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Crime and punishment in Latin America

law and society since late colonial times

Ort/Verlag/ISBN, Verlag, Jahr: Durham, Duke University Press, 2001
Umfangsangabe: 1 Online-Ressource
Schlagwort: Lateinamerika ,Kriminalität ,Strafverfolgung ,Kriminalisierung ,Randgruppe ,Minderheit ,Geschichte 1850-1950
ISBN: 0-8223-8078-1


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Crime and punishment in Latin America
Hrsg./Bearb.: Hrsg./Bearb.: Hrsg./Bearb.: Zusatz:
law and society since late colonial times
edited by Ricardo D. Salvatore, Carlos A. Aguirre, and Gilbert M. Joseph
Duke University Press
1 Online-Ressource
Schlagwort: Notation:
NT 7500
Allg. Fussnoten:
Includes bibliographical references and index
Allg. Fussnoten:
Enthält bibliografische Hinweise und Index
Allg. Fussnoten:
Introduction: writing the history of law, crime, and punishment in Latin America / Carlos Aguirre and Ricardo D. Salvatore -- Crime in the time of the great fear: Indians and the state in the Peruvian Southern Andes / Charles F. Walker -- Women, order, and progress in Guzmán Blanco's Venezuela, 1870-1888 / Arlene J. Díaz -- Judges, lawyers, and farmers: uses of justice and the circulation of law in rural Buenos Aires, 1900-1940 / Juan Manuel R. Palacio -- Work, property, and the negotiation of rights in the Brazilian cane fields: Campos, Rio de Janeiro, 1930-1950 / Luis A. González -- The criminalization of the syphilitic body: prostitutes, health crimes, and society in Mexico City, 1867-1930 / Christina Rivera-Garza -- Healing and mischief: witchcraft in Brazilian law and literature, 1890-1922 / Dain Borges -- Passion, perversity, and the pace of justice in Argentina at the turn of the last century / Kristin Ruggiero -- Cuidado con los rateros: the making of criminals in modern