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  • 1
    Format: 212, 171 S. : , zahlr. Ill. u. graph Darst., Kt.
    ISBN: 978-961-254-190-3
    Series Statement: Opera Instituti Archeologici Sloveniae 18
    Note: Literaturverz. S. 179 - 182 , Zsfassung in dt. Sprache. - Enth. außerdem Beitrag in engl. Sprache
    Language: Slovenian
    Subjects: History
    Keywords: Siedlung ; Bronzezeit ; Eisenzeit
    Author information: Dular, Janez 1948-
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  • 2
    Ljubljana :Narodni Muzej,
    Format: 29, XLIII S. : überw. Ill., Kt.
    Series Statement: Narodni Muzej 〈Ljubljana〉: Katalogi in monografije 16
    Note: Text slowen. und dt.
    Language: Slovenian
    Subjects: History
    Keywords: Hallstattkultur
    Author information: Dular, Janez 1948-
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  • 3
    Format: 194, 174, 13 S. : , zahlr. Ill., graph. Darst., Kt.
    ISBN: 961-6169-31-9
    Series Statement: Katalogi in monografije / Narodni Muzej Slovenije 36
    Note: Text dt. und slowen.
    Language: German
    Subjects: History
    Keywords: Eisenzeit ; Hügelgrab
    Author information: Dular, Janez 1948-
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  • 4
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (320 p.)
    ISBN: 9789612546038 , 9789612544164
    Series Statement: Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 27
    Content: The monograph presents the settlement of north-eastern Slovenia during the Late Bronze Age. It is divided into three parts. The first brings an analysis of the settlements, cemeteries, hoards and stray finds, i.e. all the structures that define the cultural landscape. The analysis shows a relatively dense habitation in the Early Bronze Age, followed first by a lull and then a peak, with the settlement network becoming densest towards the end of the second millennium BC.This is followed by a discussion on the typochronology of the pottery from the Bronze Age settlements at Ormož, Ptuj and Gornja Radgona.The last chapter of the first part offers an overview of the Late Bronze Age in north-eastern Slovenia and presents the living conditions, the process of forming centres, the economic basis as well as the contacts with distant places.The second and third parts of the book present the field investigations and finds from Grajski grič in Ptuj and Grajski hrib in Gornja Radgona. These two important hilltop settlements represented, together with the fortified settlement at Ormož, important Bronze Age centres in the settlement network of north-eastern Slovenia
    Content: Monografija, ki je razdeljena na tri dele, obravnava poselitev severovzhodne Slovenije v pozni bronasti dobi. Analizirana so naselja, grobišča, depoji in posamične najdbe, torej vse tiste strukture, ki dajejo pečat kulturni pokrajini. Po razmeroma močni obljudenosti v starejši bronasti dobi, je v srednji bronasti dobi nastopilo zatišje, poselitvena mreža pa se je zopet zgostila proti koncu 2. tisočletja pr. Kr., ko naštejemo na tem območju največ najdišč.Drugi sklop je posvečen tipokronologiji keramičnega posodja iz bronastodobnih naselij v Ormožu, Ptuju in Gornji Radgoni.V zaključnem poglavju prvega dela publikacije je podan celovit pogled na pozno bronasto dobo severovzhodne Slovenije. Predstavljena je bivalna kultura, proces nastanka središč, gospodarske osnove ter stiki z oddaljenimi kraji.V drugem in tretjem delu monografije so objavljeni terenski izvidi in najdbe z Grajskega griča na Ptuju in Grajskega hriba v Gornji Radgoni. Gre za pomembni višinski naselji, ki sta v pozni bronasti dobi skupaj z utrjenim Ormožem predstavljali pomembna središča v poselitveni mreži severovzhodne Slovenije
    Note: Slovenian , German
    Language: Undetermined
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  • 5
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (242 p.)
