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Metabolic Profiling of CSF: Evidence That Early Intervention May Impact on Disease Progression and Outcome in Schizophrenia

Figure 3

Validation and Prediction of Schizophrenia Group Membership Using a PLS Model

A PLS model was constructed using the OSC-filtered data from 37 drug-naïve patients with first-onset schizophrenia from the first cohort (red points) and 50 randomly selected healthy volunteers (blue points) (the “training set”). The scores plot (A) and the loadings plot (B) indicate the key resonances contributing to the separation: lactate, glucose, glutamine, and citrate. This model was then used to predict “group membership” (i.e., schizophrenia or control) in a test set of 17 drug-naïve patients (second cohort) with first-onset schizophrenia and the remaining 20 healthy volunteers which had not been used in the construction of the model. Predictions are made using a Y-predicted scatter plot with an a priori cut-off of 0.5 for class membership (C).

Figure 3
