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Wegen Wartungsarbeiten steht das KOBV-Portal am 11.03.2025 ggf. nur eingeschränkt zur Verfügung. Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.
  • 1
    Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press
    Format: XX, 249 S. , graph. Darst.
    Edition: 1. publ.
    ISBN: 0521583128 , 0521587476
    Series Statement: Stanford-Cambridge program
    Language: English
    Subjects: Geography
    Keywords: Hydrogeologie ; Geostatistik ; Statistik ; Lehrbuch
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  • 2
    Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press
    Format: XX, 249 S , Ill., graph. Darst , 23cm
    Edition: Transferred to digital print
    ISBN: 0521583128 , 0521587476
    Note: Literaturverz. S. 239 - 246
    Language: English
    Subjects: Geography
    Keywords: Geostatistik ; Lehrbuch ; Geostatistik ; Hydrogeologie ; Anwendung ; Geostatistik ; Lehrbuch
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  • 3
    Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge Univ. Press
    Format: XX, 249 S , Ill., graph. Darst , 23cm
    ISBN: 0521583128 , 0521587476
    Series Statement: Stanford Cambridge Program
    Note: Literaturverz. S. 239 - 246
    Language: English
    Subjects: Earth Sciences , Geography , Mathematics
    Keywords: Hydrogeologie ; Statistik ; Hydrogeologie ; Datenanalyse ; Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung ; Räumliche Verteilung ; Varianz ; Parameterschätzung ; Kriging ; Verteilungsfunktion ; Grundwasserleiter ; Strömungsmechanik ; Grundwasser ; Hydraulik ; Numerisches Modell ; Geostatistik ; Hydrogeologie ; Statistik ; Hydrogeologie ; Datenanalyse ; Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung ; Räumliche Verteilung ; Varianz ; Parameterschätzung ; Kriging ; Verteilungsfunktion ; Grundwasserleiter ; Strömungsmechanik ; Grundwasser ; Hydraulik ; Numerisches Modell ; Lehrbuch
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  • 4
    Format: XXIX, 325 Seiten , graph. Darst.
    ISBN: 9781461422389
    Series Statement: SERDP ESTCP environmental remediation technology 4
    Language: English
    Keywords: Umweltwissenschaften ; Ökologische Chemie ; Umwelttechnik ; Biotechnologie ; Aufsatzsammlung ; Aufsatzsammlung ; Aufsatzsammlung
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  • 5
    Format: 51 S. , graph. Darst.
    Series Statement: Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research 〈Iowa City, Iowa〉: IIHR-report. 258.
    Language: English
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  • 6
    Format: II, 86 S. , graph. Darst.
    Series Statement: IIHR report 275
    Language: English
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  • 7
    Format: 324 S.
    Series Statement: Report / Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics 235
    Language: English
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  • 8
    Format: Online-Ressource (XXX, 325 p. 70 illus., 40 illus. in color, digital)
    ISBN: 9781461422396
    Series Statement: SERDP ESTCP Environmental Remediation Technology 4
    Content: Perry L. McCarty
    Content: This volume is meant to provide the practitioner with information on the natural mixing processes occurring in aquifers as well as to describe basic strategies that can be implemented to enhance mixing in particular cases. For example, when it comes to mixing miscible liquids, one can speed up mixing in the formation by manipulating the flow such as through the use of recirculation wells. Furthermore, much of the mixing can be achieved partially within recirculation wells themselves, where contaminated water is admixed with additives, volatile products may be removed through a vapor mass exchanger, etc. Thus, adding mixing wells can significantly increase the performance of the delivery and mixing system and speed up the process of remediation.