    ISBN: 9789610503002
    Series Statement: Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 1
    Content: Kučar near Podzemelj represents one of the most significant archaeological sites not only in Slovenia but also in the wider southeastern alpine region. It is an extensive complex composed of an Iron Age and Late Roman settlement upon the hill Kučar, as well as numerous necropoli that are distributed throughout the villages of Podzemelj, Zemelj, Škrilje and Grm. The site is well-known all over the world for its elaborate material finds originating from the cemeteries there. The book presents the results from rescue excavations that were carried out between the years 1975 and 1979 on the northern top of Kučar by the Institute for Archaeology. Substantial remains of a settlement dating to the Early and Late Iron Ages (8th -1st centuries BC) were excavated, as well as the even more surprising discovery of an Early Christian building complex (5th century AD) incorporating two churches, a baptistery and a large building with an enclosing wall that was reinforced with two towers. This publication concerning the settlement on Kučar near Podzemelj is the third monograph regarding this site. The first two publications presented the material finds from the Iron Age necropolis, preserved at the National Museum in Ljubljana and at the Museum of Natural History in Vienna. This third publication includes a contribution by Metka Culiberg and Alojz Šercelj on the investigations of organic remains from Kučar
    Content: Kučar pri Podzemlju je eno najpomembnejših arheoloških najdišč ne le v Sloveniji ampak tudi na širšem jugovzhodnoalpskem prostoru. Gre za obsežen kompleks, v katerega sodi železnodobno in poznoantično naselje na hribu Kučarju in številne nekropole, ki so raztresene okoli vasi Podzemelj, Zemelj, Škrilje in Grm. V svetu je postal znan predvsem zaradi bogatih najdb iz tamkajšnjih grobišč. V knjigi so predstavljeni rezultati zaščitnih raziskovanj, ki jih je med leti 1975 in 1979 na severnem vrhu Kučarja opravil Inštitut za arheologijo. Takrat so bili namreč izkopani bogati ostanki naselja iz starejše in mlajše železne dobe (8.-1. stoletje pred n. št.), še večje presenečenje pa je bilo odkritje zgodnjekrščanskega stavbnega kompleksa (5. stoletje po n. št.) z dvema cerkvama, baptisterijem, veliko stavbo in obzidjem, ki je bilo ojačano z dvema stolpoma
    Note: German , Slovenian
    Language: Undetermined
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  • 6
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (228 p.)
    ISBN: 9789612544980
    Series Statement: Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 5
    Content: Archaeological sites whose importance extends beyond a Slovenian framework undoubtedly include the Bronze Age settlement of Oloris near Doljni Lakoš. The site was excavated in the eighties by staff of the Regional Museum in Murska Sobota and members of the Institute of Archaeology, ZRC SAZU, from Ljubljana
    Content: Prostrana ravnica ob vznožju Lendavskih goric, prek katere so že od nekdaj vodile pomembne poti, skriva bogate kulturne ostaline. Med arheološka najdišča, ki po svoji pomembnosti presegajo slovenski okvir, nedvomno sodi bronastodobno naselje pri Dolnjem Lakošu. Obljudeno je bilo v poznem 14. in v 13. stoletju pr. n. št. in predstavlja za zdaj edino načrtno raziskano naselje iz tega časa v Sloveniji. V prvem delu publikacije je najdišče podrobno predstavljeno, drugi del pa obravnava mesto Lakoš v primerjavi s sorodnimi najdišči bronastodobnih kultur. Monografiji je dodan podroben katalog najdb in 65 tabel. Dvojezična slovensko-nemška izdaja
    Note: German , Slovenian
    Language: Undetermined
    Author information: Dular, Janez 1948-
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  • 7
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (384 p.)
    ISBN: 9789612545659 , 9789612541903
    Series Statement: Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 18
    Content: Ormož ranks among the most important archaeological sites in Slovenia. The fortified settlement from the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age extended over the area where the town stands today. It developed on a high-lying terrace on the left bank of the river Drava, which forms a broad bend right at the foothills. This site was intentionally selected, since towards the river it was protected by a steep slope, and to the east and west by relatively deep natural dykes. In the present monograph a survey is given of the results of the excavations which were carried out in Ormož during the period from 1974 to 1981
    Content: Ormož sodi med najpomembnejša arheološka najdišča v Sloveniji. Utrjeno naselje iz pozne bronaste in starejše železne dobe se je raztezalo na območju, kjer stoji danes mesto. Zraslo je na visoki terasi na levem bregu Drave, ki dela prav pod njegovim vznožjem širok zavoj. Prostor je bil premišljeno izbran, saj ga je proti reki varovala strma ježa, na vzhodu in zahodu pa razmeroma globoka naravna jarka. V pričujoči monografiji so predstavljeni rezultati izkopavanj, ki so v Ormožu potekala med letoma 1974 in 1981: fortifikacijski sistemi, predvsem mogočen okop, ki je na severni strani varoval naselje ter objekti v notranjosti (ognjišča, kurišča, vodnjake in shrambne jame, okoli katerih se je v prazgodovini odvijalo življenje)
    Note: Slovenian , English , German
    Language: Undetermined
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  • 8
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (512 p.)
