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Peripheral PD-1+CD56+ T-cell frequencies correlate with outcome in stage IV melanoma under PD-1 blockade

Fig 3

Combinatory model.

The combinatory model comprising the predictive capacity of two independent predictive features: peripheral PD-1+CD56+ T-cell frequencies and the M-category. Superior survivors (green) are characterized by low abundance of PD-1+CD56+ T-cells and grouping in M1a/b. Reciprocally, patients with high frequencies of PD-1+CD56+ T-cells and grouping in the M1c category (black) had the poorest outcome (A). Vertical lines indicate censored events in the Kaplan Meier plot. Analysis of clinical benefit from PD-1 immune checkpoint therapy is shown accordantly with absolute numbers of patients with clinical benefit in these groups in (B) (* p ≤0.05; ** p ≤ 0.01). Statistical evaluation was performed by two-sided Fisher exact test.

Fig 3
