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Identification of FAM173B as a protein methyltransferase promoting chronic pain

Fig 4

FAM173B is localized in mitochondria.

(A) hFAM173B-GFP (green) colocalized with the mitochondrial dye MitoTrackerRedCMXROS but not with endoplasmic reticulum (PDI) or Golgi (PGM130) (all red). Scale bar 10 μm. (B) Electron microscopy of GFP-tagged, hFAM173B-expressing HEK293. Dotted line: boundary between nontransfected (left) and transfected cell (right). Scale bar 500 nm. (C) Cultured primary sensory neurons were stained for endogenous mFam173b and the mitochondrial marker COXIV. Right panel is the colocalization profile at the white line shown in panel 3 of the double immunostaining for mFam173b and COXIV. Scale bar 10 μm. COXIV, cytochrome c oxidase IV; HEK293, human embryonic kidney 293 cells; M, mitochondrion; N, nucleus; PDI, protein disulfide-isomerase.

Fig 4
