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  • 1
    Format: 1 online resource (1117 pages)
    Edition: 1st ed.
    ISBN: 9782384760220
    Series Statement: Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research Series ; v.708
    Note: Intro -- Proceedings of the 1st UM Surabaya Multidisciplinary International Conference (MiCon 2021) -- Organization -- Contents -- Peer-Review Statements -- 1 Review Procedure -- 2 Quality Criteria -- 3 Key Metrics -- Education and Social Science -- Reconstruction of Political Party System Towards Substantive Democracy in Indonesia -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Problem Formulation -- 3 Research Method -- 4 Results and Discussion -- 4.1 Political Party System -- 4.2 Democracy and Political Parties -- 4.3 Reconstruction of Political Party System -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Unlocking the Patriarchian View in the Kelir Slindet Novel and the Telembuk Novel by Kedung Darma Romansa: The Concept of Reading as Women -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Method -- 3 Results and Discussions -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Analysis of Parenting Patterns as an Effort to Increase Adversity Quotient and Learning Motivation of NU Muslim at TK Students in Malang -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Method -- 2.1 Types of Research -- 2.2 Research Place -- 2.3 Research Instruments -- 2.4 Data and Data Sources -- 2.5 Data Collection Technique -- 2.6 Data Analysis Techniques -- 2.7 Data Validity Test -- 3 Results and Discussions -- 3.1 Results -- 3.2 Discussion -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Phonestemic Aspects of Java Traditional Food Names Based on Glutinous Rice -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Phonestemic Process -- 3 Results and Discussion -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Behind the Viral of BTS Meal on Twitter: The Role of Fans Base Community in Promoting BTSmeal -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Method -- 3 Result -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Government Policy in Handling the Covid-19 Pandemic Judging from Law Number 2 of 2020 -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Methods -- 3 Discussion -- 3.1 Covid-19 -- 3.2 Government Policy -- 4 Conclusion -- References. , The Importance of Planetarium as Astronomy Education Center in Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya: A Preliminary Study -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Planetarium as Astronomy Education Center -- 2.1 What is Planetarium? -- 2.2 What is Planetarium Show? -- 2.3 Planetarium in Indonesia -- 2.4 The Strengths and Education Value of Planetarium -- 3 Realizing the Vision and Mission of Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya Through the Planetarium as a Centre for Astronomy Education -- 3.1 Astronomy in Education and Teaching at UMSurabaya -- 3.2 Astronomy Materials for AIK Course Learning -- 3.3 Research Potential Based on Astronomy Education at the Planetarium -- 3.4 Enlightening UMSurabaya Students, Muhammadiyah School Students, Muhammadiyah Cadres and the General Public with Scientific Literacy Through Astronomy Education at the Planetarium -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Valuation Method of Intellectual Property Rights for Copyright Products of Small and Medium Enterprises as Objects of Credit Guarantees Benefit-Based in the Digital Era -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Method -- 3 Results and Discussion -- 3.1 Mechanism of Valuation of Intellectual Property Rights for Small and Medium Enterprises Copyright Products as Credit Guarantee Objects in the Digitalization Era -- 3.2 Factors Affecting the Valuation of Intellectual Property Rights for Small and Medium Enterprises Copyright Products as Objects of Credit Guarantees in the Digitalization Era -- 3.3 Method of Valuation of Intellectual Property Rights for Copyright Products of Small and Medium Enterprises as Objects of Credit Guarantee Value-Based in the Digital Era -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Future of Work, Protection of Labor' Rights in Using Artificial Intelligence Based on SDGs 8.9 -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Method -- 3 Result and Discussion -- 3.1 Future of Work -- 3.2 Labour Protection. , 3.3 Artificial Intelligence -- 3.4 SDGs 8.9 -- 3.5 Protection of Workers in the Tourism Sector Using Artificial Intelligence Based on Local Culture and Products -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Implementing the Hands-on Activity (HoA) Learning Model Based on Natural Surroundings (JAS) in an Effort to Improve Ecoliteracy and Learning Motivation of the Students of SD Negeri Ombul 3 Bangkalan -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Methodology -- 3 Results and Discussion -- 3.1 Analysis of Student Response Questionnaire Data -- 3.2 Analysis of Interview Data -- 3.3 Analysis of Observational Data -- 3.4 Analysis of Documentation Data -- 4 Conclusion -- 5 Suggestion -- References -- Student Literacy Culture of Muhammadiyah Elementary School/MI in Era of Covid-19 Pandemic -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Discussion -- References -- Cash Waqf for the Corporatization on Muhammadiyah Company's in East Java -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Methods -- 3 Result and Discussion -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Implementation of Enforcement on the Occurrence of Union Busting -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Method -- 3 Results and Discussion -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Strategies of the Regional Leaders of Muhammadiyah Bojonegoro in Against the Radicalism Movement -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Discussion -- 2.1 Definition of Radicalism -- 2.2 The View of Muhammadiyah Leaders in Bojonegoro on Radicalism -- 2.3 Efforts to Counter Radicalism Movement -- 2.4 Da'wah Strategy in the Context of Countering Radicalism -- 3 Analysis -- 3.1 Roots of Radicalism, Religion or Economics? -- 3.2 All Forms of Violence are Radicalism? -- 3.3 Muhammadiyah as a Moderate Islamic Movement -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- How to Manage Inheritance Wealth Productive Can Increase Economic Value on Agriculture Sector in Gresik -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Objective -- 3 Results and Discussion. , 3.1 Position of Inheritance in Islamic Economy -- 3.2 Islamic Inheritance Distribution Concept -- 3.3 Behavior and Inheritance Management -- 3.4 Contracts in Economic Activities -- 3.5 Management of the Gresik Community's Inheritance in Agriculture Sector -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- The Miracles of the Qur'an According to Classical and Modern Islamic Scientists and the Conformity of the Qur'an and Science and Technology -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Method -- 3 Research Result -- 3.1 Miracles of the Qur'an According to Scientists -- 3.2 Aspects of the Miracles of the Qur'an -- 4 Discussion -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Greta Thunberg's Speech Power in Un Climate Action Summit 2019: A Critical Discourse Analysis -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Method of the Research -- 3 Finding and Analysis -- 3.1 Climate Change Issue -- 3.2 Children of Future Hope -- 3.3 The World Leaders' Responsibility -- 3.4 Youth Movement -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- The Effectiveness of Online Learning in Improving Students' Problem Solving Skill -- 1 Introduction -- 1.1 Problem Solving Skill -- 1.2 Online Learning -- 2 Methodology -- 3 Results and Discussion -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Halal Lifestyle: A Study of Revitalizing Islamic Consumption of Middle Class Muslims -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Methods -- 3 Results and Discussion -- 3.1 Halal Lifestyle -- 3.2 Muslim Middle Class -- 3.3 Islamic Consumption -- 3.4 Islamic Consumption Patterns in a Halal Lifestyle -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Self-stigma Based on the Sexual Orientation in PLWHA (People Living with HIV/AIDS) in Surabaya, Indonesia -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Method -- 2.1 Research Design -- 2.2 Population and Sample -- 2.3 Data Collection Procedure -- 2.4 Data Analysis -- 3 Results -- 3.1 Characteristics Self-stigma on PLWHA -- 4 Discussion. , 4.1 Self-stigma Based on Heterosexual and Homosexual in Male PLWHA -- 4.2 Self-stigma Based on Heterosexuality in Women PLWHA -- 4.3 Self-stigma Based on Homosexuality in PLWHA with Sexual Deviance (Transgender) -- 4.4 Differences in Self-stigma Based on Sexual Orientation in PLWHA -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Community Participation in Preventing and Eradicating Deforestation in Indonesia -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Method -- 3 Discussion -- 3.1 Regulation of Community Participation in the Prevention and Eradication of Deforestation -- 3.2 Factors that Hinder Community Participation in the Prevention and Eradication of Deforestation -- 3.3 The Concept of Community Participation in the Prevention and Eradication of Deforestation in Indonesia -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Financial Aid Accountability and Transparency Partai Amanat Nasional East Java -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Theoretical Review -- 3 Methodology -- 4 Discussion -- 5 Conclusion -- References -- Legal Protection About Phenomenology of Justice Certificate Guarantee While Working -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Methods -- 3 Discussion -- 3.1 The Theory of Justice About the Meaning of Certificates Guarantee -- 3.2 Legal Protection of Employment Concerning Original Certificates Guarantee -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Effectiveness of Submission of Communication Information Using WhatsApp (Case Study of BEM UMSurabaya) -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Research Method -- 3 Analysist and Discussion -- 3.1 Effectiveness of Submission of Announcements Through the WhatsApp Application -- 3.2 The Effectiveness of WhatsApp Groups as a Media for Meetings and Discussions for Organizations -- 4 Conclusion -- References -- Legal Protection for Medical Personnel in International Armed Conflict -- International Humanitarian Law Perspective -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Method -- 3 Results and Discussion. , 3.1 Legal Protection for Indonesian Medical Workers in International Armed Conflict in the 1949 Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol I 1977.
