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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by Akademie Verlag November 5, 2015

Fides und fidelitas im Kontext der staufischen Herrschaftspraxis (12. Jahrhundert)

  • Knut Görich EMAIL logo
From the journal Das Mittelalter


The paper examines the importance of fidelity in the exercise of political power under the Hohenstaufen, focussing in particular on the function of the oath of fidelity in stabilising social order. The stabilising effect of fidelity lay in the principal of reciprocity which was also inherently present in asymmetrical fidelity relationships and was realised by rewarding loyal services.

Already in the twelfth century, the obligations of fidelity had been clearly formulated and laid down in written form. The observation of the custom to reward loyal services gave both sides security in their expectations. Such expectations could of course also be disappointed, but there was a certain faith in relations cemented by the oath of fidelity – faith in the sense that proven fidelity could found the basis for a hypothesis of future behaviour which was sure enough to form the foundations for further actions (Georg Simmel). The paper will also briefly look at the importance of fidelity in ruling through representatives and its role in lordly-hierarchical bonds in contrast to egalitarian or kinship relationships.

Online erschienen: 2015-11-5
Erschienen im Druck: 2015-11-1

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