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Allergen Microarray Indicates Pooideae Sensitization in Brazilian Grass Pollen Allergic Patients

Fig 4

IgE immunoblot inhibitions.

Sera from three patients (A, B, C) were pre-adsorbed with buffer (1), Lolium multiflorum pollen extract (2), Phleum pratense pollen extract (3), a mix of rPhl p 1, rPhl p 2, rPhl p 5 and rPhl p 6 allergens (4), or with a mix of purified nPhl p 4 and nPhl p 12 allergens (5) and reacted with nitrocellulose-blotted Lolium multiflorum or Phleum pratense pollen extract. Molecular weights are displayed on the left side.

Fig 4
