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  • 1
    ISBN: 9211212669
    Series Statement: Serie Manuales - CEPAL 6
    Content: AbstractThis Manual is part of the teaching material prepared especially for the use of training workshops dealing with techniques for collecting information, country by country, on all measures pertaining to trade in services in the countries of the western hemisphere. The Manual is designed to be updated as the training workshops progress, to take account of the suggestions and improvements that come out of these.The Manual includes basic background material on quantitative aspects of services trade in the world and in the countries of the hemisphere (Section I);. Next, information is given about the World Trade Organization (WTO); (Section II); along with more detailed information on the rules and results arrived at by the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS); of WTO (Section III);. This section emphasizes the basic principles on which progressive liberalization of services rests, and which will be used to organize and classify the information collected.Section IV explains the logic used to structure services negotiations. Since measures pertaining to services are at the heart of the negotiating process, the objective of this Section is to emphasize how important it is for negotiators to have the fullest possible information about measures affecting trade in services in their own countries and about the reasons for these measures in terms of national policy objectives.Section V stresses the importance of modes of supply in services trade, while Section VI identifies some practical steps for organizing the tracking of measures nationally. The rest of the Manual contains practical examples to assist in completing the Questionnaire designed for collecting information on measures, and a typology of the measures most commonly used by countries to regulate their services.The Manual contains an Annex that profiles the main service industries, including an abundance of information about their trading activities and relevant details about their international operations. The purpose of this section is to assist in the analysis that the countries will have to carry out when they come to assess the trade implications of their services commitments.
    Note: Includes bibliography
    Language: English
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 2
    ISBN: 9213219776
    Series Statement: Serie Comercio Internacional 16
    Content: Resumen El proceso de negociaciones comerciales multilaterales de la Ronda Uruguay resaltó la importancia de las estadísticas y de la clasificación de los servicios. Es especialmente relevante que los participantes en las negociaciones tengan muy clara la composición de los sectores que están comprometiendo en sus listas de servicios, y las consecuencias de la liberalización de los mismos para sus respectivas economías. De esta forma, tanto la necesidad de una clasificación uniforme y exhaustiva de los servicios como la existencia de estadísticas confiables son herramientas imprescindibles para los negociadores, así como para los responsables en materia de política comercial. Sin embargo, aún terminada la Ronda Uruguay, y empezando el siglo XXI, todavía no son de gran difusión, ni de aceptación universal los esquemas de clasificación de servicios más recientes, y tampoco se disponen de estadísticas más adecuadas para conocer la real importancia de este sector en las economías de los países, a pesar de existir consenso acerca de los servicios seren responsables por una parte importante (y creciente) del ingreso nacional. El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir los problemas inherentes a la clasificación de los servicios y los obstáculos que estas lagunas en el conocimiento del sector implican para las negociaciones de liberalización del comercio de servicios. El trabajo se compone de cuatro partes. En la primera sección se revisan los sistemas de clasificación de los servicios, sus aspectos conceptuales, las estadísticas de servicios y los problemas inherentes a ellas y las implicaciones de la nomenclatura de los servicios para las negociaciones internacionales. La segunda sección cubre el problema de la concordancia entre las distintas clasificaciones de servicios utilizadas actualmente. A seguir se abordan temas relacionados al comercio electrónico, por la importancia que presenta no sólo en términos de clasificación, como para las negociaciones sobre servicios. El documento termina con una sección de conclusiones y recomendaciones de política. Los dos anexos presentan la lista original de sectores de servicios que sirvió de base a las negociaciones sobre servicios de la Ronda Uruguay y una lista comparativa de los compromisos asumidos en el Acuerdo General sobre Comercio de Servicios (AGCS) y los cambios en la Clasificación Central de Productos (cuya sigla es CPC) versión 1 de 1998.
    Note: Incluye Bibliografía
    Language: Spanish
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 3
    Series Statement: Libros de la CEPAL 115
    Content: The swift expansion of developing Asia is probably the most significant structural change in the world economy of the twenty-first century. Latin America, and in particular South America, have strongly benefited from developing Asia’s surge. China has become one of the region’s main trade partners. Despite their benefits, strengthened trans-Pacific economic relations have also become a cause for concern in Latin America, due to major imbalances of different kinds.The purpose of this book is twofold. On the one hand, it aims to document the growing investment and trade relations between Latin America and Asia, as well as some of their imbalances. On the other hand, it provides several examples on how to upgrade trans-Pacific economic relations.
