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  • HeBIS  (19)
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  • HeBIS  (19)
  • 1
    Format: Online-Ressource
    Content: Die hydraulischen Bodeneigenschaften, also deren Fähigkeit Wasser zu speichern und zu leiten, bestimmen maßgeblich die Verfügbarkeit des Bodenwassers für Pflanzen und das Risiko von Wassermangel in Wäldern. Bislang existieren kaum systematische Untersuchungen zu den hydraulischen Eigenschaften von Waldböden. Wir führten Multi-Step-Outflow-Versuche durch, um die Wasserretentionskurve und die ungesättigte hydraulische Leitfähigkeit an insgesamt 1504 ungestörten Proben von Waldböden Baden-Württembergs zu ermitteln. Unter Verwendung zusätzlicher Messungen (Fraktionen des Fein- und Grobbodens, Trockenrohdichte, Gehalt an organischem Material) wurden Pedotransferfunktionen zur Schätzung der Parameter des Mualem/van Genuchten-Modells entwickelt. Die Schätzungen der neuen Pedotransferfunktionen wurden mit verschiedenen Pedotransferfunktionen aus der Literatur verglichen. Ein Vorteil der neuen Pedotransferfunktionen ist, dass sie unverzerrte Schätzungen der hydraulischen Eigenschaften der Waldböden von Baden-Württemberg liefern; ihre Vorhersagegüte ist vergleichbar mit veröffentlichten Pedotransferfunktionen.
    Content: The hydraulic properties of soils, i. e., their capability to store and to conduct water, largely regulate the availability of soil water for plants and the risk of water shortage in forests. To date, only a few systematic surveys on the hydraulic properties of forest soils have been done. We conducted multi-step outflow experiments to derive data on soil water retention and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity for 1504 undisturbed samples from forest soils in Baden-Württemberg. Using complementary measurements (fractions of fine and coarse soil, bulk density, organic carbon content), pedotransfer functions were developed for the prediction of the Mualem/van Genuchten model parameters. The predictions of the new pedotransfer functions were compared with various pedotransfer functions from the literature. An advantage of the new pedotransfer functions is that they provide an unbiased estimate of the hydraulic properties of the forest soils in Baden-Württemberg, and their predictive ability is comparable to those of published pedotransfer functions.
    In: Waldökologie, Landschaftsforschung und Naturschutz, Göttingen : AFSV, 2008-, Band 12 (2011), Seite 61-71
    In: volume:12
    In: year:2011
    In: pages:61-71
    Language: German
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  • 2
    Format: 65 S. , graph. Darst., Kt. , 24 cm
    Series Statement: Freiburger forstliche Forschung. Berichte 75
    Note: Literaturverz. S. 63 - 65
    Language: German
    Subjects: Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Fishery, Domestic Science
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  • 3
    Format: Online-Ressource
    Content: In vier unterschiedlich strukturierten Waldregionen Baden-Württembergs wurde das Messkonzept der „zufällig wandernden Messplots“ angewendet, um mehr Informationen über die räumliche und zeitliche Variabilität der Bodenfeuchte und ihrer Einflussgrößen zu erhalten. Ziel ist es: (i) räumliche Daten für die Validierung eines physikalisch basierten Wasserhaushaltsmodells zu erhalten, (ii) Einflussparameter zu quantifizieren und (iii) ein Transfermodell zu entwickeln, welches die Bodenfeuchte einerseits als zeitunabhängige Funktion der räumlichen auftretenden Standortsparameter (z. B. Reliefeigenschaften, Bodentextur, Waldstruktur) und andererseits als zeitabhängige Funktion der räumlich invarianten Globalvariablen (z. B. Klima- und Abflussparameter) beschreibt. Die räumliche Variabilität der Bodenfeuchte (Mineralbodentiefe 0–20 cm) wurde gleichzeitig an 31 Sondenstandorten über eine Periode von 14 Tagen gemessen und anschließend auf den nächsten zufällig gewählten Messplot versetzt. Die Globalvariablen werden kontinuierlich an ein bis zwei Standorten pro Untersuchungsgebiet gemessen. Des Weiteren wurden an allen Sondenmesspunkten Standortseigenschaften aufgenommen. Mit der Anwendung multivariater Statistikmethoden, wie der Clusteranalyse sowie den Klassifikations- und Regressionsbäumen, ist es nun möglich, Standortsfaktoren zur Erklärung der räumliche Variabilität der Bodenfeuchte zu identifizieren. Anhand eines Landschaftsausschnittes werden erste Ergebnisse dieser Analysemethoden vorgestellt und diskutiert.
