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Pre-existing traits associated with Covid-19 illness severity

Fig 4

Associations with overall Covid-19 illness severity, stratified by subgroups.

Relative risks associated with illness severity score are shown for all associations observed in the total sample (N = 442), stratified by subgroups defined by age (younger vs. older than median age 52 years), sex, and obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2). *The primary outcome of Covid-19 illness severity score in the total sample was defined as an ordinal variable wherein: 0 = referent, 1 = required admission but never ICU level care, 2 = required ICU level care but never intubated, 3 = required intubation. **P for interaction values were calculated from likelihood ratio test between models with and without the interaction term. For each variable in the list, age (<versus ≥median age of 52 years), sex, and obesity interaction terms are implemented in multivariable adjusted models, with other covariates representative of the entire cohort.

Fig 4
