1 online resource (356 p.)
Reprint 2022
Series Statement:
Acta Biologica et Medica Germanica ; Band 36, Heft 3/4
Frontmatter --
Aufnahmebedingungen --
Section I Molecular Biology of the Erythron --
Avian erythropoiesis: Cellular and molecular aspects --
The structure of pre-messenger RNA and messenger RNA from erythroid cells --
Specific sequences in pre-mRNA from erythroid bone marrow cells --
Role of the polyadenylate sequence in the stability of globin messenger RNA injected into Xenopus oocytes --
Synthesis and characterization of globin DNAs --
Isolation of human globin mRNA and synthesis of complementary DNA --
Stickstoff-Ökonomie und Synthese von Serin und Glyzin in Retikulozyten --
The onset of hemoglobin synthesis in spleens of irradiated mice after bone marrow transplantation --
Degradation of mitochondria by cytosolic factors in reticulocytes --
Some properties of globin messenger RNA from a free cytoplasmic nucleoprotein of rabbit reticulocytes --
Veränderungen der 2,3-DPG-Konzentration in roten Blutzellen und der Plasmaerythropoetinaktivität bei hypoxischen Neugeborenen --
Beziehungen zwischen der Konformation isolierter Rattenleber mitochondrien und ihrer Angreifbarkeit durch Lipoxygenase aus Kaninchenretikulozyten --
Activity of the respiratory inhibitor RF in human red cells in anaemia --
Reinigung und Charakterisierung des Atmungshemmstoffes RF aus Kaninchenretikulozyten --
Some properties of the lipoxygenase from rabbit reticulocytes --
Creatine during bleeding anemia of rabbits --
Creatine transport into human red blood cells --
The transplantation of bone marrow cells with a change of hemoglobin pattern induced by bleeding --
Haemoglobin as a marker in bone marrow transplants of rats --
Untersuchungen zur Vitalität von Human-Knochenmark bei der Gewinnung und Tieftemperaturkonservierung --
Some unusual properties of globin-mRNA isolated from rabbit reticulocytes --
Discussion --
Workshop --
Section II Regulation of Energy Metabolism --
Thermodynamics of red cell glycolysis --
An extended model of the glycolysis in erythrocytes --
Elementare Eigenschaften des Energiestoffwechsels der roten Blutzelle --
Regulation of red cell glycolysis by calcium ions --
Kinetics of human erythrocyte hexokinase: influence of temperature, ATP4-and Mg2+ --
The role of red cell membrane in the regulation of glycolysis and the 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate-cycle --
Regulation of 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate metabolism in erythrocytes by a multifunctional enzyme --
Interrelationship between energy metabolism from various substrates and the 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate bypass in human erythrocytes --
pH-Dependent changes of 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate --
The molecular function of hemoglobin as reflected in ligand binding data: Analysis of data on erythrocytes --
Biochemische Veränderungen von Erythrozyten während einer Lagerung bei 25 °C und Aufrechterhaltung eines konstanten pH-Wertes --
Einfluß von Bikarbonat auf den 2,3-DPG-Gehalt konservierter Erythrozyten --
Verhalten von Lebensfähigkeit, ATP- und 2,3-DPG-Gehalt resuspendierter Erythrozyten während mehrwöchiger Kältelagerung --
Verhalten von Adeninnukleotiden im Konservenblut mit Adenin- und Guanosinzusätzen --
Studies on NAD+ permeability in intact mitochondria from rabbit reticulocytes --
Untersuchungen zur Antimyzin A-resistenten Atmung erythroider Zellen --
Charakterisierung von Retikulozyten des Menschen --
Phospholipid composition and some reactions of phospholipid synthesis and degradation in mitochondria and other subcellular fractions from rabbit reticulocytes --
Studies on the functional significance of mitochondrial bound hexokinase in rabbit reticulocytes --
Association behaviour of human erythrocyte phosphofructokinase: Dependence of molecular weight on enzyme concentration at pH 8.0 --
Properties of the hexokinase-phosphofructokinase system on the basis of an extended PFK-model --
Kontrolle der Glykolyse bei Magnesiummangel: Untersuchungen an intakten roten Blutzellen und Hämolysaten --
Relations between ion shifting, ATP depletion and lactic acid formation in human red cells during moderate calcium loading using the ionophore A 23187
Issued also in print.
In German.
Additional Edition:
ISBN 9783112649978