sayısı, yatak kapasitesi gibi alanlarda sahip olduğumuz potansiyel ve kriz yönetme becerimiz sayesinde süreci nispeten daha iyi şartlarda geçirmekteyiz. Fakat bu gerçeğe rağmen ülkemizin de yeni şartlara adapte olmasını sağlayacak, krizi en az zararla atlatacak ve 21. yüzyılın ihtiyaçlarını karşılayacak yeniden yapılanmaya ihtiyacı artmaktadır. Ekonomik ve sosyal alanda yaşananlar yeni bir paradigma değişikliğine ihtiyaç olduğunu gösteriyor. Çünkü doyumsuzluğu ve obeziteyi besleyen sınırsız ihtiyaçlar algısı yerine, ihtiyaçların sınırlı olduğu ve isteklerin sınırlandırılabileceğini esas alan, bilgi hariç kaynakların sınırlı olduğu ilkesine dayalı yeni bir ekonomik düzeni inşa edecek bir paradigma değişikliğine yönelik beklenti artıyor. Kriz sürecini en az zararla atlatabilmek için hep birlikte dayanışma içinde mücadele ederek, küresel düzeyde yükselen işkollarını ve meslekleri esas alarak, endüstrileri ve iş piyasalarını yeniden yapılandırmak gerekiyor. Bu kitabın editörlüğünü üstelenen, yazar olarak katkıda bulunan ve hazırlanmasında görev alan fakültemizin çok kıymetli hocalarına bu vesileyle bir kez daha çok teşekkür ediyorum. 84 yıllık birikimimize uygun bir şekilde dünyada ve ülkemizde yaşanan ve yaşanacak sorunlara öğretim üyelerimiz kayıtsız kalmamış, var olan zor şartlara rağmen alternatifler üreterek, yol gösterici öngörülerde bulunmuşlardır. Hiç kuşkusuz bu kitap ön çalışma niteliğindedir, verilere ulaşıldıkça detaylandırılacaktır. Ufuk açıcı ve faydalı olması dileğiyle saygılar sunuyorum
    Note: Turkish
    Language: Undetermined
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  • 2
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (235 p.)
    ISBN: 9786050707694
    Content: The COVID-19 Pandemic, started in China and has since spread all over the world in a short time, deeply affecting all countries.. Most countries have declared a partial or complete lockdown to limit the spread of the virus. A significant portion of employees have been unable to work in traditional ways and have had to adapt to what has become known as the "new normal". In essence we have gone beyond the norms we used to know and have had to contruct new ways of living in the times of COVID-19. The way we know how to work and live has changed. Middle and upper classes, whose jobs are suitable for digitalization, started working online. Every extraordinary period has its winners and losers. The winners of the coronavirus pandemic period were mainly hygiene materials manufacturers, gaming companies, electronic commerce, high technology, and pharmaceutical companies etc. On the other hand, economies all over the world have shrunk. The hardest hit in the pandemic have been the areas oftourism, hospitality and entertainment etc. resulting in high rates of unemployment or underemployment within these sectors. Unemployment and existential anxiety have peaked during 2020 with increased fears posed by the new risks associated with becoming infected. With th the loss of loved ones and separation from friends and family. Psycho-social problems have also increased due to the effects of prolonged uncertainty imposed by the pandemic across all facets of everyday life In all life satisfaction has declined across in all social groups with the vulnerable most at risk due to the long lasting effects on the pandemic. While the virus has impacted on the people from all social stratas, its effects have not been felt evenly. Poverty has deepened in most countries with large rises in unemployment and governments going into more debt to buffer their economies from the effects of the pandemic In addition to higher rates of unemployment, and greater economic uncertainty communication problems have also increased. The poor, the unemployed, those with limited education and some women were more severely affected than others. In this process, the problems experienced by particularly vulnerable groups are more severe than others. The uncertainty created by the pandemic has deeply shaken people's feelings of trust. Increased existential anxieties about life have weakened people's analytical thinking skills. There has also been a significant correlation between low trust and people's beliefs in conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories have spread more easily in societies with low trust levels. The weaker the sense of trust that binds a society , the more people are likely to adhere to conspiracy theories in that country. This book, prepared with the contributions of authors from different countries, consists of sixteen chapters in total. The aim of the book is to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on societies. The first chapter titled "Unprecedented? Pandemic Memory and Responses to COVID-19 in Australia and New Zealand" was written by Claire Brennan and Patrick Hodgson. This chapter examines the common collective amnesia that surrounds pandemics, and compares the level of collective memory of the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic in Australia and New Zealand before the arrival of Covid-19. It scrutinizes government statements and actions while preparing for and responding to pandemics, the nurturing of historical knowledge among medical experts, and the actions of groups of citizens. Additionally, the section analyzes the importance of collective memory in designing effective responses to Covid-19 in these two countries
    Note: English
    Language: Undetermined
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  • 3
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (229 p.)