    Content: Chapter I Asian agribusiness investment in Latin America, with case studies from Brazil. -- Chapter II The changing nature of Asian investment in Latin American manufacturing: a value chain analysis. -- Chapter III Global services models for promoting economic integration between Asia and Latin America. -- Chapter IV Business models for trans-Latins: Latin American investments in Asia.
    Note: Includes bibliography
    Language: English
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 4
    Series Statement: Serie Comercio Internacional 9
    Content: Abstract This document provides an overview of trade relations between Asia and the Pacific and Latin America and explores the possibilities for expanding the modalities of economic relations between the two regions. The analysis covers 12 countries in Asia and Oceania and 11 members of the Latin American Integration Association (LAIA). Interregional cooperation in trade and investment has been on the agendas of countries in both regions for some time. It is often expressed that the present economic relations between the two regions do not reflect the potential for interregional trade and investment that exists in an increasingly globalized world. Given the current low level of economic interaction and in the aftermath of the economic crises experienced in each region in recent years, the governments of both regions have increasingly recognized the need to institutionalize the mechanism of consultation and to possibly implement joint actions in order to strengthen bi-regional economic relations. The document will analyze the present level of, and future potential for, interregional trade and investment flows, and make some recommendations that may contribute to a visualization of several actions plans on interregional cooperation. Chapter I begins with a short analysis of LAIa's trade performance in the 1990s and its relations with major trade partners outside the region. This is followed by a brief examination of the dynamics of trade flows between Latin America and Asia-Pacific, considering the effects of the Asian financial crisis on Latin American trade. The chapter ends with a review of market-access problems and the on-going process of liberalization in Latin America.Chapter II analyzes the same trade relations from the viewpoint of Asian and Paci f i c countries. Chapter III presents some general data on the importance of intra-industrial trade in Asia-Pacific and LAIa's trade, with a view to suggesting a possible route for future relations between the two regions. Chapter IV provides a brief survey of the linkages between trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) and a description on the recent evolution of foreign direct investment in Latin America, indicating some options for increasing the presence of Asia-Pacific in the region.The last chapter, Conclusions and Recommendations, emphasizes broad opportunities that lie in the development of interregional economic linkages. Recommendations are made in five areas: 1) mechanisms for per manent or periodic consultation on issues related to trade and investment; 2) information creation and exchange (e.g., information centers, market access, business facilitation, policy dialogueue on WTO); 3) guidelines for trade facilitation action plan and investment promotion action plan; 4); business community participation; and 5) economic and technical cooperation (food security, technological upgrading, transport infrastructure, environment protection).
    Note: Includes bibliography
    Language: English
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 5
    ISBN: 9211214300
    Series Statement: Serie Comercio Internacional 43
    Content: The liberalization of Maritime Transport is one important element to increase the export competitiveness of a country. In fact, studies remark that, for some countries, the effective rate of protection by the costs of transport is much higher than that of tariffs. One of the most relevant elements in the determination of the costs of maritime transport refers to the efficient management of ports. The global trend towards trade liberalization and integration and economic interdependence led Latin American countries to opt for programs of economic reforms that incorporated the participation of domestic and foreign private agents in sectors of the economy that were previously reserved to the state. Among the most significant of these was the reform of ports. In this area, the most vital seems to be to secure that the competition potential among operators is maximized. In the case of Latin American countries one should consider three factors which concur to the successful implementation of a public/private financing for the ports: a) seeking capital is very important for the financing of investments, since many governments have restricted budgets due to the debt service payments; b) the rapid economic growth has generated new traffic that demands new facilities and more efficient services and, finally, c) the strong competition makes indispensable the improvement of port facilities because otherwise the ports can be displaced by their rivals. Another problem that affects maritime transport efficiency refers to the regulation of the cabotage traffic. Restrictions to cargo and passenger transport inside the national territory are part of the maritime legislation of nations on a worldwide scale. Several countries still restrict this type of transport to the ships with national flags, and they establish minimum percentages for crews of national origin. Nonetheless, some countries have liberalized cabotage completely. The liberalization of cabotage traffic brings advantages in terms of: smaller freight costs, better use of idle capacity, higher frequency, higher competition, needlessness of the waivers and more maritime cargo transportation. Although Chile has been at the forefront of the process of trade liberalization this process has not been without difficulties. In the case of maritime transport Chilean law and regulations have been extensively modified and liberalized. The objective has been the increase of efficiency and the attraction of foreign direct investment. However, there are limits to this process that refer specially to questions of sovereignty, security and simple protectionism. In the area of cabotage and pilotage the evolution of maritime trade liberalization has been an example of the challenges that still face the liberalization process in Chile. The present document will briefly review the modifications implemented in the Chilean maritime legislation and the difficulties that remain for a more efficient public sector management. Taking into consideration the transformations that happened on a global scale, it discusses some aspects of the maritime transport sector and suggests areas of policy action that may assist the construction of a common regional maritime integration regime.
