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  • 1
    Format: Diagramme
    ISBN: 9783111147529
    Note: Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 65-69
    In: Life course, work, and labour in global history, Berlin : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2023, (2023), Seite 41-69, 9783111147529
    In: 9783111147963
    In: year:2023
    In: pages:41-69
    Language: English
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
    Author information: Mayer, Karl Ulrich 1945-
    Author information: Becker, Rolf 1960-
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  • 2
    Format: 30 Seiten , Diagramme
    Series Statement: Discussion paper / WZB Berlin Social Center, Research Group Demography and Inequality SP I 2018, 601
    Language: English
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  • 3
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (19 Seiten)
    ISSN: 0042-0980 , 0042-0980
    Content: We bring together research on social networks and neighbourhood disadvantage to examine how they jointly affect unemployed individuals’ probability of re-entering employment. Data from the UK Household Longitudinal Study ‘Understanding Society’ provide information on the proportion of friends who live in the same neighbourhood, and are linked with small-scale administrative information on neighborhood employment deprivation. Results indicate that neighbourhood employment deprivation prolongs unemployment, but only for individuals who report that all of their friends live in the same neighbourhood. Living in an advantaged neighbourhood with all of one’s friends in the neighbourhood increases the chances of exiting unemployment. In contrast, neighbourhood location is not associated with unemployment exit if one’s friends do not live in the same neighbourhood. We conclude that neighbourhood effects on exiting unemployment critically depend on individuals’ social embeddedness in the neighbourhood. Not just residing in a disadvantaged neighbourhood, but actually living there with all one’s friends, prevents individuals from re-entering employment. This opens new avenues for theorising neighbourhood effects as social rather than geographic phenomena, and highlights that the effects of neighbourhood socio-economic characteristics are conditional on the level of interaction residents have within their neighbourhood.
    Content: 我们将对社交网络和街区贫困的研究相结合,研究它们如何共同影响失业人员再就业的可能性。来自英国家庭纵向研究“理解社会”的数据提供了关于生活在同一街区的朋友比例的信息,并且与关于街区就业剥夺的小规模行政管理信息相关联。结果表明,街区就业剥夺延长了失业时间,但这仅适用于那些所有朋友都住在同一街区的个人。如果所有的朋友都生活在同一个富裕街区,这有助于提高终止失业状态的可能性。相比之下,如果一个人的朋友不都是住在同一个街区,他的街区位置与终止失业状态之间没有关联。我们的结论是,街区效应对终止失业状态的影响关键取决于个人在街区中的社交嵌入性。不仅仅是居住在一个贫困街区,而是所有朋友都住在这样一个街区的事实,会妨碍人们重新就业。这为将街区效应理论化为社会现象而非地理现象开辟了新的途径,并强调街区社会经济特征的影响取决于居民在街区内部与其他居民之间的互动程度。
    Content: Peer Reviewed
    Note: This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.
    In: London : Sage Publications, 58,4, Seiten 696-714, 0042-0980
    Language: English
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 4
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (31 Seiten)
    Content: Enduring and accumulated advantages and disadvantages in work and family lives remain invisible in studies focusing on single outcomes. Further, single outcome studies tend to conflate labor market inequalities related to gender, race, and family situation. We combine an intersectional and quantitative life course perspective to analyze parallel work and family lives for Black and White men and women aged 22–44. Results using sequence analysis and data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79) show that White men enjoy privileged opportunities to combine work and family life and elicit specific gendered and racialized constraints for Black men and women and White women. Black women experience the strongest interdependence between work and family life: events in their work lives constrain and condition their family lives and vice versa. For Black men, stable partnerships and career success mutually support and sustain each other over the life course. In contrast, for Black women, occupational success goes along with the absence of stable partnerships. Precarious and unstable employment is associated with early single parenthood for all groups supporting instability spillovers between life domains that are most prevalent among Black women, followed by Black men. The findings highlight a sizeable group of resourceful Black single mothers who hold stable middle-class jobs and have often gone unnoticed in previous research. We conclude that economic interventions to equalize opportunities in education, employment, and earnings, particularly early in life, are more promising for reducing intersectional inequalities in work-family life courses than attempting to intervene in family lives.
