1 Online-Ressource (313 Seiten)
Series Statement:
Media studies volume 42
Transnationalizing Radio Research presents a theoretical and methodological guide for exploring radio's multiple »global ages«, from its earliest years through its recent digital transformations. It offers radio scholars theoretical tools and concrete case studies for moving beyond national research frames. It gives radio practitioners inspiration for production and archiving, and offers scholars from many disciplines new ways to incorporate radio's vital voices into work on transnational institutions, communities, histories and identities
Transnationalizing radio research : new encounters with an old medium
Community radio and transnational identities
Accented radio in Miami and New Orleans
Radio, refugees and migrants workshop: TRE Conference, Utrecht, 2016
You can’t tell my story for me! : community media as a means of expression in multilingual local and globalized contexts
Desi radio by and for the Panjabi community : citizens' media, gender, and participation
Gaywaves: transcending boundaries : the rise and demise of Britain’s first gay radio program
Transnational encounters and peregrinations of the radio documentary imagination
Production and use of packaging elements in radio : concepts, functions and styles in transnational comparison
Makrolab as an apparatus for global observation
Transcultural audio storytelling : when German, Australian and African voices meet
A transnational approach to radio amateurism in the 1910s
Radiophonic cities : the city portrait in transnational radio collaborations
European music? : the International Broadcasting Union’s 1930s concert Series 'Concerts Européens'
From Enzensberger to Clausen: an auditive transformation
Transnational radio research and the digital archive : promises and pitfalls
Cultural memory in the digital age
Worlding the archive : radio collections, heritage frameworks, and selection principles
Radio diffusion : re-collecting international broadcasting in the archive of Radio Netherlands worldwide
Promising prospects, and the hurdles along the way : sharing and archiving community media content online
Making DAB work : new opportunities for digital radio in Europe
Opening up the debate: Irish radio, Facebook, and the creation of transnational cultural public spheres
New radio and social media : public service radio forms of user participation and inclusion
The role of boundary objects in collaborative radio production
Researching podcast production : an Australian podcast study about women and work in 'Are we there yet?'
Surveying international public radio : some practical insights
The future of radio studies
Additional Edition:
ISBN 9783837639131
Additional Edition:
Erscheint auch als Druck-Ausgabe Transnationalizing radio research Bielefeld : transcript, 2018 ISBN 3837639134
Additional Edition:
ISBN 9783837639131
General works
Nichtkommerzieller Hörfunk
Author information:
Badenoch, Alexander 1971-