    ISBN: 9786050707304
    Content: The liberal-capitalist governance model, which has been in use for many years, has survived to this day through the dominance of individualization and the market, expanding the private sector, while limiting the state and its services. However, through COVID-19, we have all witnessed the results of this economic system. The fact that countries with the largest economies in the world are unable to provide the most basic sanitary materials needed to effectively fight the epidemic, choosing which patients are to be treated and leaving the rest to die, raises the question of how humane existing systems are. The most successful countries across the globe have continued their economic development strategies, focusing on the sectors that provide superiority and production. Yet, with this structure of long supply chains and globalization collapsing, the need to fill this gap with strict borders and national productivity has become important. States whose functions have weakened, and have had limited service and capacity due to their economies, have faced a major crisis due to this epidemic. With the COVID-19 outbreak, despite economic developments, we have experienced how health services and agricultural production have been pushed to the limit, threatening humanity in an emergency situation. As a result of the epidemic, we once again understand the importance of our own production-especially agricultural production-that will meet basic needs. We have become aware of how important it is to provide public health services and produce items such as masks, respirators, medicines and vaccines. We have once again experienced the fact that the strategic importance of production can change periodically and according to needs, and we have seen that even though we have money, we cannot buy certain products and services. The epidemic has made almost all of us equal spiritually, physically and socially at a global level. It has created a new awareness in all areas including health, education, income inequality, poverty, unemployment, migration, the climate crisis, and access to basic human needs. The epidemic has nourished selfishness in one sense, and reduced solidarity. It has caused loneliness, medical as well as psychological problems, and information pollution. The epidemic has taken the fear of death from the individual and spread it through society. On the other hand, it has increased the need for solidarity and strengthened our common sense of fate. Therefore, our need for understanding based on social cohesion has gained more importance. Therefore, there is an increased need for restructuring that will prevent social disruption and panic. After 1980, the state shrank in relative terms due to the neoliberal effect in Turkey. The global epidemic has come along at a time of economic and social problems. However, thanks to our general health insurance, the number of hospitals, the number of hospital beds, the potential we have in our country and our ability to manage a crisis, we are facing the epidemic under better conditions. However, despite this, there is an increasing need for restructuring that will enable our country to adapt to the new conditions, survive the crisis with the least damage and meet the needs of the 21st century. What has happened in the economic and social sphere shows that a new paradigm shift is needed. There is an increasing expectation of a paradigm change to build a new economic order based on the principle that needs, wishes, and resources are limited, except for information, rather than the perception of unlimited desires that feed insatiability. In order to survive the process of the crisis with the least damage, it is necessary to restructure industries and the labor markets according to globally rising businesses and professions, all together in solidarity
    Note: English
    Language: Undetermined
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  • 4
    Format: 1 electronic resource (235 p.)
