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    Basingstoke, Hampshire ; London : Macmillan | New York, NY : St. Martin's Press
    Format: XVIII, 376 S. , graph. Darst., Kt.
    ISBN: 0333629094 , 0312129815
    Language: English
    Subjects: Economics , Geography
    Keywords: Entwicklungsländer ; Regionalplanung ; Regionalwirtschaft ; Raumwirtschaftstheorie ; Aufsatzsammlung ; Aufsatzsammlung
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  • 2
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource
    Original writing title: 中国城市发展报告No.14
    Original writing publisher: 北京 : 社会科学文献出版社
    ISBN: 9787520194563
    Series Statement: Cheng shi lan pi shu
    Content: 水是人类社会赖以生存和发展的基础性、战略性资源,流域是人与自然和谐共生的地理单元。古今中外“善为国者必先治水”,我国是世界上水情最为复杂、治水任务最为繁重的国家之一,未来全球气候变化带来的极端天气将极大可能加重我国的城乡治水任务。与此同时,生态文明时代高质量发展、人民群众高品质生活的现实需求,也给新时代的城乡治水提出了更高的要求。党的十九大强调“建设生态文明是中华民族永续发展的千年大计”,提出了到2035年“美丽中国目标基本实现”的奋斗目标。水是我国推进生态文明建设的物质基础和组成要素,流域则是建设美丽中国的空间载体和基本单元。《中国城市发展报告No.14》(以下简称《报告》)以“大国治水之城乡生态文明建设”为主题,紧密围绕新中国成立以来城乡治水的主要工作,特别是党的十八大以来我国水资源管理、水环境治理、水生态文明建设等领域的制度、理念和实践进行了系统分析和深入研究。《报告》共设计了总报告、综合篇、重点流域篇、专项行动篇、国内案例篇、国际经验篇和附录7个篇章,分专题深入研究了我国城乡治水的发展沿革、治理现状、问题挑战、发展态势、制度建设、实践工作等,并结合国内外城乡治水的有益经验,对进一步提升和完善我国在水资源、水环境、水生态、水安全、水文化等领域治理体系和治理能力现代化水平提出了对策建议。《报告》指出,我国是一个水资源大国,多样化的流域承载着全国最广大的人口和经济。但存在水资源总量多、人均少,水资源时空分布极不均衡,旱涝灾害发生频率高、面积广、损失重等复杂的水情。未来全球气候变化将极大可能导致极端天气频发,加重城乡治水的任务。如果对水资源管理不到位、对水资源开发利用不科学、对人水关系处理不合理,就容易出现水资源短缺、水环境恶化、水生态失衡、水灾害多发等问题,这将成为制约经济社会可持续发展和人民美好生活的关键桎梏。因此,需要高度重视治水在国家安全和社会经济可持续发展中的重要作用。《报告》指出,新中国成立以来,我国逐步明确并坚持“人水和谐”的治水理念与原则,在防洪抗旱、资源保障、污染治理、生态修复和内涝治理等方面采取了有力措施,取得了积极成效。尤其是党的十八大以来,党中央统筹推进水灾害防治、水资源节约、水生态保护修复、水环境治理,从城乡分治走向城乡生态环境共治,流域治理迈上了新的台阶。但当前,仍然存在水资源协同配置不完善、水生态系统性保护与修复不足、流域生态高水平保护与高质量发展协同性不够、城市防洪排涝治理体系不健全等主要问题。针对我国的基本水情和城乡治水主要任务,在借鉴国内外探索形成的系统思维、协同共治、技术支撑等有益治水经验的基础上,《报告》提出,需要面向生态文明时代高质量发展、高品质生活的新要求,科学认识影响水循环、水资源开发、水生态修复的自然规律、经济规律和社会规律,把水资源作为最大的刚性约束,树立正确的水文化观念,坚持以水定城、以水定地、以水定人、以水定产,重视水生态健康,注重提升城乡治水的信息化、智慧化水平,并基于流域这一基本地域单元,以系统思维深入推进水生态文明建设,实现以水为纽带的人与自然和谐共生。
    Note: Pinyin-Umschrift und Langzeichen wurden automatisiert erstellt , 电子文献
    Language: Chinese
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  • 3
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource
    Original writing title: 中国城市发展报告No.13
    Original writing publisher: 北京 : 社会科学文献出版社
    ISBN: 9787520174596
    Series Statement: Cheng shi lan pi shu
