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Novel Parallelized Electroporation by Electrostatic Manipulation of a Water-in-Oil Droplet as a Microreactor

Fig 5

Image of the parallel W/O droplet electroporation electrode for the 8-well string of disposable 96-well plates.

(A) Conductive electrodes were produced and set on an 8-well string in 96-well microwell plates for W/O droplet electroporation. (B), (C) Venus plasmid was transfected into some HEK293 cells using 8-well W/O droplet electroporation electrodes (Nepa Gene) for 96-well plates at 1.8–2.2 kV. Venus fluorescence signals were observed after incubation in 5 of 8 wells for 4 and 7 days following electroporation. Scale bars, 20 μm.

Fig 5