    Content: The COVID-19 Pandemic, started in China and has since spread all over the world in a short time, deeply affecting all countries.. Most countries have declared a partial or complete lockdown to limit the spread of the virus. A significant portion of employees have been unable to work in traditional ways and have had to adapt to what has become known as the “new normal”. In essence we have gone beyond the norms we used to know and have had to contruct new ways of living in the times of COVID-19. The way we know how to work and live has changed. Middle and upper classes, whose jobs are suitable for digitalization, started working online. Every extraordinary period has its winners and losers. The winners of the coronavirus pandemic period were mainly hygiene materials manufacturers, gaming companies, electronic commerce, high technology, and pharmaceutical companies etc. On the other hand, economies all over the world have shrunk. The hardest hit in the pandemic have been the areas oftourism, hospitality and entertainment etc. resulting in high rates of unemployment or underemployment within these sectors. Unemployment and existential anxiety have peaked during 2020 with increased fears posed by the new risks associated with becoming infected. With th the loss of loved ones and separation from friends and family. Psycho-social problems have also increased due to the effects of prolonged uncertainty imposed by the pandemic across all facets of everyday life In all life satisfaction has declined across in all social groups with the vulnerable most at risk due to the long lasting effects on the pandemic. While the virus has impacted on the people from all social stratas, its effects have not been felt evenly. Poverty has deepened in most countries with large rises in unemployment and governments going into more debt to buffer their economies from the effects of the pandemic In addition to higher rates of unemployment, and greater economic uncertainty communication problems have also increased. The poor, the unemployed, those with limited education and some women were more severely affected than others. In this process, the problems experienced by particularly vulnerable groups are more severe than others. The uncertainty created by the pandemic has deeply shaken people’s feelings of trust. Increased existential anxieties about life have weakened people’s analytical thinking skills. There has also been a significant correlation between low trust and people’s beliefs in conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories have spread more easily in societies with low trust levels. The weaker the sense of trust that binds a society , the more people are likely to adhere to conspiracy theories in that country. This book, prepared with the contributions of authors from different countries, consists of sixteen chapters in total. The aim of the book is to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on societies. The first chapter titled “Unprecedented? Pandemic Memory and Responses to COVID-19 in Australia and New Zealand” was written by Claire Brennan and Patrick Hodgson. This chapter examines the common collective amnesia that surrounds pandemics, and compares the level of collective memory of the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic in Australia and New Zealand before the arrival of Covid-19. It scrutinizes government statements and actions while preparing for and responding to pandemics, the nurturing of historical knowledge among medical experts, and the actions of groups of citizens. Additionally, the section analyzes the importance of collective memory in designing effective responses to Covid-19 in these two countries.
    Note: English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 605-07-0769-3
    Language: English
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  • 5
    Format: 1 electronic resource (235 p.)
    Content: The COVID-19 Pandemic, started in China and has since spread all over the world in a short time, deeply affecting all countries.. Most countries have declared a partial or complete lockdown to limit the spread of the virus. A significant portion of employees have been unable to work in traditional ways and have had to adapt to what has become known as the “new normal”. In essence we have gone beyond the norms we used to know and have had to contruct new ways of living in the times of COVID-19. The way we know how to work and live has changed. Middle and upper classes, whose jobs are suitable for digitalization, started working online. Every extraordinary period has its winners and losers. The winners of the coronavirus pandemic period were mainly hygiene materials manufacturers, gaming companies, electronic commerce, high technology, and pharmaceutical companies etc. On the other hand, economies all over the world have shrunk. The hardest hit in the pandemic have been the areas oftourism, hospitality and entertainment etc. resulting in high rates of unemployment or underemployment within these sectors. Unemployment and existential anxiety have peaked during 2020 with increased fears posed by the new risks associated with becoming infected. With th the loss of loved ones and separation from friends and family. Psycho-social problems have also increased due to the effects of prolonged uncertainty imposed by the pandemic across all facets of everyday life In all life satisfaction has declined across in all social groups with the vulnerable most at risk due to the long lasting effects on the pandemic. While the virus has impacted on the people from all social stratas, its effects have not been felt evenly. Poverty has deepened in most countries with large rises in unemployment and governments going into more debt to buffer their economies from the effects of the pandemic In addition to higher rates of unemployment, and greater economic uncertainty communication problems have also increased. The poor, the unemployed, those with limited education and some women were more severely affected than others. In this process, the problems experienced by particularly vulnerable groups are more severe than others. The uncertainty created by the pandemic has deeply shaken people’s feelings of trust. Increased existential anxieties about life have weakened people’s analytical thinking skills. There has also been a significant correlation between low trust and people’s beliefs in conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories have spread more easily in societies with low trust levels. The weaker the sense of trust that binds a society , the more people are likely to adhere to conspiracy theories in that country. This book, prepared with the contributions of authors from different countries, consists of sixteen chapters in total. The aim of the book is to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on societies. The first chapter titled “Unprecedented? Pandemic Memory and Responses to COVID-19 in Australia and New Zealand” was written by Claire Brennan and Patrick Hodgson. This chapter examines the common collective amnesia that surrounds pandemics, and compares the level of collective memory of the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic in Australia and New Zealand before the arrival of Covid-19. It scrutinizes government statements and actions while preparing for and responding to pandemics, the nurturing of historical knowledge among medical experts, and the actions of groups of citizens. Additionally, the section analyzes the importance of collective memory in designing effective responses to Covid-19 in these two countries.