    Content: 城市安全是社会经济可持续发展的前提,是人民群众安居乐业的保障,是衡量城市竞争力的重要指标。当前,中国城市化水平持续提高,城市规模不断扩大,城市结构日趋复杂,各类要素快速集聚流动,再加上社会经济发展阶段和时代形势复杂变化的影响,城市安全问题日益凸显,城市安全治理面临更高的要求。2020年初起新冠肺炎疫情大流行,2020年6月以来全国爆发了大范围的洪涝灾害,再次凸显城市风险应对和安全治理面临的严峻考验,成为社会各界广泛关注的焦点问题。习近平总书记强调要“坚持总体国家安全观,走出一条中国特色国家安全道路”,而城市安全是国家安全观在城市的具体落实。《中国城市发展报告No.13》(以下简称《报告》)以“大国治理之城市安全”为主题,紧密围绕新中国成立以来,尤其是2003年“非典”以来我国的城市安全发展历程,对城市安全治理的制度、理念和实践进行了系统分析和深入研究。《报告》共设计了总报告、城市治理篇、制度建设篇、技术创新篇、社会治理篇、应急产业篇、国内案例篇、国际经验篇和附录9个篇章,分专题深入研究了我国城市安全治理的发展沿革、治理现状、问题挑战、发展态势、创新经验,并结合国外城市安全治理的有益做法,对进一步提升我国城市安全治理体系和治理能力现代化水平提出了对策建议。《报告》指出,在近20年的城市安全治理改革中,我国城市安全治理理念发生重大转变,呈现新的发展趋势:从以往的被动应对转变为主动预防,从针对单项要素的碎片化管理转变为总体国家安全观指导下的综合性治理,从注重事故发生后的应急救灾转变为贯穿“事前—事中—事后”的常态化、全周期管理,从主要依靠人工经验的传统式管理转变为科技赋能的智慧化管理,治理理念和手段不断发展、创新。在城市安全治理体系建设上,以“一案三制”为框架构建了“纵向到底、横向到边”的城市安全应急预案体系,基本建成了系统的安全治理法律体系,实施了一系列行之有效的安全治理机制,城市安全治理的规范化、制度化和法治化水平不断提高,逐步建立起了“统一指挥、专常兼备、反应灵敏、上下联动、平战结合”的中国特色城市安全治理体系。《报告》同时指出,现代社会正在进入一种“风险型社会”,呈现自然灾害频发化、城市系统脆弱化、突发事件常态化等特征,城市安全与可持续发展面临越来越严峻的挑战。而城市风险本身具有系统性、复杂性、突发性、连锁性等特点,安全防控难度较大,特别是此次疫情防控暴露出了我国城市安全治理的一些短板和不足。如,安全治理思路局限在“已知风险”的范畴内,限制了思维框架和行动范畴;城市安全治理法制体系尚不健全,法律之间耦合度低,部分领域存在漏洞和空白;城市治理结构不够完善,多主体协同联动不足;城市安全应急预案的编制存在同质化强、针对性不足、预见性和可操作性弱等问题;突发事件的预防准备、监测预警、应急处置和救援、恢复和重建机制仍有很大的改进空间。习近平总书记提到“备豫不虞,为国常道”,要“发挥我国应急管理体系的特色和优势,借鉴国外应急管理有益做法,积极推进我国应急管理体系和能力现代化”。综观全球,国外城市安全治理十分注重理念引领、法律的动态修订和完善、“一体化”或“综合化”管理、社区和个人在突发事件应对过程中的“自依”和“互依”以及信息科技的运用。尤其值得关注的是,“韧性城市”建设已成为当前国内外城市安全治理发展的新趋势。“韧性城市”理念注重对社会、经济和自然等多要素的结合,强调多部门和多主体在灾害应对中的多元合作与联动共治,主张在灾害的抵御阶段和恢复阶段,通过学习、组织重组、调整转型等方式,增强对灾害的随机反应能力、消化恢复能力以及城市自身的演进和可持续发展能力。立足中国国情,借鉴国际经验,《报告》提出,在新的发展阶段,我国城市安全治理改革须从转变应急治理理念,建立健全安全治理的法制、体制和机制等几个方面入手,秉承总体安全观,推动全视域、常态化、全周期治理;完善法律体系,为城市安全治理提供法制保障;坚持“平战结合”,强化城市安全治理的顶层设计;鼓励社会参与,促进城市安全多元协同共治;加强安全宣教,夯实基层应急安全能力建设;坚持科技赋能,进一步推动城市安全智慧化治理;全面提高城市的公共安全治理能力,保障城市的稳定健康运行,建设更具“韧性”、更可持续的安全城市。
    Note: Pinyin-Umschrift und Langzeichen wurden automatisiert erstellt , 电子文献
    Language: Chinese
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  • 4
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Singapore :Springer Nature Singapore :
    Format: 1 online resource (136 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    ISBN: 981-9965-15-2
    Series Statement: China Insights,
    Content: The book introduces China's ecological environmental protection in urban and rural areas. China's economic development and the achievements in alleviating poverty has been recognized by the international community. However, China's commitment in ecological and environmental protection has not gain equivalent attention. From cultural and ideological perspective, the book presents the basic connotation and historical significance of ecological civilization construction advocated by China. It shows a tangible and multi-dimensional process and China's ecological civilization construction over recent years, combining analysis of the cases of China’s ecological civilization construction.
