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  • 1
    ISBN: 9781948626408
    Series Statement: Politics of the Living
    Content: " This disturbing but very important book makes clear we must dig deeper than the normal solutions we are offered.8212 Yvon Chouinard, founder of Patagonia Works Bright Green Lies exposes the hypocrisy and bankruptcy of leading environmental groups and their most prominent cheerleaders. The best-known environmentalists are not in the business of speaking truth, or even holding up rational solutions to blunt the impending ecocide, but instead indulge in a mendacious and self-serving delusion that provides comfort at the expense of reality. They fail to state the obvious: We cannot continue to wallow in hedonistic consumption and industrial expansion and survive as a species. The environmental debate, Derrick Jensen and his coauthors argue, has been distorted by hubris and the childish desire by those in industrialized nations to sustain the unsustainable. All debates about environmental policy need to begin with honoring and protecting, not the desires of the human species, but with the sanctity of the Earth itself. We refuse to ask the right questions because these questions expose a stark truth8212 we cannot continue to live as we are living. To do so is suicidal folly. 'Tell me how you seek, and I will tell you what you are seeking,' the German philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein said. This is the power of Bright Green Lies: It asks the questions most refuse to ask, and in that questioning, that seeking, uncovers profound truths we ignore at our peril.8212 Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of America: The Farewell Tour "
    Content: Biographisches: " Derrick Jensen is the acclaimed author of more than twenty-five books, including A Language Older Than Words , The Culture of Make Believe , and Endgame . Author, teacher, activist, small farmer, and leading voice of uncompromising dissent, he has been hailed as the philosopher poet of the environmental movement. Writes Publishers Weekly , Jensen paints on a huge canvas an emotionally compelling and devastating critique of the intellectual, psychological, emotional and social structure of Western culture.His premise is as profound as it is persistent: industrial civilization is inherently unsustainable. It will always require violence to biotic and human communities. And it will create a culture where trauma is normalized, where living beings become objects, and where the only relationship left is one of domination. Jensen weaves together history, philosophy, environmentalism, economics, literature and psychology to produce a powerful argument and a passionate call for action. He guides us toward concrete solutions by focusing on our most primal human desire: to live on a healthy earth overflowing with uncut forests, clean rivers, and thriving oceans that are not under the constant threat of being destroyed. Jensen's writing has been described as breaking and mending the reader's heart ( Publishers Weekly ). He writes for The New York Times Magazine , Audubon , and The Sun , and has a regular column in Orion. He holds a degree in creative writing from Eastern Washington University, a degree in mineral engineering physics from the Colorado School of Mines, and has taught at Eastern Washington University and Pelican Bay State Prison. He has packed university auditoriums, conferences, and bookstores across the nation, stirring them with revolutionary spirit. "
    Language: English
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  • 2
    Format: 511 Seiten , 22 cm
    ISBN: 9783866122154
    Content: Fortsetzung von "Endgame": hier die radikale gewaltlose Vernichtung der Zivilisation zur Rettung der Erde.
    Language: German
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  • 3
    Münster [u.a.] : Pendo-Verl.
    Format: 539 S.
    Uniform Title: Endgame
    Language: Undetermined
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  • 4
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    Seven Stories Press
    ISBN: 9781609806798
    Content: "In this impassioned polemic, radical environmental philosopher Derrick Jensen debunks the near-universal belief in a hierarchy of nature and the superiority of humans. Vast and underappreciated complexities of nonhuman life are explored in detail from the cultures of pigs and prairie dogs, to the creative use of tools by elephants and fish, to the acumen of caterpillars and fungi. The paralysis of the scientific establishment on moral and ethical issues is confronted and a radical new framework for assessing the intelligence and sentience of nonhuman life is put forth. Jensen attacks mainstream environmental journalism, which too often limits discussions to how ecological changes affect humans or the economy with little or no regard for nonhuman life. With his signature compassionate logic, he argues that when we separate ourselves from the rest of nature, we in fact orient ourselves against nature, taking an unjust and, in the long run, impossible position. Jensen expresses profound disdain for the human industrial complex and its ecological excesses, contending that it is based on the systematic exploitation of the earth. Page by page, Jensen, who has been called the philosopher-poet of the environmental movement, demonstrates his deep appreciation of the natural world in all its intimacy, and sounds an urgent call for its liberation from human domination."
