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  • 1
    Format: XV, 372 S.
    ISBN: 3-446-14231-2
    Series Statement: PC professionell
    Uniform Title: BASIC engineering and scientific programs for the IBM PC
    Language: German
    Subjects: Computer Science
    Keywords: Naturwissenschaften ; Programmierung ; BASIC ; Programm ; Technik ; Beispielsammlung
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  • 2
    Format: XV, 372 S.
    Series Statement: PC professionell
    Uniform Title: Basic engineering and scientific programs for IBM PC
    Language: German
    Keywords: BASIC ; Programm ; Naturwissenschaften ; IBM PC ; BASIC ; Programm ; Technik ; IBM PC ; BASIC ; Numerische Mathematik ; Personal Computer ; Programmierung ; Beispielsammlung
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  • 3
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (746 Seiten) , Illustrationen, Diagramme
    Edition: Seventeenth edition, global edition
    ISBN: 9781292264967
    Note: Green Content; CHAPTER 1; Introduction to Engineering Economy; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 The Principles of Engineering Economy; 1.3 Engineering Economy and the Design Process; 1.4 Using Spreadsheets in Engineering Economic Analysis ; 1.5 Try Your Skills; 1.6 Summary; CHAPTER 2; Cost Concepts and Design Economics; 2.1 Cost Terminology; 2.2 The General Economic Environment; 2.3 Cost-Driven Design Optimization; 2.4 Present Economy Studies; 2.5 Case Study-The Economics of Daytime Running Lights ; 2.6 In Class Exercise; 2.7 Try Your Skills; 2.8 Summary; Appendix 2-A Accounting Fundamentals; CHAPTER 3; Cost-Estimation Techniques; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 An Integrated Approach; 3.3 Selected Estimating Techniques (Models); 3.4 Parametric Cost Estimating; 3.5 Case Study-Demanufacturing of Computers; 3.6 Electronic Spreadsheet Modeling: Learning Curve; 3.7 In-Class Exercise; 3.8 Try Your Skills; 3.9 Summary; CHAPTER 4; The Time Value of Money; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Simple Interest ; 4.3 , - Compound Interest; 4.4 The Concept of Equivalence; 4.5 Notation and Cash-Flow Diagrams and Tables; 4.6 Relating Present and Future Equivalent Values; 4.7 Relating a Uniform Series (Annuity) to Its Present and Future Equivalent; 4.8 Summary of Interest Formulas and Relationships for Discrete Compounding; 4.9 Deferred Annuities (Uniform Series); 4.10 Equivalence Calculations Involving Multiple Interest Formulas; 4.11 Uniform (Arithmetic) Gradient of Cash Flows; 4.12 Geometric Sequences of Cash Flows; 4.13 Interest Rates that Vary with Time; 4.14 Nominal and Effective Interest Rates; 4.15 Compounding More Often than Once per Year; 4.16 Interest Formulas for Continuous Compounding and Discrete Cash Flows; 4.17 Case Study-Understanding Economic "Equivalence"; 4.18 In-Class Exercise; 4.19 Try Your Skills; 4.20 Summary; CHAPTER 5; Evaluating a Single Project; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Determining the Minimum Attractive Rate of Return (MARR); 5.3 The Present Worth Method; 5.4 The Future Worth , - Method; 5.5 The Annual Worth Method; 5.6 The Internal Rate of Return Method; 5.7 The External Rate of Return Method; 5.8 The Payback (Payout) Period Method; 5.9 Case Study-A Proposed Capital Investment to Improve Process Yield; 5.10 Electronic Spreadsheet Modeling: Payback Period Method; 5.11 In-Class Exercise; 5.12 Try Your Skills; 5.13 Summary; Appendix 5-A The Multiple Rate of Return Problem with the IRR Method; CHAPTER 6; Comparison and Selection among Alternatives; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Basic Concepts for Comparing Alternatives; 6.3 The Study (Analysis) Period; 6.4 Useful Lives Are Equal to the Study Period; 6.5 Useful Lives Are Unequal among the Alternatives; 6.6 Personal Finances; 6.7 Case Study-Ned and Larry's Ice Cream Company; 6.8 Postevaluation of Results; 6.9 Project Postevaluation Spreadsheet Approach; 6.10 In-Class Exercise; 6.11Try Your Skills; 6.12 Summary; CHAPTER 7; Depreciation and Income