    Content: The measuring concept of randomised moving plots (RMP) is applied in four forest areas in Baden-Württemberg (southern Germany) to quantify the temporal and spatial variability of soil moisture and the parameters that influence it. Our investigations aim at (i) collecting data for the evaluation of a physically based, distributed water transport model, (ii) identifying influencing parameters and (iii) developing a transfer model which describes soil moisture as a function of time-constant but spatially variable site parameters on the one hand (e. g., terrain attributes, soil texture, forest stand structure) and time-dependent but spatially invariant global variables (e. g., air temperature, catchment runoff) on the other. The spatio-temporal variability of soil moisture (0–20 cm mineral soil depth) was measured simultaneously at 31 positions over a period of 14 days. Measuring positions were changed randomly every 14 days. The global variables were continuously measured at one or two positions within each investigation area. The site parameters were measured or described for each of the measuring positions. Using multivariate statistics methods, such as cluster analysis or classification and regression trees, the site parameters which influence the soil moisture dynamics were identified. This paper presents first results and discusses one landscape section in more detail.
    In: Waldökologie, Landschaftsforschung und Naturschutz, Göttingen : AFSV, 2008-, Band 12 (2011), Seite 47-59
    In: volume:12
    In: year:2011
    In: pages:47-59
    Language: German
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  • 4
    Online Resource
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    [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Argon Verlag | Wiesbaden : divibib GmbH
    Format: 369 Min.
    ISBN: 9783732458080
    Series Statement: Onleihe. Hörbuch
    Content: Dr. Sheila de Liz - bei TikTok besser bekannt als Doktorsex - erklärt, was Mädchen in der Pubertät wissen müssen Mit einem Vorwort von Claudia Schiffer Es gibt wohl kaum eine prägendere Phase im Leben eines Mädchens als die Pubertät. Viele Frauen erinnern sich nur ungern an diese turbulente Zeit, in der sich der Körper stark verändert und die Stimmung jederzeit von himmelhoch jauchzend in zu Tode betrübt umschlagen kann. Neu ist allerdings, dass Mädchen heute durch Social Media einer nie da gewesenen Flut an Einflüssen ausgesetzt sind, die für noch mehr Unsicherheit sorgt, als es der hormonelle Umbruch ohnehin tut. Vorhang auf für "Girl on Fire", ein Aufklärungsbuch der anderen Art. Mit Witz, Feingefühl und dem Mut, auch schwierige Themen anzupacken.
    Language: German
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  • 5
    In: Waldökologie, Landschaftsforschung und Naturschutz, Göttingen : AFSV, 2008-, Band 16 (2016), Seite 109-120
    In: volume:16
    In: year:2016
    In: pages:109-120
    In: extent:12
    Language: German
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  • 6
    Format: Online-Ressource
    Content: Abstract: The phosphorus (P) concentration of soil solution is of key importance for plant nutrition. During large rainfall events, the P concentration is altered by lateral and vertical subsurface storm flow (SSF) that facilitates P mobilization, redistribution within the soil profile and potential P export from the ecosystem. These processes are not well studied under field conditions. Important factors of the replenishment of P concentrations in soil solutions are the rate of P replenishment (by biotic and abiotic processes) and the P buffering capacity of soils. Lab experiments have shown that replenishment times can vary between minutes and months. The question remains of how P concentrations in lateral and vertical SSF vary under natural field conditions. We present results of large-scale sprinkling experiments simulating 150 mm throughfall at 200 m2 plots on hillslopes at three beech forests in Germany. We aimed at quantifying lateral and vertical SSF and associated P concentrations on the forest floor, in the mineral soil and in the saprolite during sprinkling experiments in spring and summer. The sites differed mainly in terms of soil depth, skeleton content and soil P stock (between 189 and 624 g/m2 in the top 1 m soil depth). Vertical SSF in the mineral soil and in the saprolite was at least 2 orders of magnitude larger than lateral SSF at the same depth. Vertical and lateral SSF consisted mainly of pre-event water that was replaced by sprinkling water. Higher P concentrations in SSF in the first 1 to 2 h after the onset of SSF indicated nutrient flushing, but P concentrations in the mineral soil and saprolite were nearly constant thereafter for most of the experiment despite a strong increase in SSF. This suggests that P in the soil solution at all three sites was replenished fast by mineral or organic sources. If chemostatic transport conditions would dominate in SSF, annual P losses at the lateral and vertical boundary of a forest plot could be approximated by knowing the average P concentration and the water fluxes in forest soils. A rough estimation of the annual P loss based on this simplified assumption for one of our sites with longer SSF data resulted in an annual P loss of 3.16 mg/m2/a. This P loss is similar to estimates from a previous study at the same site using bi-weekly groundwater samples. Our approximated annual P loss in SSF was in a similar order of magnitude as P input by dry and wet deposition and by mineral weathering. Despite the fact that P losses from the ecosystem seem to be small, the translocation of P from the forest floor to the mineral soil might be of high relevance at sites with low P stocks where the forest floor is the dominant source for the P nutrition of trees
    Note: Biogeosciences , 18, 3 (2021) , 1009-1027, ISSN: 1726-4189
    Language: English
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  • 7
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource
    Content: Abstract: Increases in atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition are known to alter the ground vegetation of forest ecosystems by promoting nitrophilic plant species and displacing nitrogen-sensitive, oligotrophic species. Though there are well-known indicator species for eutrophication, there is often no direct verifiable relationship between N deposition and the strength of the eutrophication signal in the vegetation. The key reason for this sometimes lacking or weak relationship is that significant amounts of plant-available reactive N (Nr) are provided from the decay and mineralization of organic matter in the course of N cycling within the forest. The relationship is further complicated as N mineralization is also influenced by external N inputs. It has been shown repeatedly that various soil parameters related to acidity can confound a close N deposition-vegetation relationship, because acidity exerts a strong influence on the decomposition of organic matter. To further improve the understanding of the complex relationships between soil variables and vegetation composition, we analyzed vegetation and soil chemistry in acidophilous broad-leaved temperate forests of southwestern Germany, dominated by beech and oak. Our results suggest that manganese (Mn) availability likely is another factor modifying the eutrophication signal of the ground vegetation. In our analyses, the eutrophication signal in the vegetation was strongly related to high exchangeable Mn concentrations from the soil matrix and high Mn concentrations in the soil solution, in some cases to a greater extent than to parameters that reflect soil acidity. This response may be attributed to the function of Mn as a cofactor in the Mn peroxidase of white-rot fungi, which are the initiators of the decomposition of lignified organic matter. Since Mn depletion following previous acidic deposition is common in Central European forests, such a disconnection of the eutrophication signal in the vegetation from atmospheric N deposition might be widespread in forests on acidic soils
    Note: Trees, forests and people. - 9 (2022) , 100281, ISSN: 2666-7193
    Language: English
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  • 8
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource
    Content: Abstract: Questions〈br〉Vegetation in forest understories is determined by a complex interplay of many different environmental factors, including light, water and nutrient availability. Changes in these conditions, especially changes in nitrogen (N) availability, have been widely discussed to cause shifts in species composition and loss of oligotrophic species. We examined whether nitrogen is the most important factor for the decline of nitrogen-sensitive species in understorey communities, as measured by average Ellenberg N values and the share and number of nitrogen-sensitive character species.〈br〉〈br〉Location〈br〉Nine different oligo–mesotrophic types of temperate forest in southwest Germany.〈br〉〈br〉Methods〈br〉We combined understorey vegetation and soil data from 135 forest stands. To study the importance of variables in explaining the vegetation gradients, we used random forest analyses and non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordinations combined with fitting of environmental vectors.〈br〉〈br〉Results〈br〉We detected strong differences between three examined forest type groups: eutrophication in the understorey vegetation of broad-leaved forests on carbonate soils was strongly related to high canopy closure and low soil carbon/phosphorus (C/P) ratio. In broad-leaved forests on acidic soil, base saturation played a major role, but the vegetation was also influenced by the C/N and C/P ratios. In coniferous forests on acidic soil, soil pH and organic layer depth were important, as were the C/N, C/P and N/P ratios.〈br〉〈br〉Conclusion〈br〉Our results show that eutrophication in understorey forest vegetation is not monocausal. Rather, oligotrophic species of forest communities are reduced at sites with higher N or P availability and/or higher base saturation and soil pH. These conditions favor fast-growing ubiquitous species in the competition for light and other limiting factors. Since these factors were of varying importance between the forest types examined, differences shaping the forest communities need to be regarded when evaluating the impact of environmental changes, for example through atmospheric nitrogen deposition
    Note: Journal of vegetation science. - 32, 4 (2021) , e13063, ISSN: 1654-1103
    Language: English
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  • 9
    Format: Diagramme
    ISSN: 1430-2713
    In: AFZ, der Wald, München : Dt. Landwirtschaftsverl., 1995-, Band 72, Heft 2 (2017), Seite 37-39, 1430-2713
    In: volume:72
    In: year:2017
    In: number:2
    In: pages:37-39
    Language: German
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  • 10
    Format: 1 Online-Ressource
    Content: Abstract: Hot droughts are expected to increase in Europe and disturb forest ecosystem functioning. Wood formation of trees has the potential to adapt to those events by compensatory mechanisms between the rates and durations of tracheid differentiation to form the typical pattern of vital wood anatomical structures.〈br〉 We monitored xylogenesis and measured wood anatomy of mature silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees along an elevational gradient in the Black Forest during the hot drought year of 2018. We assessed the kinetics of tracheid differentiation and the final tracheid dimensions and quantified the relationship between rates and durations of cell differentiation over the growing season.〈br〉 Cell differentiation kinetics were decoupled, and temperature and water availability signals were imprinted in the tree ring structure. The sudden decline in woody biomass production provided evidence for a disruption in carbon sequestration processes due to heat and drought stress. Growth processes of Scots pine (pioneer species) were mainly affected by the spring drought, whereas silver fir (climax species) growth processes were more disturbed by the summer drought.〈br〉 Our study provides novel insights on the plasticity of wood formation and carbon allocation in temperate conifer tree species in response to extreme climatic events
    Note: Plant biology. - 24, 7 (2022) , 1171-1185, ISSN: 1438-8677
    Language: English
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