    Content: Biographisches: "Philosopher, teacher, radical activist, and leading voice of uncompromising dissent, DERRICK JENSEN is winner of numerous awards and honors including the Eric Hoffer Book Award, USA Today 's Critic's Choice Award, and Press Action's Person of the Year. He is the author of over twenty books, including Endgame , A Language Older Than Words , and Dreams , and he regularly stirs packed auditoriums across the country with revolutionary spirit. Jensen holds degrees in creative writing and mineral engineering physics. He lives in Crescent City, California." Rezension(2): "Eve Ensler, author of The Vagina Monologues and In the Body of the World :Derrick Jensen's ferocious love of this earth and all her living beings has ignited and crafted a genius work that has the potential to shift human consciousness. The Myth of Human Supremacy must be read and reread and read again. It will shatter and rearrange your beliefs, call up your sorrow and rage. It will humble you and inspire you to fight with every bit of your being for the end of hierarchy, dominance and destruction." Rezension(3): "Bill McKibben, author of Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet :In the hottest year we've ever recorded, perhaps people of all persuasions should take a moment to grapple with Derrick Jensen's anger and love. This is a necessary provocation--it's clearly time to think anew about who and what we are." Rezension(4): "Chris Hedges :Derrick Jensen's Myth of Human Supremacy brilliantly challenges our fatal belief in 'progress,' our inability to absorb the looming ecocide around us, and the deadly consequences of our hubris. Jensen has never fled from hard truths. This book is no exception. Jensen's work is vital to our understanding of the suicidal impulses that exist within human society." Rezension(5): "George Wuerthner, author, ecologist, and wildlands advocate:[ The Myth of Human Supremacy ] offers a new way of thinking about the role of humans in relation to all other life on Earth, and a call to reevaluate our most basic assumptions about human domination of the planet." Rezension(6): "Toby Hemenway, author of Gaia's Garden and The Permaculture City :This book dissects and demolishes one of our culture's most pernicious assumptions, that humans are the pinnacle of evolution and the supreme species on the planet. Derrick Jensen is a master at digging into our beliefs, turning over rocks and unflinchingly looking at what lies beneath. The Myth of Human Supremacy brilliantly exposes our dangerous, nature-devouring belief that humans are superior and reveals to what absurd lengths we will go to preserve that belief. This is an important book full of critical lessons. It shows the value--and urgency--of humbly taking our true, unexceptional but valuable place among all of life's marvelous creatures." Rezension(7): "Guy McPherson, professor emeritus of conservation biology at the University of Arizona:When I read Endgame (2006), I believed I had found the clearest description of patriarchal civilization and how it is killing every aspect of the living planet. I was mistaken. Derrick Jensen has outdone himself. In heartfelt, compelling prose, he asks the reader to question the obvious lies embedded within the dominant paradigm." Rezension(8): "Kathleen Dean Moore, author of Moral Ground and Great Tide Rising :Jensen's arguments are ferocious, heartbroken, hilarious, and lethally logical. The truths he tells are the most important in this reeling world, bar none." Rezension(9): "Mickey Z., author of Occupy These Photos :This book made me weep. It's an angry ballad, an anguished love song to life itself. I sit here, tears in my eyes as I type these words, as if yet another human needed to be heard from. I sit here wishing, dreaming we could instead hear what the Amani flatwing damselflies, ploughshare tortoises, Asiatic black bears, and the pea plants have to say about The Myth of Human Supremacy . I imagine they'd bellow in unison: 'It's about fuckin' time you caught on!'" Rezension(10): "Suprabha Seshan, environmental educator, activist and restoration ecologist, winner of 2006 Whitley Fund for Nature award, Ashoka Fellow, Executive Director of Gurukula Botanical Sanctuary:Brilliant, lucid and gorgeously written, The Myth of Human Supremacy attacks the core of the planet-scale problem, the idea that only humans matter. The book is elegant and poised,the argument unassailable,the narrative engaging, witty, and full of surprises,the research meticulous. This is perhaps my favorite of his books." Rezension(11): "Robert Jensen, University of Texas at Austin, author of Plain Radical :In this important book, Jensen upends longstanding 'truths' about human domination of the planet, demanding that we not only rethink our ideas about politics and economics, but about ourselves. He focuses our attention on the multiple, cascading crises that can be traced to human supremacy--the deeply destructive illusion that the world was made for humans because we are so very special. Jensen considers, and rejects, every reason we want to believe ourselves the anointed species, and challenges all of us to take seriously the moral principles we claim to hold." Rezension(12): "Con Slobodchikoff, PhD, author of Chasing Doctor Dolittle: Learning the Language of Animals :Derrick Jensen elegantly shows that everything in our world is interconnected, and animals, plants, and even bacteria are sentient, conscious, and much like us. We humans re"
