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  • 1
    Format: 1 online resource (1117 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9782384760220
    Series Statement: Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research Series ; v.708
    Note: Intro -- Proceedings of the 1st UM Surabaya Multidisciplinary International Conference (MiCon 2021) -- Organization -- Contents -- Peer-Review Statements -- 1 Review Procedure -- 2 Quality Criteria -- 3 Key Metrics -- Education and Social Science -- Reconstruction of Political Party System Towards Substantive Democracy in Indonesia -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Problem Formulation -- 3 Research Method -- 4 Results and Discussion -- 4.1 Political Party System -- 4.2 Democracy and Political Parties -- 4.3 Reconstruction of Political Party System -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Unlocking the Patriarchian View in the Kelir Slindet Novel and the Telembuk Novel by Kedung Darma Romansa: The Concept of Reading as Women -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Method -- 3 Results and Discussions -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Analysis of Parenting Patterns as an Effort to Increase Adversity Quotient and Learning Motivation of NU Muslim at TK Students in Malang -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Method -- 2.1 Types of Research -- 2.2 Research Place -- 2.3 Research Instruments -- 2.4 Data and Data Sources -- 2.5 Data Collection Technique -- 2.6 Data Analysis Techniques -- 2.7 Data Validity Test -- 3 Results and Discussions -- 3.1 Results -- 3.2 Discussion -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Phonestemic Aspects of Java Traditional Food Names Based on Glutinous Rice -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Phonestemic Process -- 3 Results and Discussion -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Behind the Viral of BTS Meal on Twitter: The Role of Fans Base Community in Promoting BTSmeal -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Method -- 3 Result -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Government Policy in Handling the Covid-19 Pandemic Judging from Law Number 2 of 2020 -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Methods -- 3 Discussion -- 3.1 Covid-19 -- 3.2 Government Policy -- 4 Conclusion -- References. , The Importance of Planetarium as Astronomy Education Center in Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya: A Preliminary Study -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Planetarium as Astronomy Education Center -- 2.1 What is Planetarium? -- 2.2 What is Planetarium Show? -- 2.3 Planetarium in Indonesia -- 2.4 The Strengths and Education Value of Planetarium -- 3 Realizing the Vision and Mission of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya Through the Planetarium as a Centre for Astronomy Education -- 3.1 Astronomy in Education and Teaching at UMSurabaya -- 3.2 Astronomy Materials for AIK Course Learning -- 3.3 Research Potential Based on Astronomy Education at the Planetarium -- 3.4 Enlightening UMSurabaya Students, Muhammadiyah School Students, Muhammadiyah Cadres and the General Public with Scientific Literacy Through Astronomy Education at the Planetarium -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Valuation Method of Intellectual Property Rights for Copyright Products of Small and Medium Enterprises as Objects of Credit Guarantees Benefit-Based in the Digital Era -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Method -- 3 Results and Discussion -- 3.1 Mechanism of Valuation of Intellectual Property Rights for Small and Medium Enterprises Copyright Products as Credit Guarantee Objects in the Digitalization Era -- 3.2 Factors Affecting the Valuation of Intellectual Property Rights for Small and Medium Enterprises Copyright Products as Objects of Credit Guarantees in the Digitalization Era -- 3.3 Method of Valuation of Intellectual Property Rights for Copyright Products of Small and Medium Enterprises as Objects of Credit Guarantee Value-Based in the Digital Era -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Future of Work, Protection of Labor' Rights in Using Artificial Intelligence Based on SDGs 8.9 -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Method -- 3 Result and Discussion -- 3.1 Future of Work -- 3.2 Labour Protection. , 3.3 Artificial Intelligence -- 3.4 SDGs 8.9 -- 3.5 Protection of Workers in the Tourism Sector Using Artificial Intelligence Based on Local Culture and Products -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Implementing the Hands-on Activity (HoA) Learning Model Based on Natural Surroundings (JAS) in an Effort to Improve Ecoliteracy and Learning Motivation of the Students of SD Negeri Ombul 3 Bangkalan -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Methodology -- 3 Results and Discussion -- 3.1 Analysis of Student Response Questionnaire Data -- 3.2 Analysis of Interview Data -- 3.3 Analysis of Observational Data -- 3.4 Analysis of Documentation Data -- 4 Conclusion -- 5 Suggestion -- References -- Student Literacy Culture of Muhammadiyah Elementary School/MI in Era of Covid-19 Pandemic -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Discussion -- References -- Cash Waqf for the Corporatization on Muhammadiyah Company's in East Java -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Methods -- 3 Result and Discussion -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Implementation of Enforcement on the Occurrence of Union Busting -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Method -- 3 Results and Discussion -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Strategies of the Regional Leaders of Muhammadiyah Bojonegoro in Against the Radicalism Movement -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Discussion -- 2.1 Definition of Radicalism -- 2.2 The View of Muhammadiyah Leaders in Bojonegoro on Radicalism -- 2.3 Efforts to Counter Radicalism Movement -- 2.4 Da'wah Strategy in the Context of Countering Radicalism -- 3 Analysis -- 3.1 Roots of Radicalism, Religion or Economics? -- 3.2 All Forms of Violence are Radicalism? -- 3.3 Muhammadiyah as a Moderate Islamic Movement -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- How to Manage Inheritance Wealth Productive Can Increase Economic Value on Agriculture Sector in Gresik -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Objective -- 3 Results and Discussion. , 3.1 Position of Inheritance in Islamic Economy -- 3.2 Islamic Inheritance Distribution Concept -- 3.3 Behavior and Inheritance Management -- 3.4 Contracts in Economic Activities -- 3.5 Management of the Gresik Community's Inheritance in Agriculture Sector -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- The Miracles of the Qur'an According to Classical and Modern Islamic Scientists and the Conformity of the Qur'an and Science and Technology -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Method -- 3 Research Result -- 3.1 Miracles of the Qur'an According to Scientists -- 3.2 Aspects of the Miracles of the Qur'an -- 4 Discussion -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Greta Thunberg's Speech Power in Un Climate Action Summit 2019: A Critical Discourse Analysis -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Method of the Research -- 3 Finding and Analysis -- 3.1 Climate Change Issue -- 3.2 Children of Future Hope -- 3.3 The World Leaders' Responsibility -- 3.4 Youth Movement -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- The Effectiveness of Online Learning in Improving Students' Problem Solving Skill -- 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Problem Solving Skill -- 1.2 Online Learning -- 2 Methodology -- 3 Results and Discussion -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Halal Lifestyle: A Study of Revitalizing Islamic Consumption of Middle Class Muslims -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Methods -- 3 Results and Discussion -- 3.1 Halal Lifestyle -- 3.2 Muslim Middle Class -- 3.3 Islamic Consumption -- 3.4 Islamic Consumption Patterns in a Halal Lifestyle -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Self-stigma Based on the Sexual Orientation in PLWHA (People Living with HIV/AIDS) in Surabaya, Indonesia -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Method -- 2.1 Research Design -- 2.2 Population and Sample -- 2.3 Data Collection Procedure -- 2.4 Data Analysis -- 3 Results -- 3.1 Characteristics Self-stigma on PLWHA -- 4 Discussion. , 4.1 Self-stigma Based on Heterosexual and Homosexual in Male PLWHA -- 4.2 Self-stigma Based on Heterosexuality in Women PLWHA -- 4.3 Self-stigma Based on Homosexuality in PLWHA with Sexual Deviance (Transgender) -- 4.4 Differences in Self-stigma Based on Sexual Orientation in PLWHA -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Community Participation in Preventing and Eradicating Deforestation in Indonesia -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Method -- 3 Discussion -- 3.1 Regulation of Community Participation in the Prevention and Eradication of Deforestation -- 3.2 Factors that Hinder Community Participation in the Prevention and Eradication of Deforestation -- 3.3 The Concept of Community Participation in the Prevention and Eradication of Deforestation in Indonesia -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Financial Aid Accountability and Transparency Partai Amanat Nasional East Java -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Theoretical Review -- 3 Methodology -- 4 Discussion -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Legal Protection About Phenomenology of Justice Certificate Guarantee While Working -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Methods -- 3 Discussion -- 3.1 The Theory of Justice About the Meaning of Certificates Guarantee -- 3.2 Legal Protection of Employment Concerning Original Certificates Guarantee -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Effectiveness of Submission of Communication Information Using WhatsApp (Case Study of BEM UMSurabaya) -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Method -- 3 Analysist and Discussion -- 3.1 Effectiveness of Submission of Announcements Through the WhatsApp Application -- 3.2 The Effectiveness of WhatsApp Groups as a Media for Meetings and Discussions for Organizations -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Legal Protection for Medical Personnel in International Armed Conflict -- International Humanitarian Law Perspective -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Method -- 3 Results and Discussion. , 3.1 Legal Protection for Indonesian Medical Workers in International Armed Conflict in the 1949 Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol I 1977.
    Additional Edition: Print version: Februanti, Sofia Proceedings of the 1st UMSurabaya Multidisciplinary International Conference 2021 (MICon 2021) Paris : Atlantis Press (Zeger Karssen),c2023 ISBN 9782384760213
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books.
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