xiii, 442 Seiten
Illustrationen, Karten
first published
MAB0014.001: AWI G1-14-0041
Contents: Preface. - Acknowledgements. - PART 1 INTRODUCTION. - 1 Introduction. - 1.1 Humans and the coastal zone. - 1.2 Approaches to the study of coasts. - 1.3 Information sources. - 1.4 Approach and organisation. - References. - 2. Coastal geomorphology. - 2.1 Definition and scope of coastal geomorphology. - 2.2 The coastal zone: definition and nomenclature. - 2.3 Factors influencing coastal morphology and processes. - References. - PART 2 COASTAL PROCESSES. - 3. Sea level fluctuations and changes. - 3.1 Synopsis. - 3.2 Mean sea level, the geoid, and changes in mean sea level. - 3.3 Changes in mean sea level. - 3.4 Astronomical tides. - 3.5 Short-term dynamic changes in sea level. - 3.6 Climate change and sea level rise. - References. - 4. Wind-generated waves. - 4.1 Synopsis. - 4.2 Definition and characteristics of waves. - 4.3 Measurement and description of waves. - 4.4 Wave generation. - 4.5 Wave prediction. - 4.6 Wave climate. - Further reading. - Preferences. - 5. Waves - wave theory and wave dynamics. - 5.1 Synopsis. - 5.2 Wave theories. - 5.3 Wave shoaling and refraction. - 5.4 Wave breaking. - 5.5 Wave groups and low-frequency energy in the surf and swash zones. - Further reading. - References. - 6. Surf zone circulation. - 6.1 Synopsis. - 6.2 Undertow. - 6.3 Rip cells. - 6.4 Longshore currents. - 6.5 Wind and tidal currents. - Further reading. - References. - 7. Coastal sediment transport. - 7.1 Synopsis. - 7.2 Sediment transport mechanisms, boundary layers and bedforms. - 7.3 On-offshore sand transport. - 7.4 Longshore sand transport. - 7.5 Littoral sediment budget and littoral drift cells. - Further reading. - References. - PART 3 COASTAL SYSTEMS. - 8. Beach and nearshore systems. - 8.1 Synopsis. - 8.2 Beach and nearshore sediments and morphology. - 8.3 Nearshore morphodynamics. - 8.4 Beach morphodynamics. - References. - 9. Coastal sand dunes. - 9.1 Synopsis. - 9.2 Morphological components of coastal dunes and dune fields. - 9.3 Plant communities of coastal dunes. - 9.4 Aeolian processes in coastal dunes. - 9.5 Sand deposition. - 9.6 Beach / dune interaction and foredune evolution. - 9.7 Management of coastal dunes. - References. - 10. Barrier systems. - 10.1 Synopsis. - 10.2 Barrier types and morphology. - 10.3 Barrier dynamics: overwash and inlets. - 10.4 Barrier spit morphodynamics. - 10.5 Barrier islands. - 10.6 Management of barrier systems. - References. - 11. Salt marshes and mangroves. - 11.1 Synopsis. - 11.2 Saltmarsh and mangrove ecosystems. - 11.3 Salt marshes. - 11.4 Mangroves. - 11.5 Conservation and management of saltmarshes and mangroves. - Further reading. - References. - 12. Coral reefs and atolls. - 12.1 Synopsis. - 12.2 Corals and reef formation. - 12.3 Geomorphology and sedimentology of coral reefs. - 12.4 Impacts of disturbance on coral reefs. - Further reading. - References. - 13. Cliffed and rocky coasts. - 13.1 Synopsis. - 13.2 Cliffed coast morphology. - 13.3 Cliffed coast erosion system. - 13.4 Cohesive bluff coasts. - 13.5 Rock coasts. - 13.6 Shore platforms. - 13.7 Management of coastal cliff shorelines. - Further reading. - References. - Index