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Ethyl pyruvate ameliorates hepatic injury following blunt chest trauma and hemorrhagic shock by reducing local inflammation, NF-kappaB activation and HMGB1 release

Fig 5

Neutrophils in liver sections were identified by chloroacetate esterase cytochemistry (CAE) and counted in 25 high power fields.

Sham group underwent all surgical procedures without induction of blunt chest trauma (TxT) and hemorrhagic shock with resuscitation (H/R). The groups received either ringer`s lactated (RL) or ethyl pyruvate (EP) as resuscitation solution after TxT and hemorrhagic shock. *: p <0.05 vs. both other groups. Representative ICAM-1 stained liver sections from sham (B), TxT+H/R_RL (C) and TxT+H/R_EP (D) groups are shown. Sham: n = 6, TxT+H/R_RL: n = 8 and TxT+H/R_EP: n = 8.

Fig 5
