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  • 1
    Format: 1 online resource (XVII, 596 p.)
    ISBN: 9783110752151 , 9783110766820
    Content: The need for a "new" book on Greek colonization arose to analyse this phenomenon as a long-term process in a wide geographic area. The events related to individual cities and regions, although geographically very distant from each other, are linked through an articulated network of material and immaterial relations and have to be considered as part of a broader mobility process in a Mediterranean perspective. The intention of "Comparing Greek Colonies" is to bring geographically and culturally distant regions such as Southern Italy/Sicily and the Black Sea, closer together, not merely to find "similarities and differences", but to broaden the scholars' perspective and overcome existing, generalizing, and biased models, that are often rooted in local scientific traditions. The proceedings of the international conference "Comparing Greek Colonies. Mobility and Settlement Consolidation from Southern Italy to the Black Sea (8th - 6th century BC)", 7.-9.11.2018 in Rome, are structured around three core topics (economic system; relationships with the indigenous populations; social and territorial systems) that constitute the cornerstones of the political formation of the polis in the Archaic period and for its development during the Classical and Hellenistic Ages.
    Note: Frontmatter -- , Table of Contents -- , Preface -- , Ricordo di Enzo Lippolis -- , Enzo Lippolis -- , Comparing Greek Colonies - An Introduction -- , The Construction of the Economic System -- , Aspetti del consolidamento delle poleis in ambito coloniale. Introduzione alla sezione -- , Archiloco e la leggenda coloniale di Paro: un riesame della tradizione letteraria -- , Possedere la terra, diventare un'élite. Osservazioni a partire dai casi di Megara Iblea e Selinunte -- , Early Greek Colonisation in the Northern Aegean: A New Perspective from Mende -- , A Look Inside the Continuum: Greek Secondary Colonization Between Model and Experiment -- , Migration and Resources: Why the West? -- , Greek Colonies in Ancient Colchis - Poleis or Emporia? -- , Commerci, artigianato e agricoltura del 'nuovo mondo'. Il caso di Ischia -- , The Economy of Archaic Myrmekion -- , A Campanian Economic System Between the 8th and 6th Centuries BCE? -- , Mobilità e consolidamento territoriale in Magna Grecia in età tardo arcaica nella prospettiva della moneta incusa di Crotone -- , Relationships and Forms of Contact With the Indigenous Population -- , Relationships and Forms of Contact with the Indigenous Population - Introduction to the Session -- , Greek-Indigenous Relations - The Wrong Question? Postcolonial Perspectives on Identity in Greek Overseas Settlements -- , Paesaggi e sistemi territoriali nel golfo di Taranto: il popolamento enotrio e greco a confronto -- , Un decennio di ricerche a Satùro (Taranto). Frammenti di storia locale nell'età della colonizzazione -- , Note su Kaulonía e la Kauloniatide tra VIII e VII sec. a.C., tra presenze e assenze presso il Capo Cocinto -- , Città euboiche e contatti di culture: il ruolo del proasteion -- , Greeks and Natives at the Foundation of Selinus: A Revision -- , Landscape Dynamics and Cultural Contacts in the Territory of Himera in the Archaic Period -- , Erice in età arcaica. Interazioni culturali tra popolazioni locali e Greci -- , Motya, the Rise of a Port-City: Demography and Colonial Models in Comparison -- , Greek Archaic Pottery from the Nemirov Hill-Fort in the Context of Early Antique Imports from Local Sites on the Northern Black Sea Coast -- , The Definition of Social and Territorial Systems -- , Defining Territorial and Social Systems. Introduction to the session -- , Olbia 630-510 a.C.: l'unico insediamento greco della Sardegna -- , HIMERA - Reflections Regarding its Role and Importance Within the Network of Colonial Settlements in Sicily -- , Le sepolture e le tombe a tumulo protoarcaiche nell'agorà di Selinunte -- , Siculi, emporoi euboici ed apoikoi locresi in Aspromonte: Metauros da centro protostorico a popolamento misto a 'sub-colonia' locrese -- , Territoriality and Dynamics of Socio-Economic Patterned Networks at the Beginning of Greek Colonization in the Western Black Sea -- , Settlement Artyushchenko-1 on the Taman Peninsula in the Archaic Period: Culture, Ethnicity and Economy -- , Aphrodite in Olbia: Sacred Gifts in Cult Practice -- , Siedlungsdynamik an der unteren Donau in archaischer Zeit und die Entstehung der Stadt Istrie/Histria -- , Classical Archaeology of the Pontus in the Archaic Period: Some Current Problems and Prospective Solutions -- , Round Table and Summarizing Contributions -- , Comparing Greek Colonization -- , Systèmes territoriaux et sociaux dans les espaces grecs -- , How Uniform Was Early Greek Colonization? Comparing Greek Colonies East and West -- , Comparing Colonies: Challenges and Prospects -- , Index of Places and Geographical Names , Issued also in print. , Mode of access: Internet via World Wide Web. , In English.