    ISBN: 9789610501091 , 9789610501084
    Series Statement: Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 34
    Content: The second volume on the Iron Age settlement at Most na Soči evaluates from various aspects the structures and small finds that has been presented in the first book
    Content: Druga knjiga o železnodobnem naselju Most na Soči prinaša razprave, v katerih so z različnih vidikov obravnavane arheološke ostaline in najdbe, ki so bile predstavljene v prvi knjigi.Knjigo sestavljajo trije sklopi razprav. Uvodna študija povzema ugotovitve posameznih razprav in jih vključuje v širši kulturnozgodovinski kontekst. Na ta način dobiva Most na Soči celovitejšo podobo, ki potrjuje njegovo mesto med najpomembnejšimi središči jugovzhodnoalpske halštatske kulture
    Note: English , Slovenian
    Language: Undetermined
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  • 9
    Online Resource
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    Ljubljana : ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (1121 p.)
    ISBN: 9789610505105
    Series Statement: E-Monographiae Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 10
    Content: The e-publication entitled Gradivo za topografijo Dolenjske, Posavja in Bele krajine v železni dobi ('Available evidence for the topography of the Dolenjska, Posavje and Bela krajina regions in the Iron Age', only in Slovenian) presents over six hundred sites in the three regions of south-eastern Slovenia that date from this distant period of the past. It is a database that upgrades the first register of Slovene archaeological heritage (Arheološka najdišča Slovenije), published in 1975 by the Institute of Archaeology at the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. This register was created with the data then available in literature, while field surveys were only performed on select sites or areas. It was followed up by a project devoting to the archaeological topography of Slovenia (Arheološke topografije Slovenije), the main objective of which was to accurately map the already known sites, as well as to discover new ones. Of all the regions of Slovenia, only the updated topography of three regions was published, among them Bela krajina, which was an integral part of the Dolenjska community in the Early Iron Age
    Content: V publikaciji je predstavljeno čez šeststo najdišč iz železne dobe, pomembnega obdobja naše najstarejše preteklosti. Podatkovna baza ima svojo osnovo v Arheoloških najdiščih Slovenije (1975). Nastala je na osnovi podatkov iz literature, medtem ko so bila terenska preverjanja opravljena le na nekaterih najdiščih oziroma območjih. Delo je skušal nadgraditi projekt Arheološke topografije Slovenije, katerega glavni namen je bilo natančno lociranje starih, že znanih najdišč, pa tudi odkrivanje novih. Žal so bile obdelane le tri regije, med njimi Bela krajina, ki je bila v starejši železni dobi sestavni del dolenjske skupnosti. Vrzel je zapolnil projekt Utrjena prazgodovinska naselja na Dolenjskem, ki ni bil usmerjen le k naseljem, ampak so bila s terenskimi pregledi dokumentirana tudi druga najdišča iz pozne bronaste in starejše železne dobe. Ker tehnologij daljinskega zaznavanja še ni bilo na razpolago, je bilo celotno območje pregledano s terenskimi obhodi
    Note: Slovenian
    Language: Undetermined
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  • 10
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (392 p.)
    ISBN: 9789612545239 , 9789612540005
    Series Statement: Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 12
    Content: The territory of present-day Slovenia reached one of its economic and cultural peaks in the 1st millennium BC, when the Hallstatt Culture prospered, its achievements being comparable with the most developed cultures in Ancient Europe. This culture arose from Urnfield Culture roots under the influence of the Mediterranean world~they adopted the new technology of iron production, implemented a new social pattern and fully developed their artistic inspiration
    Content: V 1. tisočletju pr. Kr. je današnji slovenski prostor dosegel enega od svojih največjih gospodarskih in kulturnih vrhuncev. V tem času je na južni strani Alp cvetela halštatska kultura, ki se je po svojih dosežkih enakovredno kosala z najrazvitejšimi kulturami takratne Evrope. V pričujoči monografiji je to pomembno obdobje naše najstarejše preteklosti predstavljeno v sintetični obliki
    Note: Slovenian , English
    Language: Undetermined
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