    Note: Ecological Civilization: a New Form of Human Civilization -- A New Road to Modernization: Modernization Ensures Harmonious Coexistence between Humans and Nature -- The Development of Ecological Economy -- Safeguarding Ecological Security -- Optimizing the Layout of Territorial Space -- Jointly Building a Shared Future for Humans and Nature.
    Additional Edition: ISBN 981-9965-14-4
    Language: English
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  • 5
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Singapore :Springer,
    Format: 1 online resource (136 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 981-9965-15-2
    Series Statement: China Insights Series
    Note: Intro -- Series Foreword -- Contents -- Contributors -- 1 Ecological Civilization: A New Form of Human Civilization -- 1 The Motives Behind the Rise of Ecological Civilization -- 1.1 Ecological Problems of Industrial Civilization -- 1.2 Rethinking of China on Traditional Industrial Civilization -- 2 Ecological Civilization System -- 2.1 Ecological Cultural System Based on Ecological Values -- 2.2 An Economic System Aimed at Integrating Industries and Ecosystems -- 2.3 An Institutional Framework for Promoting Ecological Progress Guaranteed by a Modernized Governance System and Capacity -- 2.4 An Objective Appraisal System Centering on Improvements in Ecological Environmental Quality -- 2.5 Ecological Security System Focusing on Virtuous Cycle of Ecosystems and Effective Environmental Risk Prevention -- 3 People-Centered Ecological Civilization -- 3.1 The Core or Fundamental Value Standpoint of China's Ecological Civilization Construction is the People-Centered Development Philosophy -- 3.2 Insisting on People-Centered Ecological Civilization Construction with Rich Connotations -- 3.3 Better Demonstrating People-Centered Development Philosophy Through Boosting High-Quality Development -- 4 Principles of Ecological Civilization -- 4.1 Harmonious Coexistence Between Humans and Nature -- 4.2 Invaluable Assets of Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains -- 4.3 Good Eco-Environment is the Most Universally Beneficial Welfare -- 4.4 Upholding a Biotic Community of Mountains, Rivers, Forests, Fields, Lakes, Grasslands and Deserts -- 4.5 Protecting the Eco-Environment with the Strictest Possible Regulations and Laws -- 4.6 Joining Efforts in Building a Global Ecological Civilization -- 2 A New Road to Modernization: Modernization Ensures Harmoniousness Coexistence Between Humans and Nature. , 1 A Modernization that Ensures Harmonious Coexistence Between Humans and Nature -- 1.1 The Idea of Modernization that Ensures Harmonious Coexistence Between Humans and Nature -- 1.2 A New Road to Modernization that Ensures Harmonious Coexistence Between Humans and Nature -- 2 A Road Prioritizing Ecology and Green Development -- 2.1 Constructing a High-Quality Eco-Environment -- 2.2 Taking Efforts to Advance All-Round Green Transformation -- 2.3 Liberating and Developing Ecological Productive Forces -- 3 Upholding and Perfecting the Ecological Civilization System -- 3.1 Safeguarding the New Road to Modernization with an Institutional Framework -- 3.2 Setting up Multiple Pillars for the Institutional Framework for Ecological Progress -- 3.3 Promoting Modernization of China's Governance Capacity -- 3 The Development of Ecological Economy -- 1 The Development of Ecological Economy: An Inevitable Choice -- 1.1 Theoretical Explorations -- 1.2 A Dilemma in Reality -- 1.3 Evolving Political Consensus -- 2 Making Production Cleaner -- 2.1 Up-and-Downs of a Cement Factory -- 2.2 For the "Blue Sky" Over Chemical Industrial Parks -- 2.3 Licence System in the Textile City -- 3 Making the Ecological Environment More Valuable -- 3.1 Exploring the Path to Realize Ecological Value -- 3.2 Dramatic Changes in Xiufanggou -- 3.3 Developing Ecological Products into Brands -- 3.4 A City with Beautiful Water Landscapes is Additionally, Attractive to Investors -- 4 Safeguarding Ecological Security -- 1 Continuously Strengthening Ecological Security -- 1.1 The Definition of Ecological Security -- 1.2 Progress of China's Ecological Security -- 2 Drawing Strict "Redlines for Ecological Conservation" -- 2.1 Drawing Ecological Conversation Red Lines Scientifically -- 2.2 Building a Solid Barrier for Ecological Security. , 3 Intensifying the Efforts in Eco-Environmental Conservation and Restoration -- 3.1 Promoting the Protection and Restoration of Key Ecosystems -- 3.2 Promoting the Restoration of Damaged Ecosystems -- 4 Innovations in Biodiversity Protection -- 4.1 Biological Security is Included in the National Security System -- 4.2 Ensuring