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Assessment of Variation in Bacterial Composition among Microhabitats in a Mangrove Environment Using DGGE Fingerprints and Barcoded Pyrosequencing

Figure 1

Ordination showing the first two PCO axes of the all bacteria analysis for a) 85% cut-off level with 97%, b) 91% cut-off level with 97%, c) 92% cut-off level with 97%, d) 95% cut-off level with 97%, e) 100% cut-off level and f) DGEE data with 97% cut-off level.

The arrows in the ordination point to the target configuration, the actual symbols represent the rotated configuration, i.e., the ordination based on the 97% cut-off values. Correlation (Corr) and significance values are given in the lower right corner of each graph. Both target and original rotated axes are shown as crosshairs on the plot using unbroken and dashed lines.

Figure 1
