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MicroRNA-449a Overexpression, Reduced NOTCH1 Signals and Scarce Goblet Cells Characterize the Small Intestine of Celiac Patients

Figure 3

Decreased expression of HES1 in small intestine of CD patients compared with controls.

An example of HES1 immunohistochemistry in small intestine. A. Low magnification picture of the examined intestinal sections (Original magnification 10×). B. Intestinal crypts (Original magnification 40×). Note the homogeneous distribution of HES1 in crypts and along the villi in control sample, whereas the signals were prevalently detected in the crypts of active CD and GFD samples. Higher levels of HES1 were detected in the intestinal crypts of controls than in crypts of active and GFD CD samples. C. Images converted for automated analysis (white: unstained cells, yellow/orange: low/moderately stained cells, brown: intensely stained cells). These results indicate that HES1 is less expressed in the small intestine of active and GFD CD samples compared with controls. (CTRL: controls; GFD: gluten free diet; CD: celiac disease).

Figure 3