    Note: Includes bibliography
    Language: English
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 6
    ISBN: 9213223331
    Series Statement: Serie Comercio Internacional 46
    Content: En los últimos veinte años, los estudios acerca de la mundialización de la producción y el consumo han evolucionado en paralelo con los que buscan interpretar las transformaciones en la producción y el empleo en las economías avanzadas, sin que la mayor parte de los trabajos logre establecer los vínculos analíticos entre los dos conjuntos de cambios. Más recientemente, la expansión de los servicios en la producción y el comercio, juntamente con el crecimiento de los sistemas internacionales de producción compartida, y la subcontratación (outsourcing) generalizaron el interés por el estudio de las cadenas productivas internacionales, incluyendo los segmentos de servicios. Asimismo, existen fuertes indicios de que los servicios están directamente asociados a la economía con base en la producción y difusión del conocimiento, que para muchos es una otra faceta de la globalización. La extraordinaria difusión de las innovaciones de las tecnologías de información y comunicación destacaron aún más la importancia de los servicios. El presente documento intenta presentar los servicios, los activos intangibles, como una dimensión de la globalización que ha sido poco estudiada. En particular, se resalta su característica de generar valor en las cadenas productivas de recursos naturales, y el rezago de los países de la región, que se mantienen en la producción y el comercio de servicios intensivos en trabajo poco calificado. El propósito es llamar la atención para un área que requiere más investigación, y que es fundamental para entender la transformación que se está procesando en la naturaleza del comercio internacional.
    Note: Incluye Bibliografía
    Language: Spanish
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 7
    ISBN: 9213215487
    Series Statement: Serie Manuales - CEPAL 6
    Note: Incluye Bibliografía
    Language: Spanish
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 8
    Series Statement: Working Paper - ECLAC 14
    Note: Includes bibliography
    Language: English
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 9
    Note: Incluye Bibliografía
    Language: Spanish
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 10
    Content: ResumenEn este documento se presenta un panorama general de las relaciones comerciales entre Asia y el Pacífico y América Latina y se examinan las posibilidades de ampliar las modalidades de relación económica entre ambas regiones. El análisis abarca doce países de Asia y el Pacífico y once países miembros de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración (ALADI);.El primer capítulo comienza con un breve análisis del comportamiento del comercio de la ALADI en los años noventa y de su relación con los principales socios comerciales extrarregionales. A continuación se indica en líneas generales la dinámica de las corrientes comerciales entre América Latina y Asia y el Pacífico, centrando la atención en América Latina. Este capítulo termina con un examen de los mecanismos de acceso al mercado y del proceso de liberalización en marcha en América Latina. En el capítulo segundo se examinan las mismas relaciones comerciales desde la perspectiva de los países de Asia y el Pacífico. En el capítulo tercero se presentan algunas informaciones generales sobre la importancia del comercio intraindustrial entre los países de Asia y el Pacífico y entre los de la ALADI, a fin de sugerir una posible trayectoria para las relaciones futuras entre ambas regiones. Luego viene un somero examen de los vínculos entre el comercio y la inversión extranjera directa (IED); en el capítulo cuarto y, finalmente, se describe la evolución reciente de la inversión extranjera directa en América Latina y se indican algunas opciones para aumentar la presencia de Asia y el Pacífico.En la última parte, titulada Conclusiones y Recomendaciones, se destacan las amplias oportunidades de perfeccionamiento de los vínculos económicos interregionales. Se formulan recomendaciones sobre cuatro materias: 1); medidas para aumentar el intercambio de información, 2); la cooperación económica y técnica, 3); el acceso a los mercados y la facilitación de las actividades comerciales, y 4); el mejoramiento del transporte y de las instituciones.
    Note: Incluye Bibliografía
    Language: Spanish
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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