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  • 1
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (145 p.)
    ISBN: 9789610505785
    Content: Every three seconds, a new case of dementia emerges in the world, and by 2050 there will be at least 150 million persons with dementia. The World Health Organization declared dementia for a public health priority of the 21st century before the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2/COVID 19, which affected the elderly population the most. Dementia is a disease that affects the individual, caregivers and wider society. Due to increasing dependence from others, dementia causes a health, economic, emotional, psychological and physical burden for the person with dementia and his caregivers. There is still a great stigma associated with dementia. Less than half of people with dementia are diagnosed and treated, although we have drugs available that can slow the course of the disease. In the multi-author's monograph Monitoring of Dementia in Slovenia: Epidemiological and other aspects, we addressed the problem of dementia, especially in relation to COVID-19. The publication also highlights the estimates on the prevalence of dementia in Slovenia, which were made on Slovenian data and the population of Slovenia. The publication is distinguished by a multidisciplinary treatment of the topics and is intended for both the lay and the professional public
    Content: Vsake tri sekunde se v svetu pojavi nov primer demence in do leta 2050 bo v svetu vsaj 150 milijonov oseb z demenco. Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija je demenco proglasila za javnozdravstveno prioriteto 21. stoletja že pred pojavom pandemije SARS- CoV-2/COVID 19, ki je najbolj prizadela prav starejšo populacijo. Demenca je bolezen, ki prizadene posameznika, njegove bližnje ter širšo družbo. Zaradi vse večje odvisnosti od pomoči drugih tako demenca povzroča zdravstveno, ekonomsko, čustveno, psihično in telesno breme za obolelega in njegove skrbnike. Z demenco je še vedno povezana velika stigma. Manj kot polovica oseb z demenco je diagnosticiranih in zdravljenih, čeprav imamo na voljo zdravila, ki lahko upočasnijo potek bolezni. V večavtorski monografiji Spremljanje demence v Sloveniji: epidemiološki in drugi vidiki smo naslovili problematiko demence, še posebej v povezavi s covid-19. V publikaciji izpostavljamo ocene o razširjenosti problematike demence v Sloveniji, ki so bile narejene na slovenskih podatkih prebivalcev Slovenije. Publikacijo odlikuje večdisciplinarna obravnava tematik in je namenjena tako laični kakor strokovni javnosti
    Note: Slovenian
    Language: Undetermined
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  • 2
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource
    Edition: Prva e-izdaja
    ISBN: 9789610505785
    Language: Slovenian
    Subjects: Medicine
    Keywords: Slowenien ; Demenz ; Epidemiologie ; Aufsatzsammlung
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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