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Wegen Wartungsarbeiten steht das KOBV-Portal am 11.03.2025 ggf. nur eingeschränkt zur Verfügung. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.
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  • 1
    Format: 398 Seiten , 24 cm
    Edition: 1. Auflage
    ISBN: 9783836286596
    Series Statement: SAP Press
    Content: Schluss mit unleserlichen ABAP-Programmen! Dieses offizielle Begleitbuch zum Repository "Clean ABAP" auf GitHub zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie intuitiv verständlichen und leicht zu wartenden Code schreiben. Gespickt mit Best Practices zu Namenskonventionen, Kommentaren und Formatierungen, ist dieser Leitfaden unverzichtbar für den Programmieralltag.
    Note: Deutsch
    Language: German
    Subjects: Computer Science
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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  • 2
    Format: 351 Seiten , 22,9 cm
    Edition: 1. Auflage
    ISBN: 9781493220267
    Series Statement: SAP Press
    Content: ABAP developers, are you looking to clean up your code? Then pick up this official companion to the Clean ABAP GitHub repository. This book is brimming with best practices, straight from the experts, to help you write effective ABAP code. Start by learning when to apply each clean ABAP practice. Then, dive into detailed code examples and explanations for using classes, methods, names, variables, internal tables, and more. From writing code to troubleshooting and testing, this is your complete style guide! In this book, you'll learn about: a. Clean ABAP Concepts What is clean ABAP and why is it important to write clean code? Understand clean ABAP concepts with insight from the experts, including special considerations for legacy code and performance. b. Best Practices Walk through the what, why, and how behind clean ABAP best practices. Learn to improve your code, including using classes and interfaces appropriately, handling method design and control flow, designing and running unit tests, and much more. c. Practical Examples See clean ABAP practices in action! Improve your understanding of how to write effective code. Use detailed examples for each best practice that demonstrate the difference between clean and messy code. Highlights include: 1) Classes and interfaces 2) Methods 3) Names 4) Variables and literals 5) Internal tables 6) Control flow 7) Comments 8) Formatting 9) Error handling 10) Unit testing 11) Packages.
    Note: Englisch
    Language: English
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