Taxes; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Depreciation Concepts and Terminology; 7.3 The , - Classical (Historical) Depreciation Methods; 7.4 The Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System; 7.5 A Comprehensive Depreciation Example; 7.6 Introduction to Income Taxes; 7.7 The Effective Corporate Income Tax Rate; 7.8 Gain (Loss) on the Disposal of an Asset; 7.9 General Procedure for Making After-Tax Economic Analyses; 7.10 Illustration of Computations of ATCFs; 7.11 Economic Value Added; 7.12 In-Class Exercise; 7.13 Try Your Skills; 7.14 Summary; CHAPTER 8; Price Changes and Exchange Rates; 8.1 Introduction; 8.2 Terminology and Basic Concepts; 8.3 Fixed and Responsive Annuities; 8.4 Differential Price Changes; 8.5 Spreadsheet Application; 8.6 Foreign Exchange Rates and Purchasing Power Concepts; 8.7 Case Study-Selecting Electric Motors to Power an Assembly Line; 8.8 In-Class Exercise; 8.9 Try Your Skills; 8.10 Summary 394of Single Cash Flows; CHAPTER 9; Replacement Analysis; 9.1 Introduction; 9.2 Reasons for Replacement Analysis; 9.3 Factors that Must Be Considered in Replacement , - Studies; 9.4 Typical Replacement Problems; 9.5 Determining the Economic Life of a New Asset (Challenger); 9.6 Determining the Economic Life of a Defender; 9.7 Comparisons in Which the Defender's Useful Life Differs from that of the Challenger; 9.8 Retirement without Replacement (Abandonment); 9.9 After-Tax Replacement Studies; 9.10 Case Study-Replacement of a Hospital's Emergency Electrical Supply System; 9.11 Try Your Skills; 9.12 Summary; CHAPTER 10; Evaluating Projects with the Benefit Cost Ratio Method; 10.1 Introduction; 10.2 Perspective and Terminology for Analyzing Public Projects; 10.3 Self-Liquidating Projects; 10.4 Multiple-Purpose Projects; 10.5 Difficulties in Evaluating Public-Sector Projects; 10.6 What Interest Rate Should Be Used for Public Projects?; 10.7 The Benefit Cost Ratio Method; 10.8 Evaluating Independent Projects by B C Ratios; 10.9 Comparison of Mutually Exclusive Projects by B C Ratios; 10.10 Case Study-Improving a Railroad Crossing; 10.11 Try Your Skills; , - 10.12 Summary; CHAPTER 11; Breakeven and Sensitivity Analysis; 11.1 Introduction; 11.2 Breakeven Analysis; 11.3 Sensitivity Analysis; 11.4 Multiple Factor Sensitivity Analysis; 11.5 Try Your Skills; 11.6 Summary; CHAPTER 12; Probabilistic Risk Analysis; 12.1 Introduction; 12.2 Sources of Uncertainty; 12.3 The Distribution of Random Variables; 12.4 Evaluation of Projects with Discrete Random Variables; 12.5 Evaluation of Projects with Continuous Random Variables; 12.6 Evaluation of Risk and Uncertainty by Monte Carlo Simulation; 12.7 Performing Monte Carlo Simulation with a Computer; 12.8 Decision Trees; 12.9 Real Options Analysis; 12.10 Summary; CHAPTER 13; The Capital Budgeting Process; 13.1 Introduction; 13.2 Debt Capital; 13.3 Equity Capital; 13.4 The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC); 13.5 Project Selection; 13.6 Postmortem Review; 13.7 Budgeting of Capital Investments and Management Perspective; 13.8 Leasing Decisions; 13.9 Capital Allocation; 13.10 Summary; CHAPTER 14; , - Decision Making Considering Multiattributes; 14.1 Introduction; 14.2 Examples of Multiattribute Decisions; 14.3 Choice of Attributes; 14.4 Selection of a Measurement Scale; 14.5 Dimensionality of the Problem; 14.6 Noncompensatory Models; 14.7 Compensatory Models; 14.8 Summary; Appendix A Using Excel to Solve Engineering Economy Problems; Appendix B Abbreviations and Notation; Appendix C Interest and Annuity Tables for Discrete Compounding; Appendix D Interest and Annuity Tables for Continuous Compounding; Appendix E Standard Normal Distribution; Appendix F Selected References; Appendix G Solutions to Try Your Skills; Appendix H Answers to Selected Problems
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe ISBN 978-1-292-26490-5
    Language: English
    Subjects: Economics
    Keywords: Industriebetriebslehre ; Ingenieurbau ; Betriebswirtschaftslehre ; Ingenieur ; Wirtschaft ; Industrie
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  • 4
    Format: 372 S.
