1 DVD-Video : s/w
Restored in 2009 by the World Cinema Foundation at Cineteca di Bologna / L'Immagine Ritrovata Laboratory. The film - the first (and last) of its kind - was expected to play a small part in the Government's plan to educate millions of illiterate citizens throughout the enormous country and bring them out of their isolation. The picture was to be made for the Federal Department of Fine Arts, headed by composer Carlos Chávez. The producer would be Paul Strand. We had recruited practically all "actors" from among the local fishermen, who needed to do no more than be themselves. They were splendid and loyal friends, and working with them was a joy. In addition to acting, they carried all the equipment, rowed the boats and did a multitude of other jobs, earning more money than ever before - forty-five cents per day, per man - and enjoying themselves hugely. I'm told that some years later the Nazis found the negative in Paris and burned it. A few prints still exist. (Fred Zinnemann) Notes on the restoration: The restoration of Redes used the best surviving materials, namely a 35mm safety duplicate negative and a positive print preserved at the Filmoteca de la UNAM in Mexico. The digital restoration produced a new 35mm internegative. (World cinema Foundation)
" Arme Fischer in einem mexikanischen Dorf rebellieren gegen ihren Ausbeuter. Inszenatorisch an russische Revolutionsfilme angelehntes Drama, das visuell den Neorealismus amtizipiert. - Ab 16. " (Lexikon des Internationalen Films)
Ländercode: Keine Angabe
Orig.: Mexiko, 1936
This DVD accompaniesthe publication "Paul Strand in Mexico (Aperture, Fundacion Televisa, 2010.
Mexik. Spanisch mit engl., franz. Untertitel
Author information:
Strand, Paul
Author information:
Revueltas, Silvestre
Author information:
Zinnemann, Fred