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Improved targeting of human CD4+ T cells by nanobody-modified AAV2 gene therapy vectors

Fig 2

Electron microscopic analysis of Nb-containing AAV2 capsids.

(A) Purified AAV2 particles were subjected to negative staining electron microscopy. Representative images show vector genome-containing (black arrow) and empty (white arrow) capsids. Individual capsids are magnified. Scale bar 50 nm. (B) Immuno-gold staining of purified AAV2 particles indicate accessible Nbs at the capsid surface. Images were cropped to show representative capsids. Scale bar 100 nm. (C) Western blot of purified vector particles using a VP1/VP2-specific antibody (A69). Individual bands are labeled; HSPG-ko indicate shifted protein bands compared to opt AAV2 due to R585/588A heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) blinding. (D) Capsid thermal stability assay of purified vector particles using AAV-specific antibody A20 detecting intact capsids. Temperature gradient is indicated.

Fig 2