    Note: Description based upon print version of record , ; Delivery and Mixing in the Subsurface: Processes and Design Principles for In Situ Remediation; REFERENCES; REFERENCES; REFERENCES; REFERENCES; REFERENCES; REFERENCES; REFERENCES; REFERENCES; REFERENCES; REFERENCES; Preface; About the Editors; About the Authors; External Reviewers; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; CHAPTER 1: Introduction; BACKGROUND; OVERVIEW OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS VOLUME; ONGOING RESEARCH AND OUTSTANDING CHALLENGES; CHAPTER 2: CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES: THE NEED FOR MIXING; INTRODUCTION; GROUNDWATER CONTAMINANTS; REACTION AND MASS TRANSFER PROCESSES , OverviewStoichiometry; Reaction and Mass-Transfer Processes; Reaction Kinetics; Summary; BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES; Biological Processes; Chlorinated Solvents; Biological Reaction Kinetics; Mass Transfer Limitations; Bioaugmentation; Organic Bioremediation Example: Edwards AFB, California; CHEMICAL PROCESSES; Oxidative Chemical Processes; Reductive Chemical Processes; Precipitation; pH Control; Example; Chemicals for pH Control; COSOLVENT AND SURFACTANT FLUSHING; Cosolvent Flushing; Surfactant Flushing; INORGANIC BIOREMEDIATION EXAMPLE: OAK RIDGE FIELD RESEARCH CENTER; SUMMARY , CHAPTER 3: TRANSPORT AND MIXINGINTRODUCTION; MIXING; Mass Transfer from Separate Phases; Transverse Mixing; Longitudinal Mixing and Chromatographic Mixing; SCALE DEPENDENCY; PORE SCALE; Flow; Advection; Molecular Diffusion; LABORATORY-SCALE PROCESSES; Darcy´s Law; Diffusion; Advection-Dispersion Equation; Dual-Porosity Models; Sorption; FIELD-SCALE PROCESSES; CONCLUDING REMARKS; CHAPTER 4: HYDROGEOCHEMICAL MODELS; INTRODUCTION; MIXING AND REACTION PROCESSES; Overview; Example Remediation Technologies; HYDROGEOCHEMICAL MODEL GOVERNING EQUATIONS; Solution of Governing Equations , SURVEY OF AVAILABLE HYDROCHEMICAL MODELSAnalytical Models; Numerical Models; CALIBRATION AND VALIDATION; CASE STUDIES OF MODEL APPLICATIONS; Natural Attenuation of Organic Pollutants; Enhanced In Situ Cometabolic Degradation of TCE; In Situ Chemical Oxidation of TCE by Potassium Permanganate; SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS; CHAPTER 5: TRAVEL-TIME BASED REACTIVE TRANSPORT MODELING FOR IN SITU SUBSURFACE REACTOR; INTRODUCTION; RESIDENCE-TIME THEORY; TRAVEL-TIME BASED REACTIVE TRANSPORT; ESTIMATION OF TRAVEL-TIME DISTRIBUTION; AN ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE; DISCUSSION AND EXTENSIONS; Spatial Mapping , Multiple-Reactor SystemMixing Within Reactor; Chemical Heterogeneities; Reaction Rate Estimation; SUMMARY; CHAPTER 6: RECIRCULATION SYSTEMS; INTRODUCTION; TYPES OF RECIRCULATION SYSTEMS; Injection-Extraction; Groundwater Circulation Wells (GCWs); Tandem Recirculating Wells (TRWs); System Cost Comparisons; DESIGN PRINCIPLES; Effect of Remediation Goal; Environmental Factors to Consider in Design; Physical; Hydrogeology; Hydraulic Conductivity; Regional Hydraulic Head and Flow Field; Dispersion; Chemical/Biological; Groundwater Chemistry; Sorption; Reaction Kinetics , Engineering Factors to Consider in Design
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9781461422389
    Additional Edition: Buchausg. u.d.T. Delivery and mixing in the subsurface: processes and design principles for In Situ remediation New York [u.a.] : Springer, 2012 ISBN 9781461422389
    Language: English
    Keywords: Grundwassersanierung ; Mikrobieller Abbau ; In situ ; Selbstreinigung ; Mikrobieller Abbau ; Methode ; Grundwassersanierung ; Mikrobieller Abbau ; In situ ; Selbstreinigung ; Methode
    URL: Cover
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  • 9
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource
    ISBN: 9781461422396
    Series Statement: SERDP ESTCP Environmental Remediation Technology 4
    Language: English
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  • 10
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Cambridge : Cambridge University Press
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (xx, 249 pages) , digital, PDF file(s)
    ISBN: 9780511626166
    Content: Engineers and applied geophysicists routinely encounter interpolation and estimation problems when analysing data from field observations. Introduction to Geostatistics presents practical techniques for the estimation of spatial functions from sparse data. The author's unique approach is a synthesis of classic and geostatistical methods with a focus on the most practical linear minimum-variance estimation methods, and includes suggestions on how to test and extend the applicability of such methods. The author includes many useful methods (often not covered in other geostatistics books) such as estimating variogram parameters, evaluating the need for a variable mean, parameter estimation and model testing in complex cases (e.g. anisotropy, variable mean, and multiple variables), and using information from deterministic mathematical models. Well illustrated with exercises and worked examples taken from hydrogeology, Introduction to Geostatistics assumes no background in statistics and is suitable for graduate-level courses in earth sciences, hydrology, and environmental engineering, and also for self-study
    Content: 1. Introduction -- 2. Exploratory data analysis -- 3. Intrinsic model -- 4. Variogram fitting -- 5. Anisotropy -- 6. Variable mean -- 7. More linear estimation -- 8. Multiple variables -- 9. Estimation and GW models -- A. Probability theory review -- B. Lagrange multipliers -- C. Generation of realizations
    Note: Title from publisher's bibliographic system (viewed on 05 Oct 2015)
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9780521583121
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9780521587471
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe ISBN 9780521583121
    Language: English
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