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N-Glycans and Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-Anchor Act on Polarized Sorting of Mouse PrPC in Madin-Darby Canine Kidney Cells

Figure 6

Thy-1-GPI anchor redirects PrPC to the apical site.

(A) Cells stably expressing PrPCWT and PrPC-GPIThy-1 were grown in Transwells for 4 to 5 days, processed for immunocytochemistry, and analyzed with confocal microscopy. YZ sections (left) and view on the membrane (right) at the level of tight junctions stained for ZO-1 (red) confirm both polarization and confluency of cells and show increased apical signal for PrPC-GPIThy-1 (green). (B) After staining with PrP 3F4 antibody under non-permeabilizing conditions, serial Z-stacks from the bottom to the top were taken. YZ sections show transversal cut through cells at the level of the dashed line in mid. PrPC-GPIThy-1 was found at the apical membrane when compared to PrPCWT. Scale bars are 10 µm. (C) Cells grown in Transwells labeled with EZ-Link Sulfo-NHS-SS-Biotin either apically (a) or basolaterally (b) were processed for Western blotting for PrPC and E-Cadherin (as control of cell polarization) in parallel. The graph (three independent experiments) shows mean percentages ± SEM of apical (a) or basolateral (b) amount of protein when compared to the total amount which is set at 100%.

Figure 6
