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Identification of Novel Cetacean Poxviruses in Cetaceans Stranded in South West England

Fig 4

Phylogenetic analysis of the polymerase gene of cetacean poxviruses and reference sequences available from GenBank representing the known genera in the sub-family Chordopoxvirinae.

The phylogenetic tree was constructed by MEGA 5 software and the confidence levels were calculated using bootstrapping (2000 replicates). Only bootstrap values greater than 50 are shown. As seen in the overview (Fig 4a), cetacean poxviruses do not cluster with any other known genus, substantiating the notion that they are to be regarded as a separate one. While parts of the overall topology obtain a relatively low statistical support (after extensive bootstrapping) it resembles the established classification of poxvirus genera and the differences in sequences (both in % and reflected in branch length) support this notion. In more detail (Fig 4b) and taking cetacean poxviruses from other published studies [11,15] into account, six separate species/clusters of poxviruses are recognisable.

Fig 4