    Note: English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 605-07-0769-3
    Language: English
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  • 6
    Format: 1 electronic resource (235 p.)
    Content: The COVID-19 Pandemic, started in China and has since spread all over the world in a short time, deeply affecting all countries.. Most countries have declared a partial or complete lockdown to limit the spread of the virus. A significant portion of employees have been unable to work in traditional ways and have had to adapt to what has become known as the “new normal”. In essence we have gone beyond the norms we used to know and have had to contruct new ways of living in the times of COVID-19. The way we know how to work and live has changed. Middle and upper classes, whose jobs are suitable for digitalization, started working online. Every extraordinary period has its winners and losers. The winners of the coronavirus pandemic period were mainly hygiene materials manufacturers, gaming companies, electronic commerce, high technology, and pharmaceutical companies etc. On the other hand, economies all over the world have shrunk. The hardest hit in the pandemic have been the areas oftourism, hospitality and entertainment etc. resulting in high rates of unemployment or underemployment within these sectors. Unemployment and existential anxiety have peaked during 2020 with increased fears posed by the new risks associated with becoming infected. With th the loss of loved ones and separation from friends and family. Psycho-social problems have also increased due to the effects of prolonged uncertainty imposed by the pandemic across all facets of everyday life In all life satisfaction has declined across in all social groups with the vulnerable most at risk due to the long lasting effects on the pandemic. While the virus has impacted on the people from all social stratas, its effects have not been felt evenly. Poverty has deepened in most countries with large rises in unemployment and governments going into more debt to buffer their economies from the effects of the pandemic In addition to higher rates of unemployment, and greater economic uncertainty communication problems have also increased. The poor, the unemployed, those with limited education and some women were more severely affected than others. In this process, the problems experienced by particularly vulnerable groups are more severe than others. The uncertainty created by the pandemic has deeply shaken people’s feelings of trust. Increased existential anxieties about life have weakened people’s analytical thinking skills. There has also been a significant correlation between low trust and people’s beliefs in conspiracy theories. Conspiracy theories have spread more easily in societies with low trust levels. The weaker the sense of trust that binds a society , the more people are likely to adhere to conspiracy theories in that country. This book, prepared with the contributions of authors from different countries, consists of sixteen chapters in total. The aim of the book is to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on societies. The first chapter titled “Unprecedented? Pandemic Memory and Responses to COVID-19 in Australia and New Zealand” was written by Claire Brennan and Patrick Hodgson. This chapter examines the common collective amnesia that surrounds pandemics, and compares the level of collective memory of the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic in Australia and New Zealand before the arrival of Covid-19. It scrutinizes government statements and actions while preparing for and responding to pandemics, the nurturing of historical knowledge among medical experts, and the actions of groups of citizens. Additionally, the section analyzes the importance of collective memory in designing effective responses to Covid-19 in these two countries.
    Note: English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 605-07-0769-3
    Language: English
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  • 7
    Format: 1 electronic resource (229 p.)