    In: DG Plus DeG Package 2022 Part 1, De Gruyter, 9783110766820
    In: EBOOK PACKAGE COMPLETE 2022 English, De Gruyter, 9783110993899
    In: EBOOK PACKAGE COMPLETE 2022, De Gruyter, 9783110994810
    In: EBOOK PACKAGE Classical Studies 2022 English, De Gruyter, 9783110992915
    In: EBOOK PACKAGE Classical Studies 2022, De Gruyter, 9783110992878
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9783110752168
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9783110682328
    Language: English
    URL: Cover
    URL: Cover
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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  • 2
    Format: 218 Seiten , Illustrationen , 24 cm
    ISBN: 9788898197101
    Series Statement: Ricerche 10
    Note: Collected essays , Timpone della Motta, archaeological site in Francavilla Marittima, near Cosenza (Calabria) , Includes bibliographical references (pages 207-217) , Texts in Italian, with one text in English
    Language: Italian
    Keywords: Timpone della Motta ; Vor- und Frühgeschichte ; Ausgrabung ; Funde ; Verzeichnis
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  • 3
    Format: xvii, 192 Seiten , Karten, Illustrationen , 30 cm
    ISBN: 9781407359274 , 1407359274
    Series Statement: BAR 3071
    Content: Questo lavoro si propone di portare l'attenzione sul caso studio di un paesaggio culturale antico segnato dal fenomeno coloniale, in cui è avvenuta l'interazione tra due grandi e diverse componenti etniche. Ad essere preso in esame è il territorio degli Enotri, in gran parte coincidente con le aree di influenza delle colonie achee di Crotone, Sibari e Metaponto e della ionica Siris, per comprendere entro quali dinamiche si è verificato il contatto tra gli indigeni e i Greci al momento delle fondazioni. L?obiettivo del lavoro è quello di tracciare la natura e le caratteristiche del popolamento enotrio e le trasformazioni avvenute dopo le fondazioni greche. In antitesi alle tendenze primitiviste e diffusioniste che si appiattiscono nella considerazione esclusiva dell'elemento coloniale, questa ricerca ha tentato di riconoscere il ruolo, troppo spesso marginalizzato, svolto dagli indigeni nella definizione politico-culturale della Magna Grecia
    Note: Includes bibliographical references
    Additional Edition: ISBN 9781407359281
    Language: Italian
    Subjects: History
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  • 4
    Format: 164 Seiten , Illustrationen, Diagramme, Pläne , 24 cm
    ISBN: 9788898197965
    Series Statement: Ricerche 9
    Note: Collected essays , Timpone della Motta, archaeological site in Francavilla Marittima, near Cosenza (Calabria) , Includes bibliographical references (pages 152-163) , Texts in Italian, with one text in English; abstract in English
    Language: Italian
    Keywords: Timpone della Motta ; Archäologische Stätte ; Funde ; Aufsatzsammlung
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  • 5
    Format: 191 Seiten , Illustrationen , 24 cm
    ISBN: 9791220500135
    Series Statement: Paesaggi antichi 3
    Note: Includes bibliographical references (pages 169-189) , Text in Italian; abstract in English
    Language: Italian
    Keywords: Francavilla Marittima ; Ausgrabung ; Funde
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