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164490974X  Zitierlink
Astrobiology: Future Perspectives / edited by Pascale Ehrenfreund, William Irvine, Toby Owen, Luann Becker, Jen Blank, John Brucato, Luigi Colangeli, Sylvie Derenne, Anne Dutrey, Didier Despois, Antonio Lazcano, Francois Robert
Sonst. Personen:
Dordrecht : Springer Netherlands, 2005
Online-Ressource (XVI, 518 p, digital)
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang:
Weitere Ausgaben: 978-1-4020-2304-0 (Printausgabe)
Library of Congress Classification: QB1-991 | QH325
Dewey Decimal Classification: 520
bicssc: PGC
bicssc: PGK
bisacsh: SCI004000
bisacsh: SCI005000
Astrobiology, a new exciting interdisciplinary research field, seeks to unravel the origin and evolution of life wherever it might exist in the Universe. The current view of the origin of life on Earth is that it is strongly connected to the origin and evolution of our planet and, indeed, of the Universe as a whole. We are fortunate to be living in an era where centuries of speculation about the two ancient and fundamental problems: the origin of life and its prevalence in the Universe are being replaced by experimental science. The subject of Astrobiology can be approached from many different perspectives. This book is focused on abiogenic organic matter from the viewpoint of astronomy and planetary science and considers its potential relevance to the origins of life on Earth and elsewhere. Guided by the review papers in this book, the concluding chapter aims to identify key questions to motivate future research and stimulate astrobiological applications of current and future research facilities and space missions. Today's rich array of new spacecraft, telescopes and dedicated scientists promises a steady flow of discoveries and insights that will ultimately lead us to the answers we seek.
Links zum Titel:
https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-2305-7 [Volltext] (Lizenzpflichtig)
ZDB-2-PHA 2005
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