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346785669  Zitierlink
Music in ancient Israel/Palestine : archaeological, written, and comparative sources / Joachim Braun
Sonst. Personen:
Grand Rapids, Mich. [u.a.] : Eerdmans, 2002
Englisch (Sprache des Originals: Deutsch)
XXXVI, 368 S : Ill., Kt., graph. Darst ; 24 cm
Literaturverz. S. 321 - 354
: £17.95 : CIP entry (Nov.)
Bibliogr. Zusammenhang:
Rezension: Lawergren, Bo. , in: BASOR. 332 (2003) 100-102
Rezension: Seidel, Hans. , in: ThLZ. 129 (2004) 479-481
Rezension: Davies, Andrew; Peters, Kathleen. , in: RBLit (2003)*. (2003)*
Rezension: Hu,Wesley. , in: TJT. 20 (2004) 209-211
Rezension: Eaton, John. , in: JSSt. 49 (2004) 336-338
Rezension: Peters, Kathleen W.. , in: RBLit. 6 (2004) 63-66
Library of Congress Classification: ML166
Dewey Decimal Classification: 930
This book contains the first study of the musical culture of ancient Israel/Palestine based primarily on the archaeological record. Noted musicologist Joachim Braun explores the music of the Holy Land region of the Middle East, tracing its form and development from its beginning in the Stone Age to the fourth century A.D. This is not a study of "music in the Bible" or music in "biblical times" but a unique, in-depth investigation of the historical periods and cultures that influenced the music of the region and its people. Braun combines significant archaeological findings - musical instruments, terra cotta and metal figures, etched stone illustrations, mosaics - with evidence drawn from written (mainly biblical) texts and anthropological, sociological, and linguistic sources. The portrait Braun assembles of this past musical world is both fascinating and innovative, suggesting a reconsideration of many views long accepted by tradition. Enhanced with numerous illustrations and photographs that bring the archaeological evidence to life, this exceptional work will be a valued resource for scholars, students, and general readers interested in the history of music, biblical studies, Jewish studies, and the cultures of the ancient Near East.
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