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The Effect of Diel Temperature and Light Cycles on the Growth of Nannochloropsis oculata in a Photobioreactor Matrix

Figure 4

Sinusoidal temperature pO2 profiles.

Dissolved oxygen profiles of N. oculata when exposed to sinusoidal temperature. Two representative PBRs are shown (A, B, C and D, E, F). Top panels (A, D) display the entire experiment, middle panels (B, E) present in more detail the pO2 profile during the exponential growth phase (day 4 to day 8), and bottom panels (C, F) highlight a single day (day 5). White regions represent the sinusoidal light regime, thin red lines give the smoothed culture temperature and thick blue lines show the pO2 profile. Large spikes on even-numbered days are caused by short interruptions to the air supply during periodic oxygen evolution measurements.

Figure 4