    Content: The liberal–capitalist governance model, which has been in use for many years, has survived to this day through the dominance of individualization and the market, expanding the private sector, while limiting the state and its services. However, through COVID-19, we have all witnessed the results of this economic system. The fact that countries with the largest economies in the world are unable to provide the most basic sanitary materials needed to effectively fight the epidemic, choosing which patients are to be treated and leaving the rest to die, raises the question of how humane existing systems are. The most successful countries across the globe have continued their economic development strategies, focusing on the sectors that provide superiority and production. Yet, with this structure of long supply chains and globalization collapsing, the need to fill this gap with strict borders and national productivity has become important. States whose functions have weakened, and have had limited service and capacity due to their economies, have faced a major crisis due to this epidemic. With the COVID-19 outbreak, despite economic developments, we have experienced how health services and agricultural production have been pushed to the limit, threatening humanity in an emergency situation. As a result of the epidemic, we once again understand the importance of our own production—especially agricultural production—that will meet basic needs. We have become aware of how important it is to provide public health services and produce items such as masks, respirators, medicines and vaccines. We have once again experienced the fact that the strategic importance of production can change periodically and according to needs, and we have seen that even though we have money, we cannot buy certain products and services. The epidemic has made almost all of us equal spiritually, physically and socially at a global level. It has created a new awareness in all areas including health, education, income inequality, poverty, unemployment, migration, the climate crisis, and access to basic human needs. The epidemic has nourished selfishness in one sense, and reduced solidarity. It has caused loneliness, medical as well as psychological problems, and information pollution. The epidemic has taken the fear of death from the individual and spread it through society. On the other hand, it has increased the need for solidarity and strengthened our common sense of fate. Therefore, our need for understanding based on social cohesion has gained more importance. Therefore, there is an increased need for restructuring that will prevent social disruption and panic. After 1980, the state shrank in relative terms due to the neoliberal effect in Turkey. The global epidemic has come along at a time of economic and social problems. However, thanks to our general health insurance, the number of hospitals, the number of hospital beds, the potential we have in our country and our ability to manage a crisis, we are facing the epidemic under better conditions. However, despite this, there is an increasing need for restructuring that will enable our country to adapt to the new conditions, survive the crisis with the least damage and meet the needs of the 21st century. What has happened in the economic and social sphere shows that a new paradigm shift is needed. There is an increasing expectation of a paradigm change to build a new economic order based on the principle that needs, wishes, and resources are limited, except for information, rather than the perception of unlimited desires that feed insatiability. In order to survive the process of the crisis with the least damage, it is necessary to restructure industries and the labor markets according to globally rising businesses and professions, all together in solidarity.
    Note: English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 605-07-0730-8
    Language: English
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  • 8
    Format: 1 electronic resource (229 p.)
    Content: The liberal–capitalist governance model, which has been in use for many years, has survived to this day through the dominance of individualization and the market, expanding the private sector, while limiting the state and its services. However, through COVID-19, we have all witnessed the results of this economic system. The fact that countries with the largest economies in the world are unable to provide the most basic sanitary materials needed to effectively fight the epidemic, choosing which patients are to be treated and leaving the rest to die, raises the question of how humane existing systems are. The most successful countries across the globe have continued their economic development strategies, focusing on the sectors that provide superiority and production. Yet, with this structure of long supply chains and globalization collapsing, the need to fill this gap with strict borders and national productivity has become important. States whose functions have weakened, and have had limited service and capacity due to their economies, have faced a major crisis due to this epidemic. With the COVID-19 outbreak, despite economic developments, we have experienced how health services and agricultural production have been pushed to the limit, threatening humanity in an emergency situation. As a result of the epidemic, we once again understand the importance of our own production—especially agricultural production—that will meet basic needs. We have become aware of how important it is to provide public health services and produce items such as masks, respirators, medicines and vaccines. We have once again experienced the fact that the strategic importance of production can change periodically and according to needs, and we have seen that even though we have money, we cannot buy certain products and services. The epidemic has made almost all of us equal spiritually, physically and socially at a global level. It has created a new awareness in all areas including health, education, income inequality, poverty, unemployment, migration, the climate crisis, and access to basic human needs. The epidemic has nourished selfishness in one sense, and reduced solidarity. It has caused loneliness, medical as well as psychological problems, and information pollution. The epidemic has taken the fear of death from the individual and spread it through society. On the other hand, it has increased the need for solidarity and strengthened our common sense of fate. Therefore, our need for understanding based on social cohesion has gained more importance. Therefore, there is an increased need for restructuring that will prevent social disruption and panic. After 1980, the state shrank in relative terms due to the neoliberal effect in Turkey. The global epidemic has come along at a time of economic and social problems. However, thanks to our general health insurance, the number of hospitals, the number of hospital beds, the potential we have in our country and our ability to manage a crisis, we are facing the epidemic under better conditions. However, despite this, there is an increasing need for restructuring that will enable our country to adapt to the new conditions, survive the crisis with the least damage and meet the needs of the 21st century. What has happened in the economic and social sphere shows that a new paradigm shift is needed. There is an increasing expectation of a paradigm change to build a new economic order based on the principle that needs, wishes, and resources are limited, except for information, rather than the perception of unlimited desires that feed insatiability. In order to survive the process of the crisis with the least damage, it is necessary to restructure industries and the labor markets according to globally rising businesses and professions, all together in solidarity.
