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¬The Coronavirus Pandemic and Food Security

Evidence from West Africa

Verfasser: Adjognon, Guigonan Serge    
Sonstige Pers.: Bloem, Jeffrey R. ¬[Sonstige] ;     Sanoh, Aly ¬[Sonstige]    
Ersch.-Ort, Verlag, Ersch.-Jahr: Washington, D.C, The World Bank, 2020
Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (36 Seiten)


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Volltext: hier klicken
Verfasser: Adjognon, Guigonan Serge
Sonstige Pers.: Bloem, Jeffrey R. ¬[Sonstige]
Sonstige Pers.: Sanoh, Aly ¬[Sonstige]
Titel: ¬The Coronavirus Pandemic and Food Security
Titelzusatz: Evidence from West Africa
Verantwortlich: Guigonan Serge Adjognon
Ersch.-Ort: Washington, D.C
Verlag: The World Bank
Ersch.-Jahr: 2020
Umfang: 1 Online-Ressource (36 Seiten)
Serie: World Bank E-Library Archive
Beziehung: Erscheint auch als, Adjognon, Guigonan Serge, The Coronavirus Pandemic and Food Security: Evidence from West Africa, Washington, D.C : The World Bank, 2020, Druck-Ausgabe,
Abstract: This paper documents some of the first estimates of the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on food security in a low- and middle-income country context. It combines nationally representative pre- pandemic household survey data with follow-up phone survey data from Mali and exploits sub- national variation in the intensity of pandemic-related disruptions between urban and rural areas. These disruptions stem from both government policies aiming to slow the spread of the virus and also individual behavior motivated by fear of contracting the virus. The paper finds evidence of increasing food insecurity in Mali associated with the pandemic. Difference-in-difference estimates show that moderate food insecurity increased by about 8 percentage points - a 33 percent increase - in urban areas compared with rural areas in Mali. The estimates are substantially larger than existing predictions of the average effect of the pandemic on food security globally and therefore highlights the critical importance of understanding effect heterogeneity
Sprache: eng