    Additional Edition: Print version: Februanti, Sofia Proceedings of the 1st UMSurabaya Multidisciplinary International Conference 2021 (MICon 2021) Paris : Atlantis Press (Zeger Karssen),c2023 ISBN 9782384760213
    Language: English
    Keywords: Electronic books.
    Library Location Call Number Volume/Issue/Year Availability
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  • 2
    Format: 1 online resource
    ISBN: 83-66675-71-8
    Content: The Organizing Committee of the Business, Economics and Sustainability Science conference would like to inform that the first edition of the Proceedings will be published on the sciendo.com very soon! The second edition of the Conference Proceedings will be also released on the Sciendo platform. The conference Business, Economics and Sustainability Science (BESS) brings together leading researchers and scientists from the domains of economics, business and the environmental sciences and here worldwide to formulate a green outline for crisis recovery. The combination of public and business policies with technological innovation could be a scenario to mitigate the negative impact of economic activities on sustainable development. Green recovery can address the climate crisis through encouraging all stakeholders to act environmentally responsibly. Green stimulus should be seen as a long-term response to the pandemic because it is a tool for reshaping the economy rather than simply restarting it. The topics of interest to be covered by BESS 2021 include, but are not limited to: Business in the context of sustainable development Business environment dynamics E-business and E-commerce, Sustainable entrepreneurship SMEs and entrepreneurship Ethical and environmental issues Human resources practices and organizational strategies Role of IT in sustainable development Green behavior Management for sustainability Green solutions, eco taxes, eco-labelling Sustainable future, policies, innovation, investment funds Economics in the context of sustainable development Environmental economics Sustainability of competitive advantage Economic sustainability Environmental economics and sustainable development finance Sustainable urban and rural development Smart city and environmental issues Local economic development Sustainable development Green circular economy Natural resource economics Environmental impact assessment Environment and sustainable development Development and sustainability management Sustainability science Education for sustainable development Sustainable tourism and ecotourism Ecology and sustainability Global environmental issues Green energy Environmental sustainability Socio cultural sustainability Sustainability accounting Sustainable future Sustainability transitions Campus design for sustainability Curriculum development for sustainability Sustainability in education Distance education, e-learning, blended learning, ICT in education Publication Policies 1. Original Work. 2. Have done check for plagiarism (plagiarism free) by the Author. 3. Never been published or accepted for any publication in other conference. 4. Never been submitted in another conference for concurrent publication or being considered for publication in any event or interests. The Consequences for cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, and other forms of academic dishonesty can be very serious, possibly including suspension or legal action. Copyright laws are absolute. One cannot use another person’s material without citation and reference. An author has the right to sue a plagiarist. Registration Registration and login are required to submit items online. (Paper manuscript must comply following the BESS 2021 paper template) before uploaded in submission, it is one requirement for the next step journey of your paper before entering the review process. Important and highly recommended that you can
    Content: The Organizing Committee of the Business, Economics and Sustainability Science conference would like to inform that the first edition of the Proceedings will be published on the sciendo.com very soon! The second edition of the Conference Proceedings will be also released on the Sciendo platform. The conference Business, Economics and Sustainability Science (BESS) brings together leading researchers and scientists from the domains of economics, business and the environmental sciences and here worldwide to formulate a green outline for crisis recovery. The combination of public and business policies with technological innovation could be a scenario to mitigate the negative impact of economic activities on sustainable development. Green recovery can address the climate crisis through encouraging all stakeholders to act environmentally responsibly. Green stimulus should be seen as a long-term response to the pandemic because it is a tool for reshaping the economy rather than simply restarting it. The topics of interest to be covered by BESS 2021 include, but are not limited to: Business in the context of sustainable development Business environment dynamics E-business and E-commerce, Sustainable entrepreneurship SMEs and entrepreneurship Ethical and environmental issues Human resources practices and organizational strategies Role of IT in sustainable development Green behavior Management for sustainability Green solutions, eco taxes, eco-labelling Sustainable future, policies, innovation, investment funds Economics in the context of sustainable development Environmental economics Sustainability of competitive advantage Economic sustainability Environmental economics and sustainable development finance Sustainable urban and rural development Smart city and environmental issues Local economic development Sustainable development Green circular economy Natural resource economics Environmental impact assessment Environment and sustainable development Development and sustainability management Sustainability science Education for sustainable development Sustainable tourism and ecotourism Ecology and sustainability Global environmental issues Green energy Environmental sustainability Socio cultural sustainability Sustainability accounting Sustainable future Sustainability transitions Campus design for sustainability Curriculum development for sustainability Sustainability in education Distance education, e-learning, blended learning, ICT in education Publication Policies 1. Original Work. 2. Have done check for plagiarism (plagiarism free) by the Author. 