    Series Statement: PC professionell 14
    Language: Undetermined
    Keywords: BASIC ; Programm ; Naturwissenschaften ; IBM PC ; BASIC ; Programm ; Technik ; IBM PC ; BASIC ; Numerische Mathematik ; Personal Computer ; Programmierung ; Beispielsammlung
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  • 5
    Format: 746 Seiten : , Illustrationen, Diagramme ; , 232 mm.
    Edition: Seventeenth edition, global edition
    ISBN: 978-1-292-26490-5 , 1-292-26490-X
    Note: - 10.12 Summary; CHAPTER 11; Breakeven and Sensitivity Analysis; 11.1 Introduction; 11.2 Breakeven Analysis; 11.3 Sensitivity Analysis; 11.4 Multiple Factor Sensitivity Analysis; 11.5 Try Your Skills; 11.6 Summary; CHAPTER 12; Probabilistic Risk Analysis; 12.1 Introduction; 12.2 Sources of Uncertainty; 12.3 The Distribution of Random Variables; 12.4 Evaluation of Projects with Discrete Random Variables; 12.5 Evaluation of Projects with Continuous Random Variables; 12.6 Evaluation of Risk and Uncertainty by Monte Carlo Simulation; 12.7 Performing Monte Carlo Simulation with a Computer; 12.8 Decision Trees; 12.9 Real Options Analysis; 12.10 Summary; CHAPTER 13; The Capital Budgeting Process; 13.1 Introduction; 13.2 Debt Capital; 13.3 Equity Capital; 13.4 The Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC); 13.5 Project Selection; 13.6 Postmortem Review; 13.7 Budgeting of Capital Investments and Management Perspective; 13.8 Leasing Decisions; 13.9 Capital Allocation; 13.10 Summary; CHAPTER 14; . - - Decision Making Considering Multiattributes; 14.1 Introduction; 14.2 Examples of Multiattribute Decisions; 14.3 Choice of Attributes; 14.4 Selection of a Measurement Scale; 14.5 Dimensionality of the Problem; 14.6 Noncompensatory Models; 14.7 Compensatory Models; 14.8 Summary; Appendix A Using Excel to Solve Engineering Economy Problems; Appendix B Abbreviations and Notation; Appendix C Interest and Annuity Tables for Discrete Compounding; Appendix D Interest and Annuity Tables for Continuous Compounding; Appendix E Standard Normal Distribution; Appendix F Selected References; Appendix G Solutions to Try Your Skills; Appendix H Answers to Selected Problems
    Additional Edition: Erscheint auch als Online-Ausgabe ISBN 9781292264967
    Language: English
    Subjects: Economics
    Keywords: Industriebetriebslehre ; Ingenieurbau ; Betriebswirtschaftslehre ; Ingenieur ; Wirtschaft ; Industrie
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