    Note: English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 605-07-0730-8
    Language: English
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  • 9
    Format: 1 electronic resource (229 p.)
    Content: The liberal–capitalist governance model, which has been in use for many years, has survived to this day through the dominance of individualization and the market, expanding the private sector, while limiting the state and its services. However, through COVID-19, we have all witnessed the results of this economic system. The fact that countries with the largest economies in the world are unable to provide the most basic sanitary materials needed to effectively fight the epidemic, choosing which patients are to be treated and leaving the rest to die, raises the question of how humane existing systems are. The most successful countries across the globe have continued their economic development strategies, focusing on the sectors that provide superiority and production. Yet, with this structure of long supply chains and globalization collapsing, the need to fill this gap with strict borders and national productivity has become important. States whose functions have weakened, and have had limited service and capacity due to their economies, have faced a major crisis due to this epidemic. With the COVID-19 outbreak, despite economic developments, we have experienced how health services and agricultural production have been pushed to the limit, threatening humanity in an emergency situation. As a result of the epidemic, we once again understand the importance of our own production—especially agricultural production—that will meet basic needs. We have become aware of how important it is to provide public health services and produce items such as masks, respirators, medicines and vaccines. We have once again experienced the fact that the strategic importance of production can change periodically and according to needs, and we have seen that even though we have money, we cannot buy certain products and services. The epidemic has made almost all of us equal spiritually, physically and socially at a global level. It has created a new awareness in all areas including health, education, income inequality, poverty, unemployment, migration, the climate crisis, and access to basic human needs. The epidemic has nourished selfishness in one sense, and reduced solidarity. It has caused loneliness, medical as well as psychological problems, and information pollution. The epidemic has taken the fear of death from the individual and spread it through society. On the other hand, it has increased the need for solidarity and strengthened our common sense of fate. Therefore, our need for understanding based on social cohesion has gained more importance. Therefore, there is an increased need for restructuring that will prevent social disruption and panic. After 1980, the state shrank in relative terms due to the neoliberal effect in Turkey. The global epidemic has come along at a time of economic and social problems. However, thanks to our general health insurance, the number of hospitals, the number of hospital beds, the potential we have in our country and our ability to manage a crisis, we are facing the epidemic under better conditions. However, despite this, there is an increasing need for restructuring that will enable our country to adapt to the new conditions, survive the crisis with the least damage and meet the needs of the 21st century. What has happened in the economic and social sphere shows that a new paradigm shift is needed. There is an increasing expectation of a paradigm change to build a new economic order based on the principle that needs, wishes, and resources are limited, except for information, rather than the perception of unlimited desires that feed insatiability. In order to survive the process of the crisis with the least damage, it is necessary to restructure industries and the labor markets according to globally rising businesses and professions, all together in solidarity.
    Note: English
    Additional Edition: ISBN 605-07-0730-8
    Language: English
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  • 10
    Format: 10 (1997) 2, S. 261-268 , graph. Darst., Lit. S. 268
    ISSN: 0934-0696
    In: Zeitschrift für Türkeistudien, Münster : Lit-Verl, 1988, (1997), 10 (1997) 2, Seite 261-268, 0934-0696
    Language: English
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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