    Content: Peer Reviewed
    In: Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 101,2, Seiten 575-605
    Language: English
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 5
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource (86 Seiten)
    Content: Mit der Einführung des Bundeselterngeld- und Elternzeitgesetz (BEEG) im Jahr 2007 wurde der Familienpolitik in Deutschland ein Paradigmenwechsel bescheinigt, da erstmals Individuen an die Stelle von Familien in den Fokus der Unterstützungsmaßnahmen rückten. Aus der Familienforschung liegen bereits einhellige Befunde vor. Zwar kann das BEEG zur Förderung der Geschlechtergleichstellung beitragen, doch seine einkommensabhängige Ausgestaltung verträgt sich eher weniger mit den Voraussetzungen einer sozialen Gerechtigkeit. Die hier vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit zwei zentralen Forschungsfragen. Zum einen soll mithilfe der Multichannel Sequence Analysis (MCSA) untersucht werden, ob sich werdende Mütter in ihren drei Jahre lang beobachteten Erwerbsverläufen mehr, weniger oder gleichermaßen den Erwerbsverläufen ihrer Partner annähern. Zum anderen wird die Hypothese überprüft, ob bei Müttern eine höhere Bildung mit einer privilegierten BEEG-Wirksamkeit einhergeht. Für diesen zweiten Forschungsaspekt der Arbeit wird die Methode der multi-nomialen logistischen Regression herangezogen. Um beide Fragestellungen bearbeiten zu können, werden die Längsschnittdaten des Soziookonomischen Panels (SOEP) genutzt und in zwei Zeitepochen (1990–2006; 2007–2018) unterteilt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen zunehmend heterogene Frauenerwerbsverläufe. Rückläufigen Berufsausstiegs- und Hausfrauenmuster sowie die deutlich vermehrte Übergänge in Teilzeitbeschäftigungen erfahren Frauen nahezu exklusiv. Dabei erhöht ein hohes bis mittleres Bildungsniveau die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer zeitigen und planbaren Erwerbsrückkehr. Damit kann dem BEEG einerseits zugestanden werden, die richtige Richtung in der Geschlechterangleichung vorzugeben. Andererseits gilt es, identifizierte Schwachstellen in der Sozialverträglichkeit des Gesetzes anzuerkennen und zugunsten von Müttern mit geringerer Bildung auszubessern.
    Content: The introduction of the Federal Parental Allowance and Parental Leave Act (Bundeselterngeld- und Elternzeitgesetz, BEEG) in 2007 marked a paradigm shift in family policy in Germany, as for the first time individuals took the place of families as the focus of support policies. There are already consistent findings from family research. Although the BEEG can contribute to the promotion of gender equality, its income-dependent design is rather less compatible with the requirements of social justice. This paper addresses two central research questions. First, it uses multichannel sequence analysis to investigate whether mothers-to-be converge more, less, or equally to their partners' employment trajectories in their three-year observed employment trajectories. Second, the hypothesis is tested whether mothers with higher education experience a privileged BEEG effectiveness. For this second research aspect of the paper, the method of multinomial logistic regression is used. To address both questions, lon-gitudinal data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) are used and divided into two time epochs (1990-2006; 2007-2018). The results show increasingly heterogeneous female employment trajectories. Declining career exit and housewife patterns, as well as significant-ly increased transitions to part-time employment, are experienced almost exclusively by women. At the same time, a high to medium level of education increases the probability of a prompt and predictable return to the labor force. Thus, on the one hand, the BEEG can be credited with setting the right direction in gender equalization. On the other hand, it is important to recognize identified weaknesses in the social compatibility of the law and to remedy them in favor of mothers with lower levels of education.
    Note: Masterarbeit Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 2023
    Language: German
    URL: Volltext  (kostenfrei)
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  • 6
    ISSN: 1437-2940
    In: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, Leverkusen : Budrich, 1989, 28(2016), 1, Seite 112-143, 1437-2940
    In: volume:28
    In: year:2016
    In: number:1
    In: pages:112-143
    Language: German
    Author information: Huinink, Johannes 1952-
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  • 7
    Format: 187 Seiten
    Note: Dissertation Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 2015
    Language: English
    Keywords: Hochschulschrift
    Author information: Wetzel, Martin 1984-
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