3. Never been published or accepted for any publication in other conference. 4. Never been submitted in another conference for concurrent publication or being considered for publication in any event or interests. The Consequences for cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration, and other forms of academic dishonesty can be very serious, possibly including suspension or legal action. Copyright laws are absolute. One cannot use another person’s material without citation and reference. An author has the right to sue a plagiarist. Registration Registration and login are required to submit items online. (Paper manuscript must comply following the BESS 2021 paper template) before uploaded in submission, it is one requirement for the next step journey of your paper before entering the review process. Important and highly recommended that you can a
    Note: Frontmatter -- , Frontmatter -- , Preface -- , Acknowledgments -- , Table of Content -- , Green human resource practice, green life and organizational environmental performance: Lesson from Indonesia -- , Media information and donor's literation in explaining behavioral intention for national cash waqf movement among moslem millennials -- , Toll road infrastructure development and local social-economic enhancement -- , Digital archive simulator media to create an immersive experience for vocational students in office automation and governance program -- , Local wisdom value and business sustainability in facing global challenges -- , Preliminary study of technological content knowledge in online learning pandemic: Lesson from Indonesia student perception -- , Development of reading literacy test questions for economic subjects based on the minimum competency assessment -- , Financial inclusion, BI rate, rupiah exchange rate, and the money supply on inflation in Indonesia: A case study before and during the Covid-19 pandemic -- , Analyzing gadget usage on self-regulated learning based on the living place and organizational activeness -- , The analysis of political economy dynamics on deforestation reduction in Indonesia -- , Sustainable of urban water resources through rainwater harvesting and the effectiveness of a low-cost water treatment -- , Student economic rationality analysis in the digital age reviewed from cashless society and financial education -- , Does Islamic financial literacy affect generation Z investment decisions? -- , Effect of market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, and foreign exchange on bank profitability in normal conditions and covid-19 conditions -- , The effect of MSME credit on GDP levels in the industrial revolution era 4.0 -- , Labor characteristics and welfare of internet users for e-commerce in Indonesia -- , A Study of Cash waqf program effectiveness for sustainable community welfare in Indonesia -- , Fishers’ behaviour in natural resource conservation at Teluk Prigi, Trenggalek -- , Renewable energy infrastructure development and its impact to economic around the world: A case in Italy, Indonesia, and US -- , Analysis of the monetary policy transmission through credit, interest rates, and risk line on the profitability of Islamic banks -- , Future education model for children, career women in higher education in Malang of Indonesia -- , The Development of village-based tourism through triple helix model -- , Analysis strategy of fundraising and distribution of ZIS funds at Indonesian BAZNAS -- , Developing holding company-waqf model for SMEs micro funding in Indonesia -- , Contingent valuation analysis of willingness to pay to Baluran national park conservation -- , Population and Poverty on Economic Growth and Sustainable Development: Relationships and Empirical Evidence in Banyuwangi, Indonesia -- , Islamic Financial Literacy on the Educated Millennial Generation in a Campus Environment (Case Study of Students in the Faculty of Economics, Brawijaya University) -- , Relationship between work environment and career commitment: the role of job stress as Moderator variable (behavioral survey of bank employees in Surakarta - Indonesia) -- , Analysis of Internal and External Financial Vulnerability in Emerging Markets -- , Compensation, work-loads, work satisfaction analysis toward performance through employee work stress at Royal Orchids Garden Hotel and Condominiums Batu, East Java -- , Marketing strategy for the Rengginang Matahari cracker SMEs in Pehwetan Village during the Covid-19 Pandemic -- , The digital economic challenges of East Java -- , Antecedents of Green Café Customer Loyalty -- , Contingent valuation analysis of willingness to pay to Baluran National Park Conservation -- , The development strategies of major agricultural commodity using DEMATEL model: a case in Probolinggo, Indonesia , In English.
    Language: English
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