    Language: English
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  • 5
    ISBN: 9783853718780
    Content: "In diesem Buch geht es darum, zurückzuschlagen. Die vorherrschende Kultur, genannt Zivilisation, tötet den Planeten. Und es ist längst an der Zeit für diejenigen von uns, denen das Leben auf der Erde etwas bedeutet, die notwendigen Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um diese Kultur daran zu hindern, alle lebenden Wesen zu zerstören. Tiefenökologischer Widerstand (Deep Green Resistance) beginnt dort, wo die Umweltbewegung aufhört: Denn für die Anhänger dieser Idee ist die industrielle Zivilisation unvereinbar mit dem Leben. Sie glauben nicht daran, dass irgendeine Form von zukünftiger Technologie dem Klimawandel, dem Artensterben, der Luftverschmutzung, der Bodenversiegelung oder irgendeiner anderen ökologischen Katastrophe, die die Menschheit ausgelöst hat, Einhalt gebieten kann. Auch mit bewusstem Konsumieren oder nachhaltigem Wirtschaften lässt sich der Planet Erde nicht retten, sondern nur mit einer ernsthaften Widerstandsbewegung, die die zerstörerische industrielle Wirtschaft zum Erliegen bringt. Die AutorInnen Derrick Jensen, Lierre Keith und Aric McBay vertreten diesen radikalökologischen Ansatz, der in den USA und an anderen Orten immer mehr Anhänger­Innen findet. In ihrem erstmals auf Deutsch übersetzten Manifest erzählen sie davon, wie täglich 200 Spezies von der Erde verschwinden, jährlich eine Fläche im Ausmaß des Aral-Sees verwüstet wird und wie pro Jahr 23 Millionen Menschen an den Folgen von Wasser-, Luft- oder Erdverschmutzung sterben. Sie erzählen von einer Welt, die kurz vor dem Ableben steht – wenn wir uns nicht sofort organisieren und handeln. Das Buch Deep Green Resistance erläutert bis ins Detail unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten des tiefenökologischen Widerstands, von gewaltlosen Aktionen bis zur Guerilla-Kriegsführung. Und es nennt die Bedingungen, die für den Erfolg dieser Optionen erforderlich sind. Es ist ein Handbuch und Aktionsplan für all jene, die entschlossen sind, für diesen Planeten zu kämpfen und den Kampf zu gewinnen."
    Content: Biographisches: "Derrick Jensen, geboren 1960, ist ein US-amerikanischer Autor und radikaler Umweltaktivist. Er hat über fünfzehn Bücher verfasst, zu den bekanntesten zählen: Endgame, A Language Older Than Words und What We Leave Behind (gemeinsam mit Aric McBay). Lierre Keith, geboren 1964, lebt als Schriftstellerin, Kleinbäuerin und radikal-feministische Aktivistin in den USA. Aric McBay ist Autor mehrerer Sachbücher, Aktivist und Kleinbauer und lebt in Ontario, Kanada."
    Language: German
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  • 6
    RM Buch und Medien
    Format: 539 S.
    Edition: Ungekürzte Lizenzausg.
    Series Statement: Welt im Wandel
    Language: German
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  • 7
    ISBN: 9783890603940
    Content: "In diesem Buch legen Jensen und seine Mitautoren haarklein dar, dass all die »Lösungen« schöner Schein sind und weit davon entfernt, in eine grüne Zukunft zu führen. Je länger wir vor dieser Wahrheit davonlaufen, desto schmerzhafter wird das Erwachen sein. Die Autoren dieses Buches fordern nichts anderes, als dass wir unsere Lebensweise grundlegend revidieren und uns auf die einzig wirkliche grüne Energie besinnen: Das Blattgrün der Pflanzen, die Sonnenlicht in Energie und in Nahrung verwandeln. Dieses Grün hat uns über die Jahrhunderttausende unseres Menschseins am Leben erhalten."
    Language: German
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  • 8
    Format: 349 Seiten
    Edition: A Seven Stories Press first edition
    ISBN: 9781609806781 , 9781609806798
    Note: Auf der Rückseite der Titelseite: "Portions of this book appeared in different form in "Orion" and "Earth Island Journal"
    Language: English
    Keywords: Anthropozentrismus ; Kritik ; Erde ; Mensch ; Tiere ; Pflanzen ; Vorherrschaft ; Überlegenheit ; Intelligenz
    Author information: Jensen, Derrick 1960-
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  • 9
    Format: 511 S.
    ISBN: 9783866122154
    Uniform Title: Endgame. Volume II. Resistance
    Note: Literaturverz. S. 511 - [512]
    Language: German
    Subjects: Sociology
    Keywords: Zivilisation ; Umweltschaden ; Kapitalismus ; Politischer Wandel ; Utopie
    Author information: Rose, Thomas 1976-
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  • 10
    Format: 350 Seiten , 21 cm
    ISBN: 9783853714683
    Uniform Title: Deep green resistance : strategy to save the planet
    Content: "In diesem Buch geht es darum, zurückzuschlagen. Die vorherrschende Kultur, genannt Zivilisation, tötet den Planeten. Und es ist längst an der Zeit für diejenigen von uns, denen das Leben auf der Erde etwas bedeutet, die notwendigen Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um diese Kultur daran zu hindern, alle lebenden Wesen zu zerstören."
    Language: German
    Keywords: Umweltpolitik ; Politische Ökologie ; Ökologische Bewegung ; Umweltschutz ; Ökologische Bewegung ; Politische Ökologie
    Author information: Jensen, Derrick
    Author information: Keith, Lierre
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