the Safety of Biological Habitats -- 4.3 Launching Well-Planned Campaigns to Save Endangered Species -- 4.4 Promoting Animal-Friendly Campaign -- 5 Winning a Determined Battle to Prevent and Control Pollution -- 5.1 Winning a Decisive Victory in the Campaign to Make Skies Blue Again -- 5.2 Concentrating Strengths on the Campaign to Make Water Clear Again -- 5.3 Solidly Deploying the Battle Against Soil Pollution -- 5 Optimizing the Layout of Territorial Space -- 1 Territorial Space Layout Optimization, An Inevitable Result of Historical Progress -- 1.1 Development of Territorial Space in the PRC -- 1.2 Demands of the Times for Territorial Spatial Layout Optimization -- 2 Territorial Space Layout Optimization, Targeting at Fulfilling the Chinese Dream -- 2.1 Coordinated Production, Living and Ecological Territorial Spaces -- 2.2 Constructing a Safe Territorial Space -- 2.3 Building a Harmonious Territorial Space -- 2.4 Developing a Competitive Territorial Space -- 2.5 Improving the Sustainability of the Territorial Space -- 3 Laying a Foundation for Sustainable Development Through Practices and Innovations in Territorial Space Layout Optimization -- 3.1 Innovating the Territorial Spatial Governance System -- 3.2 Improving the Development of Functional Zones -- 3.3 Implementing Strategies for Territorial Spatial Layout Optimization -- 3.4 Improving the Regulatory System for the Use of Territorial Space -- 3.5 Strengthening the Ecological Progress Based on River Basins -- 6 Jointly Building a Shared Future for Humans and Nature. , 1 Rich Implications of Jointly Building a Shared Future for Humans and Nature -- 1.1 Interdependent Humans and Nature Sharing the Same Future -- 1.2 Nature Laying Foundations for Human Society and Sustaining Development and Prosperity -- 1.3 Bearing the World in Mind, Contributing to Global Development -- 2 Explorations for Jointly Building a Shared Future for Humans and Nature -- 2.1 Joining Hands with Other Countries to Actively Combating Climate Change -- 2.2 Strengthening Regional Cooperation, Constructing a Green Belt and Road Through Consultation and Joint Contribution -- 2.3 Advocating a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind and Jointly Charting the Course for Global Ecological Civilization -- 3 Chinese Experience in Jointly Building a Shared Future for Humans and Nature -- 3.1 Adhering to the Harmony Between Humans and Nature and Building an Ecologically Livable World -- 3.2 Upholding Green and Low-Carbon Development, Building a Clean and Beautiful World -- 3.3 Building an Open and Inclusive World Through Exchanges and Mutual Understanding.
    Additional Edition: ISBN 981-9965-14-4
    Language: English
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  • 6
    Online Resource
    Online Resource
    Singapore :Springer Nature Singapore :
    Format: XI, 127 p. 44 illus., 41 illus. in color. , online resource.
    Edition: 1st ed. 2024.
    ISBN: 9789819965151
    Series Statement: China Insights,
    Content: The book introduces China's ecological environmental protection in urban and rural areas. China's economic development and the achievements in alleviating poverty has been recognized by the international community. However, China's commitment in ecological and environmental protection has not gain equivalent attention. From cultural and ideological perspective, the book presents the basic connotation and historical significance of ecological civilization construction advocated by China. It shows a tangible and multi-dimensional process and China's ecological civilization construction over recent years, combining analysis of the cases of China's ecological civilization construction.
    Note: Ecological Civilization: a New Form of Human Civilization -- A New Road to Modernization: Modernization Ensures Harmonious Coexistence between Humans and Nature -- The Development of Ecological Economy -- Safeguarding Ecological Security -- Optimizing the Layout of Territorial Space -- Jointly Building a Shared Future for Humans and Nature.
    In: Springer Nature eBook
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9789819965144
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9789819965168
    Additional Edition: Printed edition: ISBN 9789819965175
    Language: English
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  • 7
    Format: 3, 3, 380 Seiten , 图
    Edition: 第1版
    Original writing title: 中国城市发展报告No.13 : 大国治理之城市安全
    Original writing publisher: 北京 : 社会科学文献出版社
    ISBN: 9787520174596
    Series Statement: Blue book of cities in China 13
    Note: 附参考文献, 有附录
    Language: Chinese
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